My dictionary

Note ❀。 My URLS are all in use. Reclaiming will be a waste of time.

read here, or tldr: im not too picky with most unless it's shared or hyperfix. all are uft, I can cross-trade rentry urls for game items, preferably roblox rh+am. I do not take money or discord nitro at all. I have other urls unlisted, but you can still ask if you find them.

Wishlist here. genshin char url one day!

trade log here

might be picky
jellyfishes  silverwing  flowering  arlecchinos  aponia  cottoncandy  glacier  pearlescence  rainfall  raidens  makinami  ningguangs  coder   bubbletea  euthymia  weepingangel  doughnut   literature

all else
sleepingbeauty  girlprince  evileyed  pearlescence  struggle  kurukuru  jellyfishies  sniped  romanticist  iridescent  crimsonmoon  mmd  rochelle  telekinesis  shikimori

just raiden
raidens  raidenei  raiden-shogun  euthymia  shogunate


Pub: 05 Sep 2021 05:57 UTC
Edit: 14 Feb 2025 21:17 UTC
Views: 365