I love Mimori
I hope this helps you
TO DO: Check OP replies a few times for suggestions, I'm open to them.
General tip is to either: A) Get a treasure finder ASAP and find the shortest route
or B) Find the shortest route to all 3 chests WITHOUT FIGHTING
There will be a lot of rng involved as you may expect
In Search of the Hidden Ruins: Treasure Hunt event rundown
Table of Contents
Please reply to OP if you have suggestions, I'm busy most of the day. I'm sorry.
Having them be replies to OP makes it easy for me (and others) to see
Last read: #4475 #7659
(Wow, nearly 4k more threads since the first run of the event)
I can't believe 4ch fucking eos'd on Rumi's birthday
Small update: I'm working on schaledb stuff again so please just put "Mimorianon" so I can check archives every now and then in case I need to update this
I'm working on an equipment farming optimizer, afterwards I'll start making a bond calc
A dice roll minigame, in which there are 3 treasure chests and enemies with hearts for HP.
No borrows (does NOT count as conquest- it's a "minigame")
You get to sweep after you have finished 2 laps. While you're doing them, get the hidden maps!
The maps
These are examples!
Unfortunately, in map 3 you WILL fight 3 HP enemies so be prepared!
Hidden Maps:
Go through all the signboard tiles/nodes to get the treasure chest
DO HIDDEN MAPS ONLY ONCE, more entries to them are not worth your event points.
UNCONFIRMED (if it will happen in Global): Map 4 Hidden won't appear until the second week of the event.
Can someone test this and reply to OP if this isn't updated to account for that?
Map 4 hidden, unlock condition:
Nuh uh, you have to complete a full lap and then it'll start appearing.
I've done both hidden rooms already.
Example map 1-4 with shortest route
Map 1
Map 2
Map 2 (Hidden)
UNLOCK CONDITION: Go to all the houses in map 2 (there are 2 of them)
Map 3
Map 4
Map 4 (Hidden)
UNLOCK CONDITIONS: COMPLETE A FULL LAP FIRST (finish map 4 and go back to map 1), then go to all the signboards in map 4 (there are 6 of them)
After map 4, you go back to map 1
The things on the map
Chests: 3 chests on the board, randomly scattered each time you complete a lap.
2 of them reward 150,000 credits
The special chest, which will glow in purple with the Chest Finder, give Koharu (Swimsuit) elephs and allows you to move to the next map
Houses: Triggers random events
Signs: Encounters. Generally it's best to take the middle option.
Top option: Rewards credits, exp reports, or items
Middle option: Rewards good items like the marker or dice
Bottom option: High risk, high reward for items like the 10 sided dice.
Roll needed for success from maps 1 to 4
Top: 8 10 12 15
Mid: 13 16 18 20
Bot: 20 22 24 24
(will update with official translations and effects on release, or when I wake up)
8 sided die, 10 sided die: I... I don't have to explain right?
Fixed die: Guaranteed roll on a specific number
Chest finder: Reveal the special chest on the map, it will glow purple.
Marker: Adds a value to your rolls (for example +5, if you roll 10 then your final roll value will be 15)
Lemon Juice: Restore HP
Lemon Drink: Increase Max HP (DOES NOT RESTORE HP)
Peroro Plushie: Block an instance of damage for a bit
Bottom numbers: 17 and 21.
Roll 17 or higher to deal damage
Roll 21 or higher to deal DOUBLE damage (in this case if I rolled a 24 for example- 6x4 - I'd one shot this mob)
If you roll lower than a 17 you do no damage
Fights costs 250 event points PER TURN
If you die, use 600 points to revive (Can someone tell me if you die do you restore a few HP or your entire thing? For example if I had 10 max hp will i restore 10 hearts?)
If you win, you'll win an item (you'll see what it is on the bottom left of the screen)
Mobs: Have 2 or 3 HP, use 250 event points to fight. See fighting section above
Roll needed for success from maps 1 to 4
(I'm bad at formatting, I'm sorry)
Mob: 11(15) 13(17) 16(20) 17(21)
Boss: 12(16) 14(18) 18(22) 19(24)
Flee: Always a value of 8 or higher
Please don't flee it's literally useless. The enemy will still be on the map. If you flee from the 2nd turn and beyond, the enemy's HP will be the same. In addition you need to pay 250 event points again to refight