Your owner was a real bitch.

It had been about a week since she'd first learned you could talk and it had been a little over a year since you first wound up in this world, got picked up by the pound, put up for adoption, and then got adopted. At first you'd tried to be defiant, but there was only so long you could last before you eventually broke down and gave in. The one thing you'd made sure never to do, though, was talk, or seem all too intelligent. It hadn't always been easy. Careless actions of yours were far advanced in terms of how other humans acted, and so you often found yourself at risk of discovery. Still your owner hadn't caught on. At least, not until one morning when everything changed for you.

You'd had a rough time getting to bed the night before, and you slept in into the morning, waking up dazed and confused. Mumbling, you stumbled downstairs and into the kitchen, your head still swirling when you sat down by your bowl. From the counter, your owner playfully spoke to you.
"Morning, sleepy head~! You want something to eat?"
"Mm. A coffee would be nice right now." You thought, reaching a hand up to scratch your cheek, when a crash alerted you to the fact that something might be wrong. Looking over to your owner, you noticed her startled expression, her fur raised, standing on end as she stared at you, mouth open and eyes wide. She'd pressed herself up against the counter, which knocked a few dishes off the other side into the dining room. As you stared at her, you wondered what had gotten her so jumpy, before you realized something, a certain, awful fact.
You had said that out loud.
"YOU CAN TALK?!" She yelled, staring down at you, her booming voice causing you to wince. You quickly tried to think of some excuse you could use to gloss over the fact that you had broken a taboo, only to realize that you really shouldn't have been able to understand what she'd just yelled any way. Any 'normal' human would have just looked dejected from being scolded, or so they would have believed, so your reaction only caused her to believe what she'd heard all the more.

There was a moment of awkward silence where neither of you wanted to make a move in fear of what the other might do.

That silence was then broken as she spun on the spot, pushing off the counter for momentum, running into the next room for the phone. You were quick to follow, though you had to slow down to pass the shards of broken glass, giving you enough time to see her grab the home phone, quickly tapping in numbers as she did. You were upon her then, wrestling the phone from her grasp and slamming it down just as whoever she had called picked up. There was another moment of silence between the two of you then, before you spoke a line that, should you have been able to tell anyone else you'd said, would have made them groan.
"'re probably wondering how I got into this situation."

You began to explain what had happened, how you had just woken up in this world one day, beginning the epic tale of your life, only to be cut off when she let out a whine. As the adrenaline wore off, the pain in her paw became more apparent, a shard of glass having gotten lodged in it when she charged for the phone earlier. Seeing her hurting, you quickly grabbed a chair and slid it behind her, sitting her down in it with little effort. She was still quite shocked and confused by what was essentially a dog, to us, speaking and moving around like a person, after all. As you examined her paw, you soon realized what had happened. The shard had slipped past her pads, stabbing into her from the space between her digits and the base of her paw.

Not wasting a second, you reached in and, upon getting a grip on the glass, pulled it out. Thankfully it was fairly short and looked to be in one piece. You checked her a bit more just in case she had any more in her, but after inspection, it seemed like that had been the only one.
"W-Wow..." Came her breathy voice, drawing your head up to look at her while she stared down at you.
" the glass out, and I think that was all there was, so you should be fine for now."

From there, the two of you just talked and sat in silence, and eventually cleaned too, thoughts and fears swirling in the air. The simple act of speaking had changed so much between the two of you.

You slowly explained more over time of what had happened, answering any questions she might have had, trying to ease her into the idea that her beloved pet, who she'd had for over a year, was a fully sentient creature from another world, if not another universe.

Eventually, the two of you came to an agreement. She wasn't going to get rid you, which you were grateful for. You'd seen and heard of other owners, and you knew yours was certainly the kindest of the bunch. Plus, you cared about her, and you were quite certain she cared for you too. It was hard to be petted and rubbed and bathed and played with for a whole year without growing a little closer.

Of course, you had to agree to pretend to be just another human when around anyone but her, which you were fine with. You also agreed to obey her commands, which, looking back, was the start of the problem.


It was a 'normal' day for the two of you now, about a week or so after the big reveal, and both of you were lounging on the couch, watching some crappy reality tv show. Hip to hip, she had her arm resting on your shoulders, her claws idly scratching at your shirtless form. It didn't hurt, and it was at a steady enough pace to lull you in, shifting slightly against her, almost involuntarily letting out a murmur of appreciation occasionally. Sure, she knew you were sapient, but it was a hard habit to break, and besides, it felt pretty darn good!

You were wondering what the two of you might do for dinner, maybe rent Mission Impawsible, as neither of you had seen it, and you thought about what this world's equivalent of Tom Cruise was (maybe a Pomeranian?) when there was a quick and loud knocking at the door.

She sighed and slowly got up, leaving you there all alone while she went to answer the door. With the way the house was set up, you could watch her walk all the way down there from where you were sitting. After some fiddling with the lock, the door swung open, revealing a female sheep Who smiled at your owner, hugged her, and then got invited in. You didn't pay them much mind as they spoke, going on about how each other was doing and how they hadn't talked in a while, slowly migrating back towards the living room where you were relaxing. As they got to the door, you heard the sheep girl, Franny, as your owner called her, saying something.
"Uh oh, looks like someone got up onto the couch while you weren't looking, huh, Alexis?" The sheep teased, and you froze. After all, you were, in the eyes of everyone else in the world, a pet, and one who had been climbing on furniture without being told you were allowed to! Still, given your owner knew you, she'd probably just make up some excu-
"Ah, you're right! Bad Anon! Get off there right now, you naughty boy~ "
Oh. Well, obviously she just wanted to keep up appearances, and so you climbed down, doing your best to look sad as you sat on your haunches in front of them, earning you a happy baaa from the sheep girl. Glancing over at your owner, she was giving you an oddly playful grin, one you really should have been worried about.

"You know, Franny, I've actually been teaching Anon some tricks~" your owner said, looking over at her friend while you stared rather incredulously at her. She wasn't actually thinking of-
"Roll over, Anon!" She said, and you kept staring at her, immobile. Franny looked a little disappointed, turning to look back at her friend.
"Maybe he doesn't want to do it, Alexis."
"No no, trust me, he'll do it~ Now, roll over, Anon!" She repeated, a little more insistently this time, though she still had a certain playful tone to her voice. Either way, you'd agreed to play along, and so you got down on all fours and rolled from one side, to the other, and then back again. That got another happy noise out of the sheep, but it seemed like your owner wasn't satisfied with just one trick as they kept going!
"Good boy, Anon~! Now, play dead~!" A part of you wished you weren't just playing as you rolled onto your back, let out a gurgling 'death rattle', and twisted yourself up into a pose. Above you, Franny's eyes were wide and she was sporting a huge smile, one she turned on your owner.
"Ohmygosh, Alexis, he's so well-trained!" She all but squealed, while Alexis stood there, basking in the praise like the over-sized house cat she was. You rolled back up into a sitting position and then started to get up to leave, only to be stopped by a painted claw that hooked a loop in your collar, dragging you back over to the couch.
"Where're you going, boy~? Come on, we're going to watch a show~" You squirmed a little, but you didn't really resist, allowing yourself to be pulled to the couch, and down, while the girls sat on it, talking and watching their show. Meanwhile, you were stuck at their paws and hooves for almost two hours!

Later on, when Franny had said her goodbyes, ruffled your hair, told you you were, 'such a smart boy~', and then left, you finally stood up and stretched, then turned around to face your owner. The cat doubled over, trying, and soon failing, to suppress her laughter as you glared at her. When you asked for an explanation as to why she'd made you do all that, she just leaned towards, grinning in that smug, cat way she had, her tail swishing about behind her, and she said,
"Consider it payback for all those times you let me bathe you naked without saying anything to me~"


That had only been the start of things. From that day forwards, she would insist that the two of you went out for long walks each day. She'd take you to the park, when she went shopping, for rides in her car, every excuse she could find and, of course, she'd have you do tricks for whoever asked, or pick up things, or more. You couldn't even really protest until you got back home, and you couldn't even do that if she had someone else over, pouring kibble into a bowl for you to eat off the ground, getting them to balance treats on your nose, and more! One time, when she had to go out of town for a day, she left you with Franny instead of taking you with her!

No, if it wasn't for the 'reward' she'd give you almost every night, this humiliating treatment might not have been worth it. That first day, after she'd made you pretend for her friend, she'd dragged you upstairs, pushed you into her bedroom, near-forcibly stripped you, and then shoved her face into your bare groin, dragging that scratchy tongue up and over your sack and soft cock, getting it hard pretty damn fast. There, your owner gave you the best blowjob you'd ever had, and the first you'd had in over a year, warm paws grasping your hips and thighs, claws lightly scratching you, and all while she was constantly purring, calling you a good boy, among other cute pet names she had for you.

After that, the way she'd played around and teased you hadn't seemed half bad. Of course, the more she treated you like a pet, the more humiliating your new situation felt, but she always seemed to know just how to coax you back around and into accepting even more of her playful desires.

What a bitch~

Pub: 25 Aug 2024 00:38 UTC
Views: 193