Be Anon
For the last few days, you’ve been held captive by some sort of dog-like creature.
It’s probably keeping you for a last meal or something.
You’d check how many days you have left based on how much meat was left in the fridge but it’s padded up with some real tough locks.

In the meantime you’ve been trying to fashion a spear with a stick from one of the enormous potted plants it keeps.
Keyword here is trying, seeing as you had nothing to sharpen it with.
You first needed to find something sharp, it would seem…
Your brow furrows and you drop your stick.
Except if you had a sharp thing, you wouldn’t need a spear in the first place.

Your gaze wanders around your captors room, looking for anything that might prolong your lifespan here.
A plush fluffy bed lay on the floor in a corner, along with a few oversized teddy bears.
There were a few balls that fit in your captors palm, which meant for you it took two hands, a couple of simple picture books, and several different types of human sized clothes piled in a little basket.
You have yet to figure out why your captor likes to dress you up in different outfits.
Maybe she likes to play with her food?
Whatever the reason, they were all at least male, comfortable, and let you cover yourself so you’d accept it... this time.
Also the gifts of food.
You had to accept those.
It didn’t matter if she was probably just trying to fatten you up, you needed energy to escape with.
It also didn’t matter that her meals were stupidly delicious and the smell usually drew you out of whatever hiding spot you chose for the day.
And she knew this.
You groaned and put your hands on your head.
You were totally gonna die...
What you’d give for a way out of this place.

The front door clicked as the deadbolt turned, and you tensed.


“I’m telling you, Sam, you need to be gentle around humans. They’re really sensitive to tone of voice and body language.”

(Ich sage dir nur du musst bei Menschen vorsichtig sein. Sie reagieren stark auf Körpersprache und Tonfall)

You huffed and rolled your eyes at your friend.
She stood next to you, giving you that signature doe eyed, cutesy smile that only deer gals could.
If it weren’t for you topping her cup size with perky double DDs to her Bs, that smile would have made you strike out on ladies nights together.
Then again, not all guys really liked the cute doe types and gravitated more toward your rougher, shepherd demeanor.

“And what exactly do you know about humans, Korin? My Anon is smart. He knows what I’m saying more or less. He just...”
(Und was weißt du über Menschen, Korin ? Mein Bernd ist klug, der versteht schon was ich ihm sage. Mehr oder Weniger...)

You rubbed the back of your neck.

“He just needs time to adjust, okay? And it’s been the prescribed amount of time the human guide said he’d start to warm up to me. Look, I’ll show you. I bet today he’ll come right over.”
(er braucht einfach nur etwas Zeit bis er sich eingelebt hat. Das Buch über Menschenhaltung sagt das sie immer etwas brauchen biss sie dich akzeptieren. Ich zeigs dir. Ich wette heute kommt er direkt zu mir.)

Korin’s smile faltered and she gave a half hearted shrug.
“If you say so, Sam.”

(Wenn du das sagst, Sam.)

“Watch me. He’ll come and cuddle me finally and you’ll just have to sit there looking silly.”
(Pass auf. Er kommt rüber, knuddelt mich und dann guckst du dumm aus der Wäsche.)

The deadbolt clicked over and you swung the door open.
Anon stood right in the middle of the hall, holding what looked like a small branch from one of your potted plants.
What the… oh it’s a toy!
Oooooh that’s so precious.
He came out to play with you for the first time!

“Come here, Nonny and say hi to mama.”
(Komm her Didi und sag Hallo zu Mama.)

He stood there, frozen like a… well like a Korin in headlights.
Anon let out a playful screech and took off running.
You barely stifled and ‘awww’ and stomped in place while hugging your chest.
Humans are so cute.

“Did you see that, Korrin? Oh my gosh, he’s such a little cutie”
(Hast du das gesehen, Korrin ? Oh mein Gott, er ist so süß.)

”Uh… Sam? I don’t think that was—”

(Ähm, Sam, ich glaube nicht dass das ....)

“Alright, Anon, here I come. Imma getcha, you little adorable human you,” you yelled and took off down the hall after him.
(Ok Bernd, ich komme. Ich fang dich du kleiner süßer Mensch du.)

“Oh my god, Sam, stop!”

(Mein Gott, Sam, hör auf.)

Be Anon
Holy white balls of fire, you almost pissed yourself.
You not only got caught in the open but your captor growled out something that sounded very pissed off.
Today was the day.
She found you and she was hungry and mad.
Really mad.
Tears welled in your eyes as you sprinted up the stairs.
Oh god, you don’t wanna die!
Your pursuer blasted around a corner and you let out a not so manly scream of terror.
She seemed to find a kind of perverse delight in that, letting out a cackle of sorts before tripping on some carpet and slamming into a wall.
The monster laughed it off and got back up, bounding after you like an immortal beast from hell.


Be Sam.
Why didn’t you get a human sooner!
He was so cute and this was so much fun.
Korrin was shouting after you but you couldn’t hear her over Nonny’s little howls of laughter, which always sent you into your own giggle fits.
It was just so darn precious.
You couldn’t concentrate enough to watch where you were going and kept bumping over things or tripping, but he was slow enough for you to keep up with, despite trying so hard to run faster than you.
Eventually Anon took a turn that led to a spare guest room on your upper floor and he dove under the bed.

A smile formed on your snout and you quickly flattened yourself against the edge of the doorframe around the corner, before he could turn around.
You could smell the sweat on his adorable, smooth skinned body and the tiny, fast panting from under the bed.
You bit your lip and suppressed the need to run in there and snuggle him.
Korrin stomped up the stairs down the hall, shouting something about not backing them into a corner when they’re scared but you were sure she was full of it.
You two were having a blast.

Anon, hearing her, crept out slowly, stick raised above his head as if to show her he still had the thing and neither of you had managed to take it yet.
Korrin called your name, and Anon crept closer, now inches from the door frame.
You couldn’t keep your own breathing calm, and he stopped as he passed through.
Now inches from you, and slowly turned his head to the side and froze.
He looked straight into your eyes and dropped the stick at your feet.
He’s letting you win.

You reached out and scooped him up, hugging him tight to your chest.

“Good boy, Nonny. I love you.”
(Guter Junge, Didi. Ich hab dich lieb)

He looked up at you with those adorable little beady eyes, widening them with happiness before he turned pale white and fell limp in your arms.
You blinked, looking down at your little human.
... huh?

Korrin turned the corner and saw you holding Anon, who apparently had just fainted in your arms.

“Sam,” she said, throwing her hands in the air and glaring at you. “What the heck was that!”

(Sam. Was zur Hölle war das ?)

“What do you mean? You saw how he squealed. That was cute as heck!”
(Was meinst du ? Du hast doch gehört wie er gequiekt hat. Das war so süß!)

She stared at you like you’d grown a second head.
Her palm slapped against her face and she let out a long breath.

“Yeah, Korrin?” you said, giving her a knowing smirk. “Go ahead and say it. Sammy was right, wasn’t she? I can’t heeear you.”
(Ja, Korrin? Los, komm schon und sag es. Sammy hatte recht, nicht war ? Ich kann dich nicht hööören.)

”No, you’re an idiot!” she yelled, taking a step toward you. “Anon was terrified of you and you chased him! You’re lucky there’s not a piss trail down your hall and up the stairs with the way he was screaming.”

(Nein, verdammt. Du bist ein Vollidiot. Bernd hat Angst vor dir und du jagst ihn auch noch! Du kannst von Glück reden dass da nicht eine Urinspur quer durch den Flur und die Treppe hoch geht, so wie er geschrien hat.)

You looked at her blankly before turning to the limp Anon in your arms.
He’d started to drool a bit on your chest like a newborn pup.
NO WAIT! Focus.
Cuteness aside... why DID he faint when you picked him up?
You’d expected him to giggle and nuzzle into you.
No… no way.
He just got excited.
Nonny was giggling like a little pup the whole time.

Anon started to stir in your arms.
He blinked and looked around blearily before noting your cozy arms holding him tight.
His gaze slowly turned up to you and he paused, staring for a moment at your smiling face.
Nah… what was Korrin’ talking about.
That look is pure adorbs.
There’s no way he’s afraid of—

He started yelling and struggling like a furry possessed.

The last few seconds came flooding back to you with a new perspective.
Your eyes widened.

”Ohmygosh! Korin, you’re right. Nonny I’m so sorry for scaring you, little guy.”
(Oh Gott ! Korin du hast Recht. Didi es tut mir so leid dass ich dich erschreckt habe, mein kleiner.)

You began petting his head and nuzzling into him.

“I promise I’ll never do that again. I’ll make you for favorite meal tonight, and I’ll buy you some new toys and—Oh Nonny, please don’t be scared of meeeee.”
(Ich verspreche dir dass ich das nie wieder mache. Ich koch dir heute Abend dein Lieblingsessen und ich kauf dir neue Spielsachen und - Oh Didi, bitte hab keine Angst vor mir)

He shuddered and screamed louder now, struggling like mad to get free of you.
You turned to your friend, tears starting at the corners of your eyes.

“K-Korin, what do I do? I want to make him happy!”
(K-Korrin, was soll ich tun ? Ich will ihn doch nur glücklich machen!)

”Put him down for starters, you idiot!”

(Du könntest ihn erstmal runter lassen, du Volltrottel!)

It pained you dearly, but you bent down with your howling cute little human and let go.
He flopped down on his face at first, but quickly got up and scurried off past your friend and down the stairs.
Dangit, now you’d have to go find him.

Your friend rubbed her temples and groaned aloud.
”If I had known you were this thick, I’ve had come sooner. Sam, we have a lot of work ahead of us.”

(Wenn ich gewusst hätte dass du du so bescheuert bist wäre ich früher gekommen. Sam, wir haben jede Menge Arbeit vor uns.)

You nodded, wiping your eyes and giving sniff.
She was right.

“Alright, Korin. I'll listen. I want my little Nonny to love me, and I’ll work hard to get it done.”
(Sieht so aus, Korrin. Ich höre dir zu. Ich will dass mich meine kleiner Didi lieb hat und ich werde hart arbeiten damit es auch so kommt.)

”Yeah yeah… why don’t you hurry up and make him dinner. I’ll see if I can calm him down or something in the meantime.”

(Jaja, mach dir keine Sorgen und gib ihm erstmal Abendessen. Ich sehe währenddessen mal nach ob ich ihn irgendwie beruhigen kann.

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 12:25 UTC
Edit: 19 Aug 2024 12:27 UTC
Views: 164