Accumulation of Round 2 Vote Results, 20/03/2022 23:00 GMT.

Vote prompt posts: >> 20475327 (1/2), >> 20475394 (2/2)
Voting parties: Sakuran (>>20475684), /who/ (>>20477017), /nasa/(>>20481030), /morig/ (>>20522229), /kfp/ (>>20576728), /wg/ (>>20621170), /nasfaqg/ (>>20671803), /risu/ (>>20675749)
Total: 9/92(+schizo wastelands) threads, ~10%


1. What percentage of an answer should said answer have for it to take effect, ie >50%, >60%, >70% etc
Sakuran: 50%
/who/: 60%
/nasa/: 60%
/morig/: 50%
/kfp/: 50% for small topics, 66.6% for important ones
/meat/: 50%
/wg/: 50%
/nasfaqg/: 50%
/risu/: 50%
Summary: 7 for 50%, 2 for 60%. 50% majority passes.

2. What happens if no answer passes the threshold? Revote with no Abstain option, vote fails, other suggestion?
Sakuran: Revote with no Abstain
/who/: Revote with no Abstain
/nasa/: Revote with no Abstain
/morig/: Revote with no Abstain
/kfp/: Revote with no Abstain
/meat/: Vote fails
/wg/: Revote with no Abstain
/nasfaqg/: Revote with no Abstain
/risu/: Revote with no Abstain
Summary: 8 for Revote with no Abstain, 1 for Vote fails. Revote with no Abstain passes.

3. What happens in a two-way or three-way tie?
Sakuran: Revote with no Abstain
/who/: Revote with no Abstain
/nasa/: Revote the popular options with no Abstain
/morig/: Revote with no Abstain
/kfp/: Revote with no Abstain
/meat/: Revote with no Abstain
/wg/: Revote with no Abstain
/nasfaqg/: Revote with no Abstain
/risu/: Revote with no Abstain
Summary: Revote with no Abstain passes unanimously.

4. What happens if the majority Abstains/is Undecided?
Sakuran: Vote fails
/who/: Revote with no Abstain
/nasa/: Revote with no Abstain after revising and clarifying the proposal
/morig/: Revote with no Abstain
/kfp/: Put in a list of unresolved questions, revote at a later date
/meat/: Revote with no Abstain
/wg/: Revote at a later date after revising the proposal and gathering additional arguments
/nasfaqg/: Vote fails
/risu/: Vote fails
Summary: 4 for Revote with no Abstain, 2 for Revote at a later date, 3 for Vote fails. While no single answer passes, when grouped as “Revote” vs “Vote fails”, Revote wins. Therefore, Revote passes, need to decided whether it is in the immediately next round with no Abstains, or simply revoted on at a later date.

5. Do we want a rep to be responsible for making posts like this one, where matters are voted on? Y/N
Sakuran: Y
/who/: Y
/nasa/: Y
/morig/: N
/kfp/: Y
/meat/: Y
/wg/: Y
/nasfaqg/: Y
/risu/: Y
Summary: 8Y, 1N. Vote passes.

6. Should there be a unified name for the planet across all nations? Y/N
Sakuran: Y
/who/: N
/nasa/: Abstain
/morig/: N
/kfp/: Y
/meat/: N
/wg/: N
/nasfaqg/: Y
/risu/: Y
Summary: 4Y, 4N, 1A. Draw between Y and N. As per 2), vote is to be repeated with no Abstain.

7. Should /fbk/'s and /mion/'s locations be swapped? Y/N
Sakuran: Y
/who/: Y
/nasa/: Y
/morig/: N
/kfp/: Y
/meat/: Y
/wg/: Abstain
/nasfaqg/: Abstain
/risu/: Abstain
Summary: 5Y, 1N, 3A. Proposal passes, lands of /fbk/ and /mion/ are to be swapped.

8. Should the addition of /israel/ and /aa/ be put on hold until the end of the month to check again, or should /aa/ get a nation but /israel/ does not?
Sakuran: Hold until the end of the month
/who/: Hold until the end of the month
/nasa/: Hold until the end of the month
/morig/: Hold until the end of the month
/kfp/: Hold until the end of the month
/meat/: /aa/ gets one now, /israel/ should wait until they debut
/wg/: Hold until the end of the month
/nasfaqg/: Hold until the end of the month
/risu/: Hold until the end of the month
Summary: 8 Hold until the end of the month, 1 for /aa/ gets one now but /israel/ does not. Hold until the end of the month passes.

9. Should we decide on further parameters for Jannies, or reduce this to a discussion point and suggest lore when necessary?
Sakuran: Reduce to discussion
/who/: Decide on further parameters
/nasa/: Stories from the generals => Reduce to discussion
/morig/: Decide on further parameters (location, mortality, origin)
/kfp/: Suggest when necessary => Reduce to discussion
/meat/: Reduce to discussion
/wg/: Leave it vague and flesh them out in lore => Reduce to discussion
/nasfaqg/: Reduce to discussion
/risu/: Reduce to discussion
Summary: 7 for Reduce to discussion, 2 for Decide on further parameters. Matter is reduced to discussion.

10. If/When a land changes owner, or when a piece of Chuubanite leaves the Area of Influence of its related deity, does the it lose it's powers and qualities (decaying slowly, as per /meat/, still counts as this) or does it keep them but no more of that type of Chuubanite is generated in the area?
Sakuran: Loses its powers
/who/: Keeps its properties, as its use is technical
/nasa/: Energised forms lose charge over time, forms with no energy properties is unaffected ->Keeps its properties
/morig/: Loses its powers
/kfp/: Abstain
/meat/: Decays slowly =>Loses its powers
/wg/: Loses its powers when land changes hands, may retain some if its removed and taken elsewhere by native people => Loses its powers
/nasfaqg/: Loses its powers
/risu/: Loses its powers
Summary: 6 for Loses its powers, 2 Keeps its properties, 1 Abstain. Chuubanite loses its powers when a land changes owner.

11. Steam trains? Y/N
Sakuran: N
/who/: N
/nasa/: N
/morig/: N
/kfp/: N
/meat/: N
/wg/: N
/nasfaqg/: N
/risu/: N
Summary: 9N. Proposal is shot down like a biplane in WW2.

12. Vote suggestions can be made by everyone, obviously, however what about requesting to amend proposals that have reached a conclusion? Should amendments to previous proposals be able to be initiated? Y/N
Sakuran: Y
/who/: Abstain
/nasa/: Y
/morig/: Y
/kfp/: Y
/meat/: Y
/wg/: Y
/nasfaqg/: Y
/risu/: Y
Summary: 8Y, 1A. Vote passes. Calls for amendments are now officially valid.

13. Should those suggestions for amendment require a set number of reps to be initiated, or can they be initiated by any anon?
Sakuran: Reps only
/who/: Reps only
/nasa/: Reps only
/morig/: Any anon
/kfp/: Any anon
/meat/: Any anon
/wg/: Any anon
/nasfaqg/: Any anon
/risu/: Any anon
Summary: 3 for Reps only, 6 for Any anon. Any anon in the general can propose an amendment to a decision.

14. Following the above, how many recommendations should an amendment suggestion require before being put to vote?
Sakuran: 3
/who/: 3
/nasa/: As many as necessary but as few as possible => 1
/morig/: 2
/kfp/: No static number, instead limit number of amendable decisions per session => Abstain
/meat/: 3
/wg/: 5 anons or 3 reps
/nasfaqg/: 3
/risu/: 3
Summary: 1 for 5 anons or 3 reps, 5 for 3, 1 for 2, 1 for 1, 1A. Required number of individual anons to initiate a vote for the amendment of a decision is set to 3.

15. Following 12-14, as 3 anons have asked for an amendment of the following question, it has been put to vote again:
Should the land acquisition of /who/ over /uuu/ be voided? Y/N

Sakuran: Y
/who/: N (asks for compensation if result is Y)
/nasa/: Abstain
/morig/: Y
/kfp/: N
/meat/: Y
/wg/: Y, but a compromise can be considered
/nasfaqg/: Y
/risu/: Y
Summary: 6Y, 2N, 1A. /who/’s land acquisition over /uuu/ is henceforth voided. /who/ has asked for compensation, /wg/ asks /who/ to suggest a compromise with less land.


1. What percentage of an answer should said answer have for it to take effect, ie >50%, >60%, >70% etc
Summary: 7 for 50%, 2 for 60%. 50% majority passes.

2. What happens if no answer passes the threshold? Revote with no Abstain option, vote fails, other suggestion?
Summary: 8 for Revote with no Abstain, 1 for Vote fails. Revote with no Abstain passes.

3. What happens in a two-way or three-way tie?
Summary: Revote with no Abstain passes unanimously.

4. What happens if the majority Abstains/is Undecided?
Summary: 4 for Revote with no Abstain, 2 for Revote at a later date, 3 for Vote fails. While no single answer passes, when grouped as “Revote” vs “Vote fails”, Revote wins. Therefore, Revote passes, need to decided whether it is in the immediately next round with no Abstains, or simply revoted on at a later date.

5. Do we want a rep to be responsible for making posts like this one, where matters are voted on? Y/N
Summary: 8Y, 1N. Vote passes.

6. Should there be a unified name for the planet across all nations? Y/N
Summary: 4Y, 4N, 1A. Draw between Y and N. As per 2), vote is to be repeated with no Abstain.

7. Should /fbk/'s and /mion/'s locations be swapped? Y/N
Summary: 5Y, 1N, 3A. Proposal passes, lands of /fbk/ and /mion/ are to be swapped.

8. Should the addition of /israel/ and /aa/ be put on hold until the end of the month to check again, or should /aa/ get a nation but /israel/ does not?
Summary: 8 Hold until the end of the month, 1 for /aa/ gets one now but /israel/ does not. Hold until the end of the month passes.

9. Should we decide on further parameters for Jannies, or reduce this to a discussion point and suggest lore when

Summary: 7 for Reduce to discussion, 2 for Decide on further parameters. Matter is reduced to discussion.

10. If/When a land changes owner, or when a piece of Chuubanite leaves the Area of Influence of its related deity, does it lose it's powers and qualities (decaying slowly, as per /meat/, still counts as this) or does it keep them but no more of that type of Chuubanite is generated in the area?
Summary: 6 for Loses its powers, 2 Keeps its properties, 1 Abstain. Chuubanite loses its powers when a land changes owner.

11. Steam trains? Y/N
Summary: 9N. Proposal is shot down like a biplane in WW2.

12. Vote suggestions can be made by everyone, obviously, however what about requesting to amend proposals that have reached a conclusion? Should amendments to previous proposals be able to be initiated? Y/N
Summary: 8Y, 1A. Vote passes. Calls for amendments are now officially valid.

13. Should those suggestions for amendment require a set number of reps to be initiated, or can they be initiated by any anon?
Summary: 3 for Reps only, 5 for Any anon. Any anon in the general can propose an amendment to a decision.

14. Following the above, how many recommendations should an amendment suggestion require before being put to vote?
Summary: 1 for 5 anons or 3 reps, 5 for 3, 1 for 2, 1 for 1, 1A. Required number of individual anons to initiate a vote for the amendment of a decision is set to 3.

15. Following 12-14, as 3 anons have asked for an amendment of the following question, it has be put to vote again: Should the land acquisition of /who/ over /uuu/ be voided? Y/N
Summary: 6Y, 2N, 1A. /who/’s land acquisition over /uuu/ is henceforth voided. /who/ has asked for compensation, /wg/ asks /who/ to suggest a compromise with less land.

Next Round

Ongoing matters

  1. In a situation where a proposal has an Abstinence percentage higher than 50%, it has been decided that said proposal will be set to be revoted on. There was a split between the revote happening in the immediate next round, or generally at a later date. This needs to be clarified.
  2. Suggestion 6 regarding the name of the planet is to be reapplied with no Abstain option available

New proposals

  1. /wst/ is requesting they be allowed to move to /pyon/'s previous location, as per the explanation provided in their post >>20619938
  2. As /3/ anon has posted >>20525386, the matter of the poles is now again on the list. Four main options are presented to be chosen from.
Pub: 21 Mar 2022 04:07 UTC
Views: 656