Original Post: >>45635050

Alban's done all these disgusting things, selling himself and degrading himself further and further until he reached the point where thieving was enough to live on and sex became something he was constantly vying for after becoming hooked on being fucked as a way to cope with the lifestyle he was living. And I want to see him breaking down emotionally as he retells what he did, no jokes to deflect, no shying away from the details or changing the subject. Just an emotionally vulnerable Alban who's caught in a moment of weakness where he can't get himself to smile and when I try to comfort him and let him talk, he catches me by surprise when after attempting to push me away, tears start to run down his checks.
He sounds frustrated at himself by the fact he's not able to hide how much he's hurting but when he ends up sobbing into my shoulder, he slowly moves from saying it's his problem and he doesn't want to burden me with it, to saying that even though he's in a different time now, things still haunt him from his own and usually that's fine but today it's not and he works himself into such a state where all the details come out. I don't really know what to say in the situation so all I can do is hug him as he runs through stories about everything from his friend being killed to being raped at a young age to the things he started doing to survive. And nothing about this is sexy hearing it like this, but he's being open and honest and raw with me and today I don't want to fuck him or see him abused, I want to see him at that point where after admitting everything, he's relieved in that I'm not judging him and that I'm still able to hug him through his tears despite the many times his body has been defiled.

Tomorrow might be different though, today I feel sentimental but all it will take is him being bratty or horny on stream again and it will be right back to rape.

Pub: 19 Apr 2023 02:12 UTC
Views: 535