i am very sorry for being a little meany pants on discord. it wont happen again. unfortunately i will still be drawing white twinks in lewd positions on stream, and i will still continue being a raging pg13 kid (15) sjw anti; until my birthday rolls around and then i will be 16. i will still continue to worship my cannibalist girlfriend, because it is none of your business about what we do behind closed doors (she flies over to maryland every weekend to chop off one of my limbs and eats it infront of me)

for someone who, and i quote, thinks that its not worth her time to "worry about irrelevant hoes who disappear when i turn off my laptop," i think its strange to claim that IM the one still bothered when.... you have two rentries about me. you got a spy in takiyaki for the screenshots. looks a little bothered to me i dont know though

i dont hate you and i genuinely never have. i feel as if ive made that very clear through the lack of response (until now), and the conversation i had with dorian which i am sure you heard about. do not take that as an invitation to talk to me. i do not want to do that

p.s. i did infact cry myself to sleep FOR FOUR WEEKS after the /hydie update. very sad. i was devasted. hopefully this will be dropped forever. happy valentines day stay safe everyone

p.s.s. there has been a disturbance in the tectonic plates.
we stalk your socials and rentries EVERY SINGLE DAY i wake up in the morning with my cup of joe just scrolling through you and your gangs rentries and socials like its the newspaper and post screenshots of every update in takiyaki and we all cheer when theres something new. completely serious by the way
im glad everyone missed me when i showed up on the 5th. REALLY PRECIATE IT GUYS! when they said id get into gang wars i didnt think itd be like this

Pub: 11 Jan 2024 18:41 UTC
Edit: 06 Feb 2024 01:23 UTC
Views: 505