img “ you know where to find me , i know where to look. ” img img TC !? or . . . BERRY img HY SHI DEY intersex tfemneumasc img pangender sapphillean taken img /qp 8teen ! mixed asian img

system info . . . back . . . interests img


BYF some rts may be of suggestive art (i never rt sexual art ever) i like to draw nsx nudity and may post it im very very passionate abt my special interests i'm..sigh, catholic . i say slurs i can reclaim i may tweet in japanese . semi selective fb i leave and join subtwts often i dont tag hyperfixations or ships tl>>>dms, im very awkward i block freely, if you annoy me ill block you img DNI ed/shtwt , hardcore anitwt think blackwashing exists or support whitewashing proshipper/comship/lolishota , map/zoos pro isreal or anti palestine support creators like dream or wilbur soot img “ just because we had sex and it didn't last now you want revenge, you want to put me on blast? don't make me laugh. ”

Pub: 11 Dec 2023 14:57 UTC
Edit: 21 Dec 2024 16:41 UTC
Views: 996