/who/ and /nasa/ establishing official diplomatic relations.

The large explosion of an object coming from the heavens had been heard around the world, it's crashing site a desolate tundra in the northern continent.
This had provoked interest in the scholars and politicians of the Republic, and with aid of the hoshiyomian experts, the crash site had been located with relative ease and perhaps a little luck.
Crossing over to the northern tundra was an expensive and tedious task, but the investigation had to occur, plans had been made for a quick stop into one of the Mountian monks border stops to later cross into the tundra, while smaller expeditions into the giant forest had taken place to map out a path.
The expeditions to the forest had been a strange, most maps came out contradicting each other as if the paths changed everytime.
The checkpoint of the mountain monks however came up with something much more interesting.
A strange, presumably human being was walking around in a large suit, probably for protective use, he was following the monks to their meditation chambers.
I guess we are a little similar, with both of us hiding our faces under cover.
Althought in my case it was a paper bag, not really comparable to the strangers heavy and complex looking protection.
I wonder what that suit is made of...
This being talked in a strange way, and dominated the lingua franca of the greater northern continent.
He claimed to be from further north, and when asked to point in a map of the continent, it was from the predicted crash site of the mysterious object from the heavens.
Making the connection was simple, this being came from the heavens, but he was no god, gods probably don't exist anyways.
"Say, we're planning on making an expedition there, buddy, how about you help us get there?"
"I'd love to help ya mate, but we're still making a small outpost for visitors, don't think there's much we can offer ya anyways... I can assure you though, we probably make the best bread in this outback of the universe."
Talks of trade and relations had been established even if the stranger was very hesitant to talk about technology.
Our young Republic would surely benefit from allying to these mysterious aliens.
If they did come from the heavens, they probably had all sorts of knowledge, very tasty knowledge...
As a gift, a few things were offered to our new neighbours in the land.
A map of the world, very good potatoes, and a small amount of internationally accepted currency.
In exchange what was recieved was loafs of bread
It was damn good bread.
Certainly, the future looks very interesting.

/nasa/ Explorer: Log, Day 12. I am now travelling in a group. Although I do not necessarily need their primitive help, I find that their companionship serves as a great morale booster and helps legitimize my presence on this world.
/rrat/ Monk: We can hear you, you know.
/nasa/ Explorer: I have suspicions that they might have an ulterior motive as a fail-safe should my usefulness comes to an end.
/who/ Messenger: Was he always like this?
/rrat/ Monk: Not usually. By the gods the weather is terrible today.
/who/ Messenger: Hail and thunder. Coming from the Necro Pass
/rrat/ Monk: Any luck re-establishing communications with them?
/who/ Messenger: shakes his head Nothing ever came back.
/nasa/ Explorer: Energy spikes in the air reaching unfathomable readings. This is not a natural phenomenon. It might be heretical of me to say it, but this feels like an anomaly.
/rrat/ Monk: Heresy is subjective, spaceman. We monks have read texts, seen events, conducted rituals even our own people would call 'pagan'. But we persevere. For enlightenment requires sacrifice.
/nasa/ Explorer: May the light of Yatagarasu shine your way, old man.
/rrat/ Monk: Flattering...
/who/ Messenger: ...wait. Did you said Yatagarasu?
/nasa/ Explorer: Affirmative. It is the holy stellar corvid of our Goddess. What's the matter? I doubt that name ringed any bells for you-
/who/ Messenger: -No no. It did. In our religion, the Mumei, the Knowledge Mother of Civilization was friends with the unnamed Void Mother of Creation. Texts about the latter were scarce. Almost nonexistent. Scholars would even call it a forgery, none such deity exists. But there was one clue left behind, even if it was highly disputed. An archaic text mentioning the Void Mother's pet, 'Yatagarasu'.
/nasa/ Explorer: That... cannot be right? Mother of Creation? That almost describes Great Sana.
/rrat/ Monk: Halt! Sana... that name... I feel like I've read that name before... Spaceman. It appears that we may be from different worlds. But the ones we worship are not.

Pub: 28 Feb 2022 01:15 UTC
Views: 1095