Rina/Vea she her
nonbinary minor
likes: nazuna nito, niki shiina, enstars, kpop (kof, redvelv, gg in general), bang dream, rpg maker, witchs heart, rabits, co09, idm@s shiny colors, vocaloid, mahoyaku, rabbits

dislikes: pjsekai as a whole, annoying people

BYF: im a nazuna+nikiP, i almost always type in caps, im never srs no matter the situation, kys jokes, slit jokes, etc. expect alot of typos, i like gossip & making fun of people so if u have tea lmk, i like making friends w/ people so dont hesitate to dm me, idc ab who im following so dont dm me ab it (unless theyre a zionist, homophobe, real problems) dunno what else if u have anything to ask dm me on insta, twt, tiktok or discord @nitoswrists

dni: none. i block u if i find u annoying/weird or just dont like u. everyone can interact

Pub: 14 Mar 2023 05:27 UTC
Edit: 27 Jun 2024 17:45 UTC
Views: 223