They'd pulled up at the side of the road, miles away from anything else. The last town they'd passed had been two hours ago, a dingy Scottish hamlet full of ancient looking fogies.
They'd stared at Quinn as she screamed at her mother in the car park of a half abandoned garage.
"YOU HATE ME!" She had yelled, spit flying from her mouth, her arms flung back and her fiery red hair whipping about her face as she shouted. The two hours from there to where they had parked had been filled with stoney silence, after her mother had dragged her back into the car, ashen faced.
Jessy, sat in the corner, blushed at the sight of her daughters vagina, and squirmed a little in her seat. Was the surface of it vibrating a little?
"If all you want me to do is shave it off, I'll be more than happy to do it now!" Quinn said quickly
"I'm sure that you are," Taggert replied gently, "but I'm afraid that's hardly all that needs to be done here.
"At this point" She said, to Jessy over her shoulder. "I usually like to let the mothers take care of shaving their daughters, so if you'd like to, I'd be happy to let you do it?"
Jessy Jumped, tarring her hand out from between her legs, blushing and looking away. "I see you are busy. Alice!"
"Of course you will," Harriet replied, lining up the needle with Quinn's now engorged clit, "In fact, I can guarantee that you'll do exactly what I say without a moments hesitation."
Quinn cried and tried to buck her hips, but Taggert pressed her down firmly.
"That's a good girl," Harriet said softly as Quinn stopped struggling and lay dead still on the examining table, "This will sting for just a second or two, after that you won't feel a thing."
Quinn gripped the edge of the table with all her might, but it didn't prepare her for the pain that seared her clit. Like a hot poker, it felt thousands of times larger than it was, ripping through her mind like shards of ice. But the pain dissipated quickly, several wet tears slid down her cheeks never the less.
"Now," Taggert said, as Quinn eased and began squirming. "I'll install the main controlling mechanism in her pussy."
With a great deal of interest, both Jessy and Quinn peered into Taggert's hand, where lay a small gold ring that glistened brightly under the artificial lights.
"W-what is it," Quincy asked, preparing herself for the worst.
"It's a clit ring," Harriet said evenly, "The needle part," she said coldly, and with relish, "goes right through your clit and, out the other side. Since this is a permanent installation, a tiny drop of gold solder will keep it in place forever."
"Y-you can't do that to me." Quincy shrieked, "I-I'll call the police or something! Oh please, Mom! Don't let her maim me!"
Taggert looked over to Jessy, who sat there worried now. Running through her head, all the things that had happened that day, and doubts mounted. a
In a calm clear voice Taggert said:"Don't get cold feet now, Mrs. Davis, this is all for the best. I can assure you that this clit ring will do more to control your daughter than anything else you could come up with."
"But… But how does it work?" Jessy asked, shakily.
"Well," Taggert replied, "inside the ring is a microchip that works much like the vibrator. Though, as I'm sure you can ascertain, a vibration deep inside of a vagina is a very different thing, to the same sensation directly on your clitoris. Plus, it has other… tricks."
Jessy thought about it for a minute or so, then replied, "I can see that, but how do you discipline these girls by pleasuring their p… pussies, when it's so… pleasant."
"Now that, is a very good question," Taggert replied quickly, "but the answer is in the second chip in this ring, and this little device." She held up a black, rubber oval, with a small tube protruding from it.
"What on earth is that," Joan asked perplexedly, "it looks like a weird sanitary pad…"
"Sanitary pad indeed!" Harriets Taggert replied, "It's made out of material a bit like what is used in bullet proof vests, but rubberized. It's practically indestructible. At least, capable of resisting any attempt by our girls to remove it once it's set in place."
"But how do they… you know…" Joan asked, taking the device from Taggert and looking it over carefully.
"That tube slots into the urethra." Harriet explained, "They get used to it. But once the device is on, and locked in place, it is impossible for a girl to sexually relieve herself. Ever. The more they struggle, the worse they have to put up with."
"But the ring, and the vibe…" Jessy continued.
"Which is the role of the second chip, it's all very exiting. Electrifying, you might say." Taggert grinned.
Taggert returned her attention to Quinn's clitoris. She pinched the engorged and still wet skin, and in a couple of seconds, she had successfully threaded the ring through the little head. With one hand, she threaded it in place, and with the other, she pressed a small red button on a console by the table.
Quinn felt a small, faint bolt of heat, then nothing.
"Good," Taggert announced, "All done, now all we have to do is put the chastity cover on her, and she'll be all fixed." Taggert said, crouching in between Quinn's legs.
She carefully slotted the tube on the cover into Quinn's urethra.
Quinn squealed and tried to pull her legs together, to block the intrusion. Unsuccessfully. The black tube slid completely in, and Quinn shuddered. As it hit the heat and moisture of the soft and smooth flesh, the rubber flexed, spreading and molding to the soft lines of Quinn's pussy. Then, it tautened, gripping to the flesh, falling flush, flat as if it had been painted on.
"All done, she'll be a fine pet from now on." Taggert stood, and pressed a button to release the clamps on Quinn's limbs.
Quinn jumped, literally, at the chance, and ran to her mother. She could feel the movement of the vibe in her Pussy, it pulsed minutely. A slight ache in her clit told her the anesthetic was beginning to wear off. But of her newly installed cover, she could feel nothing, but the awkward presence of a foreign object in her urethra.
"Let's see how you look, honey." Jessy said to her daughter, holding her at arms length.
"It looks awful!" Quincy wailed, "I don't wanna wear this thing! Remove it, NOW!" but her struggles to tug it off, even to find grip on it were as fruitless as her attempts to escape the examining table.
All she felt was smooth skin on her pussy, the only difference being that she could not slip even a single finger into her tight hole.
Finally she quit fighting and stood, glaring at Taggert. Waiting.
"What!" She yelled across the room, at the woman who had maimed her cunt.
The next second, she discovered exactly 'what'.
All at once her clitoris seemed to burst aflame as Taggert activated her clit ring, sending the poor girl reeling across the room, trying desperately to remove the patch protecting her now impenetrable pussy. She scratched manically at her soft vulva, her juices seeping through the material making it harder and harder to grab. A finger slipped into her virgin anus, she squealed and whipped her hands away.
"See what we do, to bad little girls." Harriet said softly, turning up the power, bringing her to the edge of a brutal orgasm, she fell against the wall and cried aloud as she realized the true horror.
She felt the ring buzz as a shock ran all through her pussy, and the build orgasm slipped away, leaving her empty and unsatisfied.
"P-please," she moaned, as her cunt flew into overdrive again.
"The second chip…" Jessy murmured, watching her daughter blushing, and shaking. Seeing glistening juices flowing from between her legs.
"I can't stand it anymore! Please! No more, no more…" Quinn was so far gone that even though her cunt was a burning cauldron of sexual excitement, the overload was so great, that she began slipping into unconsciousness.
Jessy finally broke. She took her daughter in her arms, kissed her gently on the cheek, wished her well and quickly left the building.
Tears began forming in Quincy's eyes when she realized that she was now truly alone.
As she slipped away into blessed sleep, her pussy exhausted, aching and unsatisfied, she felt strong arm pick her from the floor.
To be continued...
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