You are Anon and you're currently stuck in a adoption center
Not here to adopt a pet mind you, but to be adopted
Apparantly you drank way too much last week and somehow got transported to another dimension where anthropomorphic animals are sapient and keep humans as pets
And since you woke up in a park, without clothings or collar they assumed you were a feral one
Having spent days in a cage only to be fed kibble took a toll on your sanity
Not to become completely hopeless you told yourself that you were probably dreaming and just in a coma at an hospital, it was honestly the best explanation for this situation
From your observations it seemed like humans here are vastly different here than on Earth, behaving and acting more like animals.
This world was basically a reverse from Earth, you were at least relieved that humans weren't an inteligent species kept as slaves
Despite the madness all around you were pretty happy that they haven't neutered you, from the looks of other humans in cages it seemed like not everyone had your luck
It was now a full week that you were kept in this adoption center and you slowly lost all hope from escaping, if it was like home you would either starve on the streets or get "fixed" by animals regulation
So you just sat in your cage, waiting for something to happen, at this point anything would be a blessing, your boredom was killing you.
Your silent prayer was answered as a bell rang, pulling you from your slumber
You heard a male voice conversing with the owner of the center who was a huge alligator lady
Not gonna lie she had godly assets but she still had a maw filled with razor sharp teeth that could gut you in a instant
Even with that you still had fear fuelled boners whenever you thinked about her, the loneliness was starting to get on to you
You didn't bother to listen to what they said, too busy with your thoughts to care
At last you noticed the Gator lady leading a family of three, showing them the various humans the center had
Compared to the native humans, you were pretty tall, towering them with your 6.2 height while they were all barely above 5 feets, as well as more muscled all thanks to your years of dedication at the local gym
As the sounds of footsteps approached near your cage, you could finally see who they were. A man in his early 50', a similarly aged female, and a much younger woman about 20 years old from what you could guess, all rats with grey fur
The young lady instantly took notice of you and her eyes beamed as she looked at you
"Oh Father look at him he's so cute ! And he's so different from the others !"
Alright it really was a nuclear family of talking rats
Realizing that it may be your only chance of getting out of this cage, you pressed your hand against the bars as a request to take her hand
Without hesitations she gently took your hand and rubbed your skin lovingly
Her dad and mom were currently busy talking with the Gator, but their daughter was quick to notice them that her choice had been made and looks like she wanted you
After a small talk with her parents she was finally successfull in convincing them to take you in
It was thirty minutes after that they were done signing adoption papers, and taking the occasion to also buy you various things like what seemed to be a dog bed, chew toys, along with a leash and a collar.
The daughter ran up to you then opened your cage
"I'm so happy Anon ! You'll see we'll have a great time all together !"
She even named you on the spot, could have been worse to be honest
You could have been named something like Rex or Billy
You weren't sure how to react but since you here to stay you'll have to play along
Slowly you got up from your prison and your new life started, with a excited rat girl beaming at you

A few weeks has passed since your new family took you in
Turned out they were and above middle class living in a plain house in the suburbs
It was what you expected from a happy family like this, a nice, clean, and comfy place to live
But not what you expected from rats, you always thought rats were unclean and bearer of diseases
Looks in this world they were just normal people, and you haven't seen if they have any racism here
For now you lived relatively happily with your owners, and especially with the daughter named Zosha
From what you gathered she was their only child, and she was basically a wonderful woman
Exellent grades, respectful, always cheerful and kind
She always adressed her parents as Mother and Father so you never got her parents name
Not that it mattered, they didn't really pay attention to you other than grounding you when you got on the couch
Zosha's family really was strict, always reprimanded for whatever.
They were especially harsh with their daughter, always pushing her to study more. You quickly figured out that she was a pretty introverted and sheltered girl because of it, never really going out and doing much other than studying.
You were even more affectionate toward her when you learned that, she really seems to have something else on her mind than studies and lectures from her parents
It was still pure bliss to live with Zosha, she even let you stayed in her room when she got home after school, and after her recent birthday she also got you to sleep with her on her bed. Her parents weren't for the idea but since she got plenty of good grades home they thought she deserved a reward
That day you finally got to experience resting on a real bed, savoring every sensation as you rolled in the sheets
Zosha looked at you from her desk amused, "Oh Anon you're always so cute doing that ! I don't blame you, I guess it really change to get a real bed huh ?" She giggle and got back to her work on her laptop
After what seemed to be an hour, you slowly got up from your bed to watch what Zosha was doing on her laptop
Looks like she was done studying for the day and instead looked at Youtube for cute human videos
Seeing you were looking at her screen, she giggle again, "Silly Anon ! I really wish you could see that, humans are so adorable !"
Humans in this world were incapable of watching TV screens or similar things, for them it only appeared as static and blurr
But she of course didn't know that
Not really interested in looking at more human videos you got back up on her bed to rest
You were quickly awaken by weird animal sounds coming from her computer
Curious you looked at what she was doing and watching
Zosha was already looking at you, grinning and giggling to herself as the video in the background continued to play
Looking at the screen, you found out that she had put a "human howling compilation" video to get a reaction from you
Not interested you rested back on the bed, your head in the pillows and sheets
"Aww that didn't work... maybe another will work ?" You heard her say
After a few other videos of human mating call, and seeing you didn't care at all she stopped
At last you could now rest
Hours later, late at night, you woke up to find her still on her desk looking at her laptop
She looked really nervous, she glanced a fear filled look at your passed out form on the bed, then at her door
Blushing red, she got up from her chair and slowly got up to her bedroom's door and locked it
You had suspicions of what she was going to do
Zosha plugged in her earbuds and after a few click and typing you saw that you were right
Even from afar you could clearly reconize a porn site layout, turned out even the most sheltered girl needed some release from time to time
Curious, you watched her put on a video and slowly put her fingers inside her pants
Just a few seconds you head the first whimpers and quiet cry of pleasure. Hearing that, you didn't really know what to do
Your pulsating member however, pleaded you for release
You admited it was really hot, and Zosha herself wasn't so bad
A petite build with a nicely shaped ass and waist, she did lack in the breasts section but that didn't matter too much to you, she was still unbelievably sexy
Lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice her shutting off her laptop and turning up to you

Be Zosha
Ever since you discovered those dirty website you've grown fetish for humans
You couldn't keep your fingers to yourself and every occasion was good for you to have a bit of fun on the computer
It really helped that you had your own bedroom but you were really fearful of what Father would do if he found out
Tonight was no exeption, and your lust quickly grew out of control a few hours into the night
Looking back at Anon passed out on your bed, you couldn't help to feel attracted to him
Strong and tall, way better than most humans that's for sure
Slowly you got up to lock your door, better safe than sorry
With trembling fingers you plugged in your earbuds and sat up and researched your new favorite website
An adult site solely reserved for Anthros with Humans videos
Your groin growing even hotter , you excitedly put on a video then worked your fingers down your pants
One complete hour later and you still didn't orgasmed once, your legs were soaking wet with your juices and the chair will definitely have stains
But at the moment you couldn't care less, you needed release
Anon was still in your room, sleeping in your bed
Your Anon, your human
A dirty thought passed through your head, and just thinking about it got you even more wet
Your legs shaking, you got up from your chair, you glanced at Anon and his muscled form
"Oh Lord above I can't believe i'm doing this..."
You quickly undressed yourself naked and approached the bed
You got up on the bed and slowly crawled toward your human, then gently massaged his legs
"A-Anon ? Are you awake.. ? I-I really could use your help.."

Be Anon
Facing her you couldn't believe it
Zosha was naked, sitting next to you and eying you up. Biting her lips and gently touching and pinching her dripping lowerlips
Very quickly she took notice of your rock hard member
"Ohh Anon.. i really can't believe i'm about to say this.. But I need you.."
You steadily got up, and took her in your arms, gently locking her in your embrace
With lust filled eyes she looked up to you and pressed her lips against yours, languishingly kissing you and exploring your mouth with her tongue
Slightly surprised, you quickly got up to her pace and kissed her back with genuine passion
A moan her lips while you descended your own fingers on her lowerlips
As her moans doubled in intensity, you started to caress and explore her nether region, lightly pressing your fingers on her love button
A cry of pleasure escaped her mouth as she stopped her kissing to moan and gasp
"Ohh Anon.. i've never felt this before.. Can you continue... ?"
With fervour you continued to caress, pinch, and tease her dripping lips and sweet spot
It was not too long after that with a final moan and her legs shaking she orgasmed on your fingers, coating you in her love juices
Panting, she kissed you again with a mixture of lust and love then kissed your cheek and got her soft hands on your burning member
"Looks like you also need my help Anon.. I really hope i'm good enough for you..", Grinning, she started to slowly caress your length and testicles, smearing your own juice over your shaft and her hand
Curiously, she got her soaked hand to her mouth, and licked it
That sight alone made your cock twitch harder
"Delicious.. and so intoxicating... I need more of you Anon..."
Without warning she pushed back into the bed, and lowered herself down to your twitching member
Deeply inhaling your scent, her legs quivered and shaked with renewed fevor, and greedily got her tongue out and on your throbbing shaft
While she clearly lacked in practice, she made her with burning passion, covering each inch of your skin in kisses and licks
Feeling yourself come close you moaned in pleasure while arching your back
With a groan you came all over your shaft and her tongue
Zosha didn't waste any time on licking you clean and savoring your taste while moaning and panting herself
"Oh God Anon I feel like i'm addicted to you...", She said nervously, then blushed even harder behind her fur and got on all four on the sheets
"Please Anon, I need it..."
Just as quickly as she ordered it, you got up behind her and began pushing your burning rod in between her soaked lips
With a gasp and a moan, she shivered on your touch as you grabbed her ass and hips, "Good boy Anon.. Keep going.. "
You didn't need any more encouragement, you pushed your cock even further inside her, until your hips smacked against her sizable ass
With a louder moan, she picked up a pillow and burried her head in it, attempting to mute her moaning and cries of pleasure
You heard her muffle something but didn't hear exactly what she said, with a shrug you gently slapped her ass cheeks and began to rut her on the bed
You could feel yourself lose it to the sensations, on how her walls were gripping tight around your length, reluctant to let you go, but shaking even harder as you plunged back in
Zosha wasn't faring much better than you, drooling on her pillow, her legs shaking, lost in the divine sensations
Not able to resist any longer, your member spasmed inside her before filling her with your juice, both of you groaning and moaning with intense pleasure
Moments after you collapsed on her back, panting heavily, still twitching and releasing your seed inside her
Rolling on your side, you took her back into your arms and kissed her gently on the lips
Still slightly moaning, she returned the kiss and broke it a few minutes after, blushing and avoiding eyes contact
"That was incredible Anon.. thank you so much...", With that said she embraced you one more time
Still cuddled in your arms, you both rested on the stained sheets, and with a satisfied sigh she kissed you again and said a few words that filled you with a certain warmth you haven't felt in years
"I love you Anon..."
Moments after you were both asleep, resting lightly with a smile on her face

Waking up in the morning the first thing you feel is the warm embrace of Zosha, her tail wrapped around your leg
You couldn't deny that the sight was insanely cute
Naked from last night business, a brief glance to the window showed you it was still dark outside
You rested back on the bed, half asleep with your adorable rat mistress in your arms. You definitely could wait ten more minutes before you had to wake her up to clean everything, that's gonna be an issue... both for cleaning and waking her up, it would be heart wrenching for you to shake her from her slumber
Resting on the love stained sheets, you unconsciously began to scratch her short fur on her lower back. Looks like she approved if her light moans were to say anything
Finally deciding to wake her, you move your lips toward her owns and softly kissed her, all while caressing her long black hairs
Minutes after she slowly started to awaken, opening her deep blue eyes to the sight of you
Not an once of nervousity in her eyes, only joy and love, although tired from last night's ordeal and her overall lack of sleep
"So it was not a dream after all... I've never been so happy to be wrong...", She giggled softly before yawning
"Sorry Anon... I guess i'm still exhausted from before... why did you wake me though ?", She asked curiously, her eyes still half closed while her cheek rested on the palm of your hand
You silently pointed out the stains on the sheets with a flick of your finger
About a second later she now truly realised the state of her bedroom, and inhaled deeply the scent of her room before she darted off her bed in panic
"Anon !", She immediately regreted her shouting and pressed both her hands over her mouth, after a deep breath from her she continued on a hushed tone, "A-Anon... it's not against you but we REALLY have to clean the room right now ! If Father and Mother find out we're both good as dead !"
Telling she wasn't actually kidding with this, you got up and opened her window wide to let fresh air in, all the while she frantically tried to wash the stains from the carpet and sheets, "This is really bad Anon ! What are we gonna do !", distress clearly heard in her voice and close to hyperventilating
You quickly stopped what you were doing to cup her in your arms and kissing her on the cheek, trying to get her to stay calm. Half a minute later and a couple of deep breath she calmed down "Alright A-Anon.. we can still salvage this... We have to take a shower, my scent is all over you and my parents would notice instantly", With a shove she pushed you into her private bathroom right next to her room
A quick paced shower later, you got back in her bedroom to find Zosha still trying to get the smell of sex out of her room by spraying her deodorant. Noticing you she got up to your face and pressed her muzzle against your chest and inhaled, before doing the same on your neck. "Alright.. Good enough, at least you have my scent off. Anon could you sneak up in the laundry to find whatever soap would get rid of the stains ? I don't think putting those dirty sheets directly in the bins would go unoticed very long..."
With that said she swiftly went into the shower and the sound of water falling down and scrubbing was heard. You dressed yourself in your underwear and pants before heading to the laundry room, hopefully finding something useful
A glance toward the counter and you noticed a small note next to it, quickly reading it you learned that Zosha's parents were off for a week for a business trip
It was rather cute to read her parents calling her their 'adorable pumpkin pie' and wishing her a good week, along with instructions on how to prepare herself food and what to feed you
Well that's a relief, you wouldn't have to worry about her parents chasing you out of the house yet. And you didn't have to clean just yet, that got you an idea... a wonderful idea
Taking the note with you, and double checking to see if her parents car was really gone, you got back up to her room. Still hearing the water pouring down in the bathroom, you undressed yourself completely
About fifteen minutes later the flow of water stopped and Zosha stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel and steam gushing through the open door
Zosha was quick to become aware of your presence, now naked on the bed, your manhood facing proudly toward her while you rested on your side
Blushing heavily, she tried to avoid looking at your muscled naked form and struggled to form a coherent sentence, "A-Anon ! I told you to help me clean all this until Father find out ! You are not helping by.. by... showing me y-your assets.."
Smiling, you got up and took her into your arms, and showed her the note you find on the kitchen counter
Watching her read the note, you noticed her eyes widden in realisation, and what that note meant for her and you
"Anon... Are we really going to be alone for a week... ?", she murmured, swallowing nervously and uncounsciouly resting her hands on your back and butt, "Well... I guess we don't have to clean just yet...", She giggled again and quickly removed the towel, revealing her perfect naked body, her fur still slightly damp from the shower
Quick to respond, you led back her into the bed, both of you resting again on the dirty sheets
Zosha quickly assumed the same position as earlier, resting on her side and pressed toward you, her small, but adorable, chest pressed against yours, her arms around you and her muzzle deeply nuzzled in your neck
With a sight of contentment she allowed herself to relax from her stressful awakening, you couldn't resist scratching her fur and her back again
A small moan escaped her lips that only allowed her to press herself deeper in your embrace, "Anon this feels heavenly... if only we could stay like this forever...", with that said, she closed her eyes and permitted sleep to take her back
Smiling, you kissed her on the forehead, savoring the moment of before falling back asleep, your cute Zosha resting against you

A couple hours later past noon, you slowly start to wake up alonside Zosha, "Hm... we really slept too much, though I wish we could stay longer in bed...", She giggled softly before lazily getting up and dressed all the while you did the same.
She looked at you, clapped her hands and exclaimed, "Okay Anon ! We have the house for ourselves but no slacking alright ? I still have my studies, but I promise you that after that we'll have plenty of time to have some fun !", her eyes beamed again saying that, and took her laptop and school books with her, "I'm gonna study on the couch, wanna come with me boy ?"
You throw on some underwear and a pair of shorts, then followed your mistress into the living room where she leisurely plopped on the couch
Opening up her books and laptop you noticed she was already deep in her 'study mode', in this state nothing could get in her way of her studies and could stay like this for hours
Your stomach grumbling, you decided to make dinner for you and your studious rat owner
Preparing a couple of snacks from what you gathered in the fridge, you got back to Zosha
Not instantly realising that you were there, she was pleasantly surprised when she looked back at you, giving her a full plate of sandwich along with a tall glass of orange juice, "Oh thanks Anon ! Don't know how I didn't even notice I was hungry !",
She leaned in for a quick kiss on the lips before blushing in realisation, "God... it's going to take me some time to get used to this... I still can't believe what we did last night...", taking in account what she just said, she quickly stammered "N-not that I didn't like it of course !"
Before she could embarrass herself further, you want back in for a languorous kiss. After a brief moment of surprise she returned the kiss as sensually as you, silently caressing your chest and back
Moments after you two broke the kiss, a thin tray of saliva still connecting your mouths
Blushing even redder than before, she was swift to clean it with the back of her hand and taking the plate of snack, "A-Anyway...", breathing deeply and trying to hide her blush, "Thanks for the food Anon I needed it", she smiled warmly at you and the both of you began eating on the couch
She couldn't help but giggle at the situation, "Lord above why am I so nervous about this... it's not like we did something wrong right ? I mean, I can see you're clearly way more intelligent than the other humans.. at this point I could practically consider you as my Boyfriend !"
Saying that she broke up in a nervous fit of giggles but smiled at you once again before kissing you on the cheek, "Alright enough chatting Anon ! I gotta get back to my stuff !", with that said the both of you finally began eating
The following hours were filled with you cuddling against Zosha all the while she continued to relentlessly study her cursus, sometime cheekily kissing you on the cheek or lips before giggling
Shuting off her laptop and closing her books, it seemed she was finally done with her learning for today, since it was the end of school year you think she had important tests for her graduation
Sighing slightly getting up to stretch while closing her eyes in contentment, "Well... that's that for now, even with my finals in barely a week, i'm feeling even more confident than before !"
Playfully grinning at you, she continued "So Anon.. now that we are done for today... does some fun sounds good to you perhaps ?"
You were definitely ready for this, your mind already filled with dirty thoughts from the night before. You happily nodded and her smile only extended further
"Great ! You'll see we'll have tons of fun together !"
You're rather taken aback when you see her turning on both the large TV in front of the couch as well as her console, weird that you didn't notice that she had this before
On top of that, you really didn't expect to see her putting a video game on, and seeing the Just Dance title screen
"Come on Anon it's a real simple game, all you have to do is watch me and mimick my moves and keep up !", she practically exlaim already bouncing up with joy
She put on a song and start dancing, replicating the dance shown on the moves list on the left
"Look at me Anon ! After that we're doing it together !", she laugh and continue to dance, you could tell she played this game for a very long time based on how she did every move perfectly
Honestly, watching Zosha happily dance to Don't Stop Me Now was a thousand times better than regular sex, she even sang along the lyrics
While she wasn't the most talented singer, she wasn't terrible either, it made it even cuter in your opinion
The song ended and interrupted your daydreaming about the cute dancing rat in front of you
Not waiting for you, she took your hands and led you up in front of the tv
"Alright Anon I hope you studied my moves ! If you get lost just look at me for what to do !", laughing again she launch the same song again
You did play this game before, but that was years ago while you were still in highschool at a party with friends, and from what you remember it got exhausting after a while of dancing
Well, time to see if your time to the gym improved your stamina
Of course you struggle to do any movements shown on screen, while Zosha do them perfectly right next to you
She looks like she's having a great time, laughing and singing along, and you really don't want to let her down so you double your efforts in doing your best performance possible
The song finally end and you pant for breath while Zosha is still laughing and bouncing around
"See Anon it was so much fun ! Come we still have the whole playlist to finish, no slacking for my best side dancer !"
God help you, at least her constant happy behavior will make it bearable
Almost two hours later she was finally done dancing, and you were like in a semi comatose state on the carpet
Seeing you she immediately start to pout and cross her arms on her chest, "Oh come on Anon that wasn't so bad !", she then smiles at you before giggling and helping you get up, "Get up boy, we're going to take a nice long shower now, and i'll need your help to wash my back !"
You finally get up with her help, and the both of you go to the bathroom in Zosha's bedroom
At least during this session of dancing you could appreciate how insanely cute Zosha was, and how her waist and butt jiggled and swayed slightly on each moves, what a sight that was
You both remove your clothings and step up in the shower, but before you could turn on the hot water you feel Zosha pressing herself against you and deeply inhaling your scent before speaking, "Ah so this is where this smell come from... Can't say i'm surprised, but God your scent is so strong and... alluring...", she nervously giggle before taking a tentative lick on your neck, followed by your chest and arms
You decide to let her have her fun, you're also enjoying this slight worship yourself, finally done with tasting you she get back to your lips before kissing you, "A bit salty... but kind of addicting !", still giggling she finally turn on the hot water
She's still pressed against you and let the water fall on her fur, then rubbing herself on your wet exposed skin, "I don't really want to use my hands to wash today... I don't think that's gonna be a problem though, I have you to help me now !" Grinning to you and still rubbing her fur against you, you can't help to do the same, savoring the divine sensation of her soaked fur brushing against you
Moaning slightly, she blush before doing it more sensually, "Anon... could perhaps... scratch my back.. ?"
Answering her request, you move your hands on her back, before scratching and rubbing it with great care and love, but judging by the tone she had she probably wants you to go lower than that
Your move your fingers downward before gropping her large butt and waist and caressing them
You hear her yelp in surprise, but that seemed to have it's effect because she immediatly begin to roughly kiss you, exploring your mouth with her tongue
Pulling out with a tray of saliva, you feel her legs shaking against yours all the while you playfully slap and caress her butt
She heavely blush before turning her head away, avoiding all eye contact with you, "Anon... please don't laugh but I saw it in a... educationnal video and I kinda want to try it.."
You massage her waist, encouraging her to get on with whatever fantasy she had, coming from her you wouldn't be shocked anyway
Taking a deep breath, and opening her mouth she quickly blurt out "couldyoupleaseeatmeoutagainstheglasspanelplease?"
You definitely didn't expect the attempt at dirty talking, and coming from her you almost burst out laughing but you really don't want to make her unconfortable, she's already dying from shame of just said it
You lovingly take her in your arms before kissing her on the lips, then her forehead
Sighing in relief, she return the kiss before murmuring, "Alright that was awkward... but at least I didn't weird you out so that's a good thing !", fidgeting on her feets, she continue, "So uhm... could you... you know.. ?"
Taking up on her offer, you pass your hands on her hips before moving her back against the shower's glass panel, then planting kisses on her fur, starting from her cheeks and neck down to her pubis
Even from the foreplay she's shivering and already soaking her inner thighs
"T-That's a good boy... more Anon...", she whimpers
You lower your head a bit more, then plant a first kiss right on her wet lips
Zosha yelp and start shaking, but not giving her a moment to rest you surround her love button with your lips before lavishly licking her and biting her very softly
The effect is immediate and she start to scream in pleasure and buck her hips against you
Taking that as a taking as a compliment, you continue your relentless assault on her poor clitoris and pussy lips
Shivering against each of your touch and still screaming she place her hands on the back of your head before burying your face in between her thigh, roughly bucking against you
"Ahh f-fuck Anon ! I-It's so good to be able to scream, my Love !", Her eyes closed and head resting on the glass panel and heavely panting with her tongue out, she orgasm onto you, flooding you with her juices
Moaning and still bucking her hips against your face, you still lick and kiss in rythm with her orgasm
Finally calming down, she let your head free before panting for breath and trying to stop her shiverings

"Ohh Anon that was... incredible..", she sigh in satisfaction

You feel her gaze lovingly linger on you, then at your now rock hard manhood
Playfully winking at you, she helps you get up and press you back against the panel, the contrast between her steamy hot fur and the cold glass making you moan
Lowering herself down on her knees and against your crotch, she get her tongue out and begin to gently lick your shaft and tip covered in pre, "Well.. looks like you have a nice gift for me Anon... oh you shouldn't have !", she laugh
"I've never actually done this before... and covering you in kisses and licks is maybe good but I want to try something more... exciting...", with a nervous giggle she begin to wrap her lips around your head, before trying to take your length in her mouth
She's struggling and gagging quite a bit from your size and her inexperience
Still moaning and lost in pleasure, you rest your hands on her soaked hairs and caress her gently, silently appreciating her efforts
That seems to have the desired effect because you feel her trying to relax her throat around your shaft, and begin to bob her head up and down, taking more of the length after each movement
You haven't felt like this in a long time, and soon your legs start to shake and you instinctively buck your hips, making her swallow even more of your pulsating member everytime
You feel her hands slowly cupping your heavy testicles, and soon the sensations are too much for you to handle and you release yourself inside her, flooding her in return with your boiling hot seed
You can hear her yelp again in surprise but that is quickly muffled out by the torrents of your semen deversing in her mouth
After your orgasm is done, you moan and sigh in satisfaction before hearing her pop her mouth out of your manhood, before getting up to you and swallowing your load, looking at you lovingly in the eyes the entire time
How could that woman be so unbelievably AND cute at the same time you didn't know
Giggling to herself she finally say, "Thanks Anon, that really was something, I loved it !", lining in for a kiss, you return her passion, your tongues meeting and massaging each other
Breaking up the kiss, she blush, "Well, good thing my parents aren't here... They would have definitely heard this... Not mentionning all the water we wasted !", Laughing, she turn off the shower before taking your hand and leading you out, and throwing you a towel
"Come on boy, let's dry off and then to bed we go !"
Quickly drying yourself, you jump to bed and the both of you cuddle up in the sheets, deeply pressing herself against you and resting her head on your chest
"... We really need to clean up the sheets tomorow, they still reeks of our night of love... not that I personally mind of course !", Giggling once again, she pull herself up for a quick kiss on your cheek, before cuddling back against you
"Thank you again Anon... I'm so glad to have you, you know...", She yawn before kissing your chest and closing her eyes
"Good night Love...", with that said, you embrace her in your arms, the both of you slowly falling to slumber

The next few days were rythmed by Zosha's frantic studying sessions, and your attempts to help her relax by lovingly massaging her back and stiff muscles
This week was supposed to be the last week of vacation before her finals took place, she only had three to four days left now at most
With as much she's revising you're 100% sure that she'll pass with honors, you don't know how this world fully work but depending on her score she might get lot of financial aid or free tuition
But even the most hard working person need some rest from time to time, and it wasn't the daily massages in the shower and the cuddling in bed that were going to help her, she really needed to go out
You were surprised to learn that she didn't have friends at her school, apparantly studying so much she forgot to even have a social life
You kinda felt bad for her, she's a genuine sweet girl. Well, at least she was all for you
Taking the matter in your own hands, you decide that today would be Zosha's day, no studies at all
As the both of you sit on the couch and she prepare to open her books and laptop, you stop her and try to convey your idea
She seems honestly surprised about your proposition, "A-A day without revising at all ? I haven't done this in years... I-I should get loose a bit but my finals are in barely a week Anon ! I can't just drop it all !"
You explain that burning herself out won't do her any good, and even risk the success of her tests and mental health
There's a slight silence of a couple seconds, before she sigh and drop her head in defeat, "Alright Love I guess you're right... But only one day, nothing more !"
As a reply you go wrap her in your arms, affectionately squeezing her as she blush and giggle, "So Anon... what did you have in mind then ? Watching TV and massaging me some more ?"
You motion her to go outside with you, a walk in the local park could help her clean her mind and be able to think straight for her finals
She seems quite embarassed as she speaks, "A-Anon... I don't go out often, I usually prefer to stay confortable at home and enjoying your company... But for you i'll try for once, who knows maybe it will be fun !"
You happily move up and open the door to the outside, breathing fresh air before she stops you by pulling you toward her and shooting an apologetic look, "I'm terribly sorry Love but I need to put you on a leash until we reach the park..."
Seeing your scowl of disapproval she quickly add stuttering, "I know you hate it... but don't worry Anon it's only for a couple of minutes then i'll take it off I promise ! You and I could get in lots of troubles if you get catched without your collar and leash..."
You are clearly not happy about it, but you conced that she's right, and you really don't want her to have a dispute with her parents on why you were taken to the pound while attempting to have a walk with Zosha
She's as unconfortable as you when she put the collar around your neck as well as your leash, "I don't like it either don't have to worry, I won't pull on it, I'll just keep it loose in my hand", she reassure you with a warm smile and a quick peck on the cheek and lips
You step outside and enter the streets of her suburbs, and both go on your way to the park
True to her word, she doesn't pull your leash or firmly hold it
As you finally arrive at the park she seems quite relaxed, breathing in large amount of fresh airs and you notice she's slightly bouncing in her steps
You take it to the next level and sneakily take her hand in your own
By her blushing and her eyes darting everywhere to see if anyone's looking you can tell she's nervous, but not doing anything about the lewd handholding
"A-Anon... We look like a couple... ", hiding one of her eye with a stray lock of her hairs she quickly add, "Not that we aren't of course... but what other people will think about this.. ?"
She's clearly nervous about being the center of attention
With a smirk you decide to help her overcome her shyness, and swiftly scoop her bellow the waist and pull her on your shoulders
With a yelp of surprise and embarrassment she settles on your shoulders and balance herself confortably, "Alright anon that was surprising ! C-could you let me down though... people are watching..", she whisper trying not to get noticed
You can only laugh and start jogging along the dirt path of the park at a brisk pace
Depsite her size she's fairly heavy, you can only guess the size of her nice backside and thighs make most of her weight
After her initial fright of falling and shyness from being seen, she's now laughing merrily as you run
Savoring the fresh airs entering your lungs, you can't help but smile and get a warm feeling as her happy giggles fill the air, not caring anymore about anything other than having a great time with her human
You finish your run thirty minutes later, exhausted with the added weight on your shoulders but her radient smile and her love filled eyes were definitely worth it
You gently set her down and upon seeing your tired posture she lunge back at you and try to support you with her arms, "Anon you should have told me you were tired ! Come on now, let's go home take a nice long shower and off to bed okay ?"
As you limp with her, trying to catch your breath she add "But thank you Love... that was so much fun ! It's been a while since I did a day without studying... guess I really needed that huh ?", she giggle as your give her a thumb up
"You know.. I wouldn't mind more days like this... It's definitely good to relax for a bit.. But only after my finals are done !", she pulls you in a tight hug, kissing you on the neck, "And who knows, maybe a bit of a celebration after all of this is done ?", your knees feel even weaker when she seductively winks at you, God you loved that woman

Pub: 21 Aug 2024 00:50 UTC
Views: 234