Ch. 18 ~ Wonderland

Trainee Troupe Member: ... Hey~ Honestly, what did you think of my Dodo just now?

Kamira: Sorry, can I just speak honestly? It was a bit difficult for me.
The mouse love act is so deep, the audience might not get it!

Trainee Troupe Member: I knew it!
But, like, isn't it weird to make it easier to understand?

Towa: That isn't what we're talking about right now.
It'd be great if the discussion group caught up.

Denki Troupe Member A: We finally got the okay from Kaname-san on this version.
We want to make it even just a bit better, right?

Denki Troupe Member A/Trainee Troupe Member: Right~

Iroha: Hmm~... Thinking about when I heard the mice's conversation...
How about making it feel a bit more spellbound?

Mito: Like... No matter what, their gazes won't waver?

Towa: Then I'll figure out the rest.
Let's try it one more time like that.

Machiko: Is it okay? Leaving them alone.
There aren't many days left until the show.

Kaname: Of course, if they go too far, I'll stop them.
But when a good wind is blowing, there's no need to steer.

Kaname: So to speak, like the old Denki.
Being honest to yourself to create what you think is fun is happiness.

Machiko: Then that's good.
If the revenue is good, I won't stop it.

Kaname: Worry not.
We'll surpass it, the Denki you've seen until now—

Iroha: Nono, since we have the opportunity, we should put deeper BIG LOVE here!

Denki Troupe Members: "And in the background of that love, their melancholic past—!" "They were actually siblings separated at birth—!"
"They were actually cursed to become mice—!" "They were supposed to have died as a substitute for the other, but—!"

Kaname: .........

Machiko: Is it fine, not stopping them?

Kaname: — Heeeeeeeeyyy! How far are you planning on taking this!?
If you start making up those settings, the scene will get destroyed!!!

Denki Troupe Members: Gyaaaah! We're sorry!

First Day of the Performance—

Towa-oshi Denki Fan: Once I heard Towa-chan was the lead, I knew I had to join the competition at any cost!
I'm so glad I've been virtuous~! Rather, are you tired from your business trip?

Tsubomi-oshi Denki Fan: To be bathed in Tsubomi-sama's older sister character for the first time, going around on a business trip is no big deal!
Moreover, she's sisters with Towa's Alice, I'm having an emotional breakdown, it might be over for me already!

Tsubomi-oshi Denki Fan: ...Eh, wait a sec, look!
Isn't that, Chiho-chan...!?

Towa-oshi Denki Fan: Eh, who?

Tsubomi-oshi Denki Fan: Komae Chiho-chan! Towa-chan's rival!

Towa-oshi Denki Fan: Eh... Seriously, who?

Tsubomi-oshi Denki Fan: This is why you people that only have eyes for Towa-chan are so...!

Receptionist: "Alice in Wonderland" will soon be showing~
Those entering the venue, please do so quickly. Don't forget your special gift on the way in~

Receptionist: Ah... Next, please~
Here's your special gift for attending.

Chiho: Thank you.

Passionate Iroha Otaku: I didn't get Irohaaa!

Receptionist: Iroha Fan Club Member Number 1, same as usual~
... Ah, next please~

Towa: "*yawn*~ ... I overslept..."

Denki Fans: "Ginyaaaaaaaahh!" "Heywait no way!?" "Alice's advent!?" "No way, Alice, from the start!?" "Ohno ohno ohno! My heart's gonna stop!?"

Chiho: ...

Towa: (Hm...)

Towa: (... Heh)

Towa: "... You see, this is a fairy tale. Let's escape from boredom,
you, and you, and this person, and that, everyone together!"

Towa: "Now, let's go — to Wonderland!"

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Pub: 08 Mar 2024 20:07 UTC
Edit: 23 Mar 2024 06:36 UTC
Views: 139