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Revolutionary girl Utena is an anime television series created by Be-Papas, a production group formed by director Kunihiko Ikuhara and composed of himself, Chiho Saito, Shinya Hasegawa, Yōji Enokido and Yūichirō Oguro. It originally aired on TV Tokyo from April to December 1997. The series follow the protagonist Utena Tenjou, a teen girl who duels with other student's for the Rose bride who possesses the "power to revolutionize the world".

This is an archive fully about this series, not exclusively to the anime but also the manga, game, musicals and fan–content. This archive is made by fans for fans, gathered with love for whoever shows interest to this series. This archive is separated in parts, to not over-fill this one url, so please be understanding about it and direct yourself to the topic you desire to see most.

artbookmagazineanime without subsamvsutena gamemusicalsanalysis

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Pub: 26 Aug 2022 12:12 UTC
Edit: 13 Mar 2025 07:47 UTC
Views: 94