2024-08-24 🕵️🚲 Waterboarding this horny spy to find out what he did to my friend
(Randon's channel, No Twitch simulcast)
Timestamps close but not verified for accuracy (might be a little late)
0:04:15 submissive & breedable -> plasmosis & agreeable
0:05:08 we're talking about magic school bus level shrinkage
0:05:24 R jetlagged, golfball sized knot in neck
0:05:41 costco couch
0:06:35 C [pet cats] they have one job: to let me cuddle them
0:07:42 R that's a cute cat
0:07:57 both meow
0:08:56 C if you need a fake space landing, presidential figure taken care of, on a hill
0:09:26 a loose favor of the red variety
0:10:39 R someone i'd like you to kill / should we be saying this on livestream? / C canonically in minecraft so anything that happens on stream in minecraft / R want you to ice mr. house
0:16:17 what app / caspurr appacini
0:16:47 C mines bitcoin and bricks your computer / caspal / name change already / can't keep track / R pretty good bit if we-- / C and we scam them? / R reddit sub for moonshots / rugpulls / C i don't use reddit unless i need to something very important / like how do i fix my car
0:19:37 C don't have that many guests / for size of place, should have guests here more often
0:20:12 R idk if you know but i've been here before / C ahem / R previous person who lived here
0:21:24 R previous person who lived here / what kind of sociopath would have a room temperature bowl of pudding
0:22:26 C can't leave stuff out bc cats eat anything
0:24:29 movie talk
0:25:44 C for some reason idk why I had some lingering feeling of "he's gonna beat the shit out of me" idk why / amorphously "why am I nervous he's gonna beat me up" idk why / R lol (flashback: 🧑🏻🏫 https://youtu.be/2Qm8EZJD7ms?t=353)
0:27:06 R ur wearing ur spy shit, not even in ur maid outfit / C why is the maid outfit default outfit
0:28:09 both laughing
0:28:17 C should have eaten before this / R ur gonna say let's go get pho then say hold up and stop by target and buy a million dollars worth of pokemon cards / C i've put that behind me / R giggling / C after doing taxes / too suspicious lol
0:29:36 C eat your feelings, drink your feelings, pack open my feelings / don't even like them / idek where they are / R you toss the non shiny ones right / C care so little i don't even know /
0:31:32 want pokemon game with ai running their geneologies / take their children / C lol the way he's looking at me's so serious
0:31:58 R ur mine now RRGH
0:32:35 C dictating something in pokemon, not warfare, heh
0:33:18 C rubbing up against you!
0:35:50 talking about papers please/ if for some reason he can't work he dies
0:37:10 C first time i played it thought it was the worst game i've ever played / not even a game, just a task / requires more active reading than i've done in my adult life
0:38:01 C 2px and a phd and everyone FUCKING loves it for some reason and has the most depressing endings
0:39:46 R saw you come back from afk and yell at bigham
0:40:58 randacini
0:42:02 R core of randacini: dissatisfaction / italian dissatisfaction
0:43:05 C scam food story / waiter walked off with the food, came back with a slice of it / with how much you were paying, you would have thought the whole thing was for your table
0:45:06 not boy love / what do you think boba is?
0:46:22 randon losing it
0:47:48 C being a maid cafe customer would be cringe but doing it would be fun
0:48:21 feral cat cafe / shitting on the ground / lololol / C people getting rabies / R yess / catscratch cafe
0:49:29 R i don't do karaokes / singing makes me uncomfortable / you and maybe 1 other dude on the planet could get me to do it / C who other? / R don't worry about it / can of worms we'll be opening tonight
0:52:04 R i never want to sing a song in japanese ever again 'cause i don't know the language, bad at it, gaijin accent / but have to do one more japanese song / not in a key i'm comfortable in so it's gonna be weird / C u sent link, i looked, this is impossible / R yes / need to do a lot of winking and poses, don't think it's gonna come across / C if there are JP songs i will need to practice / R maybe just watch and laugh at me, verify i did the stupid poses
0:53:25 C idk if it's because randon's 5000 yrs old / you're like this it the first song they ever made
0:54:55 C every time i listen to it i think about you / think about us doing karaoke / telling story
0:55:52 C nothing sticks it to the man like a bunch of copyright infringing musical endeavors / R risk brand / R dubstep
0:57:27 C never liked monkeys but does now
0:58:14 R also hated gorillas & so did jimmy / R don't wanna get controversial but i think harame was a hero
0:59:01 C think that kid is haunted with guilt over it? / R i hope so
1:04:02 put it in trailer / biden let's see you take a crack at it, smart guy! / C like to make parodies / take baseline stupid thing and make it way bigger than it should be / take a thing and replace one word
1:05:11 C planet of the grapes / porn parody is planet of the gapes
1:07:41 R ever played abiotic factor / C bet it's some microbiome managing-- / R nope / think you'll like it / basically raft but in abandoned lab
1:10:07 C getting hungy / R now that i have you and you can't escape / no diversions / wtf did you do to lando / he's kind of a failwife / went into closet and you came out / red haired twink / lando is a good looking guy but not a twink / C many people in the closet
1:12:05 C implying i did something to him in the closet / R have picture of him on my phone / looking at a giant bowl of margarita
1:13:15 R did you remove my lando gallery from my phone / C did you install my caspurr appacini / don't expect to ever see him again / R ....excuse me?
1:14:00 crocheted orb gift for randon (flashback: 🧑🏻🏫 https://youtu.be/8r8ngxYq54I?t=13633)
1:15:52 see you tomorrow for karaoke / R next time i do a karaoke, 1-2 yrs from now / C last night, moved entire setup / all this wa upstairs in my room / what time / we said 8, still sound good?
1:16:32 vod be saved? probably not
1:16:59 put karaoke up on piratebay, no, pornhub
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