Easy to read for those who use screen readers or can't read my rentry

Hi! I'm Rapid or Knight and my pronouns are he/him

I am 17

I love drawing, making designs, math, history, chemistry, and learning stuff

I also like media such as jojos bizarre adventure, hokuto no ken, doki doki literature club, needy streamer overload, love nikki, saya no uta and more

Before you interact:
i. I tend to ignore messages for some time
ii. I'm contactable only on my neospring
iii. Currently semi-ia

Do not interact:
No specific dni, I just ignore (or in more extreme cases block) anyone I don't want interacting with me

A few links (and other stuff):
Dni / byf , Neospring , Imvu badges / shiny buttons archive , Pinterest (i barely use it)

My love nikki ID: 120267784 (please add me)

Thank you for reading!
Go back?

Pub: 03 Aug 2024 19:21 UTC
Edit: 28 Feb 2025 08:29 UTC
Views: 400