
boundaries + byi

FAQbackrequest rulesto do listcoll. rentry

swirly div

boundaries :

i don't want anyone bodily under 15 personally direct messaging me
if you are under 15, you can still send in requests / asks in the ask box, and interact with me in public servers!
i'm not telling you to get off my blog i'm just asking for you to not send me private messages, but i just don't feel comfortable dming anyone that age since there'd be a big power imbalance because of our ages

hate anons
hate anons will just be ignored from now on, i do other things to handle hate anons but i'm not going to tell you my secrets (^▽^)/

don't call me petnames
"pookie" or "babe" is fine because i know you're joking, but anything else is a no-no, i only want petnames from my boyfriend thank you!

please @ me for anything!
if i miss one of your posts don't be shy to @ me again, i also really like being tagged for promo posts! i love looking at new blogs

swirly div

before you interact :
bigger BYI here

terms for my system
we fluctuate between using "i/me" and "we/our" when refering to ourselves collectively
i like using "parts" and "alters", more recently i've been saying "parts" since that's what my therapist calls us

parts signing off on posts
sometimes parts of me will sign off on posts using a name + emoji tag! but sometimes i wont do that, mostly its just for me to remember what part made / said what

if you make me uncomfortable, i'll block you
pretty self explanitory, i can't really control what you do so if you make me uncomfortable you'll just get blocked


Pub: 10 Dec 2023 09:38 UTC
Edit: 24 Jun 2024 04:46 UTC
Views: 2367