Late Saturday afternoon, you and Conner are sweating your asses off inside of your apartament
Conner lays on the bed, whilst you sit next to a fan, that doesn't really do anything outside of circulating the hot air in the room
The AC went out hours ago, and now that the sun is finally starting to set, you find some strenght to get up
7:26 PM on the clock, the day went by before you two even noticed it
"We... did absolutely nothing today, huh"- you say while wiping your face in your tee
Conner, all sweaty slowly lifts his head up
You see his thousand yard stare, which is set in the direction of the fridge
That gives you an idea
"Ice cream?" - Conner's ears suddenly prick up, tired eyes widen
"Alright, lemme see if there's any left" - you say, as Conner slowly slides off the bed
After careful inspection, it turns out that there's nothing but a few empty boxes, frozen corndogs and a half finished bag of frozen dumplings
Conner stumbles into the kitchen looking a little dazed
"Please tell me we at least got some popsicles or something.." - as he begins to yawn, putting his arms behind his head
In less than a split-second, you take one of the frozen corn dogs and put it in Conner's maw
An awkward silence erupts
Conner sucks on the corn dog for a moment and breaks the silence;
"That's not what I think it is, right?" - he takes the corn dog out of his maw
You start to smile seeing Conner's disappointed facial expression
"If it wasn't for the fact that actually cooled me down, I'd be pretty mad, you know?" - he says, handing back the corn dog
"Yeah yeah, sorry" - TOO DRUNK TO FINISH THIS, SORRY

  • ANON
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Pub: 16 Aug 2023 20:18 UTC
Views: 544