The following was based on an original post by "Ennaschizo", I've added some stuff and some sources.

Enna's yabs are too numerous to name. I'll go through as many as I can remember.

The "fried chicken incident"

had been using some racial jokes, gets in trouble for it
eventually says that Kyo (who talks like a black person) sounds like Snoop Dogg and likes fried chicken
forced to do a 30 minute grovelling apology

The "NTR arc"

builds a character around being a lonely single woman craving penis
starts flirting with males in the company
First with Luca, doing a "workout stream". Brags about her ass, calls him "boss", and makes plans to meet up with him IRL.
Then releases her NTR themed outfit which is the "Queen of Spades". Cucks her fans in the VN skit abandoning them for a life with Kyo.
Invites Kyo over to her house, while laughing about her fans being cucks. Streams with him from her bedroom, holding hands with him, at midnight
aggressively flirts with Hex on twitter, asking him to choke her and smell his dick
starts flirting constantly with Diego on twitter even making plans to meet up IRL with him

The parasocial drama

gets criticism for being the "NTR vtuber"
starts trying to put distance between herself and chat
begins the toxic "platonically" meme
parasocial discussion engulfs twitter and even infects the JP branch
violates her own parasocial rules numerous times
blowing kisses to chat, calling her fans "hot", holding weddings with her fans
promises to give her chat regular "virginity updates" for when she loses her v-card


Enna constantly povertybaits and tries to give off the image that she's very poor to bait more donations

The Drama arc

with her channel declining, Enna starts kicking up massive amounts of drama
ruins Selen's big wrestling tournament with her shitty behavior pretending to be tired
shits on Pomu's NKODice tournament too, saying she doesn't even want to be there
says extremely nasty and insulting things to Doppio, Mysta, and Ver
ruins 3 birthdays with her behavior, Petra, Mysta, and Kyo
is an extremely sore loser after being beaten by Ren in Mario Party
snaps at Zaion on twitter, forced to apologize when Pomu calls her out
rages at Elira on twitter in all caps because Elira didn't answer her phone
was the principle actor that sent the SecretGC stream off the rails to mock 4chan
repeatedly insults her fans in mean-spirited ways, practically every stream
openly admits she's a bitch a dozen times, says her streams are damaging people
rages at Kyo's superchatter who said that Kyo is too close to Enna

Miscellaneous shitty things Enna has done

dramabaits her wisdom tooth surgery, even doing a will-writing stream
punches jesus in the face and laughs about it, professes a belief in chinese mysticism
constant donation baiting, pretending she's borderline homeless and can't pay her rent
insists she's a "weeb" because she watched Sailor Moon, is actually a normie
Selen is the only girl she left out of her intro, also refused to tweet Selen's 3.0 reveal
despite admitting her life is a complete mess, constantly tries to give her chat life advice
Makes a rape joke, says it's okay because she's a woman.
completely obsessed with trying to pass as a virgin, can't stand the fact that nobody believes her

Enna's clique

3/4 of Ethyria were friends IRL since before joining, not a problem in itself except...
they ghosted+excluded Nina from everything like a bitchy highschool clique

Enna is also a complete SJW, she was doing the "fried chicken" bit for popularity

Constantly promoting gay stuff.
Repeating bluepilled nonsense like "intelligence isn't real"
doesn't want "genderfied" toys for children
repeats social justice nonsense about captialism and colonization
mocks white people repeatedly, especially hates them for being "rich"
refuses to move to America because she's scared of guns

Enna has been caught in numerous lies

says that she was lazy and dropped out of school, and her dad even fought with her saying she was wasting her talent. Later completely changes the narrative and says she was hired because of her "hard work", which is definitely not the case, she was a nepotism hire.
always tired for Saturday streams because she's out late partying Friday night, every week comes up with a new convenient excuse to explain it
says that she was lonely, but admitted this was a lie. Claimed that she only had friends in Niji but talks about meeting up with IRL friends practically every week
fake depression act which is nothing but a lie
fake poverty act to get donations

Enna being insulting towards literally everyone

Insults her father
Insults a loyal superchatter basically calling him an incel
Beats up a girl in school
Ruins Selen's big event when she (Selen) was coping with her grandmother's death
Ruins Millie's career by unrailing the Secret GC stream
constantly denigrates her chat

Pub: 14 Mar 2023 16:37 UTC
Views: 14972