She had stared long and hard on her phone, the bright LED light from the screen the only source of light in her dark and sweltering room. She had been reduced nothing but a pure white dress shirt, the summer heat so unbearable that wearing anymore more would've induced heat stroke.

Yet that was not the source of her ire, the heat within her that burned her like fire. Her heart was beating rapidly as she read the contents of the DM. She tried really hard to fight back the smile, but she was so flustered that she couldn't help but smash her face on top of her bed.

"AHHHH I HATE HIM" She screamed, sounds muffled by her mattress as she kicked her long and slender legs up in the air. In her arms she held tightly a grey and worn plushie, a squishmellow, her most steadfast and trusty companion since forever.

She rolls side to side, groaning out as she thought about the target of her wrath, screaming and whining as she replayed all of her cringe replies and messages. Eventually she tired herself out after about 10 minutes of this. She lied on her back and wiped off the sweat on the brow. She store at the industrial ceiling of her barely livable domiciled

She raised up the squishmellow up in the air, once it was a blue whale, but years of use have made it look more like a grey blob

"Why do you make me feel like this" She whispered to no one in particular as she took the squishmellow in for a hug, quietly nibbling on its head as she ruminated over her conversation with him.

Pub: 30 Jul 2022 04:36 UTC
Views: 334