before you continue, please keep in mind these things

  1. we literally made these roles up to describe and understand our experience. we dont know if the actual phrases themselves exist elsewhere but yeah 🔥
  2. we make them separate roles instead of saying nothing or choosing a more commonly used thing because -- as i stated in the first point -- it helps us understand our experience as a system
  3. yeah you can steal these if they help you understand your experience as a system too, unless youre endo. you can't be a system without trauma. if you say youre a did/osdd system without trauma and youre using these terms we made up, you're a loser freak and you will never have our consent ❤️

happiness holder a part that holds a bulk of our positive memories

secret keeper a part that holds information away from other parts (usually that information is the existence of another part, and it is kept hidden because that part just isnt ready to come up yet)

archivist a part that documents information for us physically or makes sure a memory holder does it. most of ours tend to be both memory holders and archivists though

cheergiver a part that prefers making people outside of us happy! this stems from our earlier years when we'd try to make ourselves different for others. these parts aren't doing it in a way that harms us though, they do it more when we're in a better mental state :)

absorber a part that absorbs strong emotions. this stems from our earlier years when we were told our strong emotions were "too much" or we were told to "suck it up." these guys are doing it literally fr

Pub: 11 Nov 2023 04:01 UTC
Edit: 11 Nov 2023 04:11 UTC
Views: 241