Commonly Posted Jokes Thread

Below you'll find a list of commonly posted jokes on r/PeterExplainsTheJoke, what they mean, and where they come from. In an effort to cut back on reposts considering we can't know the true intentions of every user etc., unless your post is in a very niche format involving one of the following, it will probably be removed.


One of the most commonly posted jokes is known as loss, so much so that even some subs have popped up because of it.

(Original Loss Panel)
Original Loss Panel

This is from an otherwise usually humorous comic, but this 4 panel section simply depicted the main character entering a hospital to find his partner who had just lost their baby. It's heavily memed on not because of the subject itself but because its a very out of place part of a simple comedy comic, but also because there are clever ways to hide loss.

(Simple Loss Structure)
Simple Loss Structure

Most often its some variation of the above, and can even be done in text like

(Abstract Loss Panel)
Abstract Loss Panel

The above and below are more abstract ways Loss can be expressed, with the below more closely resembling the kind of post we'd allow on Loss for being a very niche example and actually hard to understand.

(Very Abstract Loss Panel)
Very Abstract Loss Panel

Nina Tucker (Full Metal Alchemist)

Brace yourself because this is a rough one. In the anime FMA, magic is used to transform things into other things. There's a heavy emphasis on morality with this transformation system etc. Enter Shou Tucker.

(Shou Tucker and Nina)
Shou and Nina
(Nina and Dog)
Nina and dog

Shou Tucker is the father of a beautiful young girl named Nina, and a dog. Shou is a researcher iirc, and is coming across a slew of problems in his line of research. When the main characters meet his family the first time it's following the death of his wife, a sad moment for Shou and Nina alike. However later in the show, upon returning Nina and the dog are no where to be found. That is until they find... it. See Shou had came across a breakthrough in his research but needed the proper test subjects. Enter the "punchline".

(Nina Dog)
Nina Dog

Robbing his daughter Nina of her humanity, and the dog of a normal life, Shou found his prime test subjects.

Maegan Hall

(Maegan Hall)
Maegan Hall

Maegan Hall was a police officer in Tennesse who was fired from her job alongside 4(6?) other police officers who she was reportedly regularly having sexual encounters with in working hours. This is as much, at the time of writing this, that has been confirmed. Her story and the other officers story varies on why and how it happened, however this is not the sub for debate or commentary on it. That being said common jokes involve her stealing our tax money, something something train(NSFW), etc. Most of the time these jokes have her face in it though. She starts insane amounts of debate and it would be better not to be posted here.


Of all the things in nature to become a meme it's both hilarious and horrifying how acorns had their moment of fame.

Potentially disturbing video of the incident

Essentially police had searched a man, handcuffed him, put him in the back of their police car. One officer reportedly hears an Acorn fall on the roof of his vehicle, proceeds to yell "Shots fired", combat roll several times, mag dumps the back of the car where the suspect is, claims to be "hit"(shot) rolls and crawls more, then the other officer hears her partner has been hit, proceeds to also mag dump towards the suspect. Investigation showed there were no shots fired in the area and the police officer wasn't hit with anything, everything in the video above. Jokes are generally just depicting acorns being evil etc.

Edit Report
Pub: 27 Feb 2024 23:12 UTC
Edit: 28 Feb 2024 00:02 UTC
Views: 9453