The Ice Beauty

Lilja: (......I came to Japan because I was scouted by Gingaza.)

Lilja: The scout told me. My beauty is my weapon. Just me being on stage is wonderful, he said.)

Lilja: (Ever since I was a child, I loved looking at myself. I looked forward to seeing myself in the mirror, so I always took care to look beautiful.)

Lilja: (I started to like having people look at me when I helped out with a play for a small theatre company in town.)

Lilja: (Everyone was looking at me. It felt good to have living eyes looking at me, seeing how beautiful I was.)

Lilja: (A fashion show like my mother's. A live tour like my father's.)

Lilja: (Scenery photos, fashion magazines, music videos won't do. I want people to see me with their own eyes, in the same place, at the same time. That's what I thought.)

Lilja: If I fail in 'Macbeth', I might have to go back to Rovaniemi...

Lilja: Will people stop watching me......?

Lilja: ......You can come in.

Ramona: I thought you’d still be awake. I've made some hot tea. Why don't we talk for a bit?

Ramona: It's roasted green tea. Try it. It's my recommendation.

Lilja: ......It smells good. There's a similar tea in Rovaniemi. It's relaxing.

Ramona: The effects of tea are the same all over the world. Your hometown......what’s Rovaniemi like?

Lilja: It's cold and dark in winter, and warm in summer when the sun never sets. It's a very beautiful place, surrounded by snow and greenery.

Ramona: It's sounds like a nice place.

Lilja: Yeah. I miss it......

Ramona: Don't tell me you want to go back?

Lilja: It's fine. If I go back, no one will be looking at me from the audience. Not Ramo, or anyone else.

Ramona: You really like being watched, don't you? Is that why you joined Gingaza?

Lilja: I've always been interested in theatre. So, when I was approached by a scout-

Lilja: When I was modelling for a magazine, through my mother's introduction.

Scout: Let me introduce myself. I'm a scout for the Japanese theatre company Gingaza.

Lilja: A scout from Gingaza came all the way to Rovaniemi to see me. He relied on a photo of me performing on a small stage after I'd been invited.

Lilja: The scout told me. I wanted to be seen by everyone, so theatre was the right fit for me.

Lilja: He said that if I stood on the stage at Gingaza, all those living eyes would see how beautiful I was.

Lilja: So I thought I'd give it a try.

Lilja: Because I wanted the excitement I didn't get from a photo shoot. Because I wanted to feel people's gazes on me with my whole beautiful body.

Lilja: That's why I came to Gingaza. I don't have nature or parents, but I like it here because so many people watch me.

Lilja: And I like Ramo too. You come to see me like this.

Ramona: I’m just doing what I have to do. I can't leave my friends feeling down.

Lilja: Is that why you've been looking after the kouhai recently?

Lilja: ......Why are you so passionate about theatre, Ramo?

Ramona: That's a tough question to answer, but...... Well, I guess it's because I enjoy doing theatre with everyone.

Ramona: We get to see each other's faces, laugh together, and cry together. The stage we create together through our joys and sorrows will surely be the best.

Ramona: ......And I don't want anyone to leave like Rinko. Even in a harsh world, if we support each other, we can reduce the number of tragedies. That's what I believe.

Ramona: Don't tell Koyomi, okay? She'll get mad at me if I'm too naive.

Lilja: ......I can't get so passionate about theatre.

Lilja: I know that 'Macbeth' is important to Gingaza. But I don't understand why they’re so worked up.

Lilja: As long as people see me looking beautiful, that's all that matters. I don't want to do theatre the same way as everyone else.

Lilja: Is there something wrong with me?

Ramona: Lilja......

Ramona: I guess the only thing I can do is to worry with you. But I'd be happy if you could understand my enthusiasm for theatre.

Lilja: I know you're worried about me. I'm happy just to be listened to.

Lilja: It's about me, so I'll think about it on my own. I want you to concentrate on your practice.

Ramona: ......Okay. I'll wait for you.

Pub: 30 Nov 2024 20:35 UTC
Edit: 30 Nov 2024 20:51 UTC
Views: 22