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꒱ Hi there!! As you may know, this rentry is a resource rentry, so there's some things I need to clarify!
- All credits that are needed are held in the alt text. If you made something that i put up here and you're not credited or properly credited, please contact me on my neospring or any other socials so i'll fix it asap! Please also contact me if you want something removed :)
- I dont own most of these resources, and I dont claim any ownership of any of them. If i did make something, it has it's own category.
- This rentry is dedicated to putting up unique graphics, so there (probably) won't be too much of popular things people use.
- PLEASE feel free to add stuff here to your own resources, just have the respect to pick things & not copy and paste like everything
- Always more to be added here
꒱ Special thanks to Locust also for finding a lot of these resources!