Payback time

"You're really nothing without this, huh?"
The Warden of Time is holding a chain dangling a pocket watch, swinging it like a pendulum
"I already said I'm sorry"
Amelia is staring daggers at her, how did she manage to take it back?
How did she find her office?
"Sorry won't cut it this time, detective..."
She walks towards Amelia, she tries to run away, but her legs are frozen in place
"Shouldn't you be thankful? You've had soooo much fun with this"
Amelia looks away with a scowl
"What's with that attitude?"
She holds the blonde girls' chin, making her look at her
"It won't kill you to be a little more prim and proper, you know?"
"Why? I'm a detective, not a freakin' princess"
"Princess, huh?"
Kronii slowly smiles as she grabs something
"Maybe these will help"
She gives Amelia an outfit
A very confused detective looks at Kronii
"Put these on, now"
"...Fine, but go away while I do this..."
"Since when were you under the impression you could give me orders?"
Amelia's eyes widen
"Change. Now."
The scowl remains in her face but now it's completely red
She slowly starts to remove her clothing
She throws her hat and her coat away
Kronii sits down in Amelia's chair while enjoying the show
Frustrated, Amelia removes her tie
She stops while removing her skirt
She tries to grab her syringes with her concoctions, but she can't find them
Kronii smugly holds them up
"Not a chance, detective"
She finishes taking off her skirt, revealing her black panties
Kronii smiles
"Oh they're so simple, no frills or anything?"
"...Shut up"
She nervously unbuttons her shirt, showing off her black bra
"....Wouldn't this be easier if you just stopped time and got it over with?"
"Ame.... That wouldn't be fun at all~"
Kronii laughs at her
"Gotta say, I'm surprised someone like you bothers matching their underwear"
"That doesn't matter to you"
Amelia feels Kronii's stare, she's looking at everything
Suddenly, Kronii makes a surprised face
Kronii stands up and gets close to her
"What is this?"
She starts to poke her chest
"A birthmark? That's so cute"
She makes circles around it with her finger, adding to the investigator's embarrassment
"Y-you done? Can I put that outfit on now?"
Kronii looks at her with disgust
"You're gonna use what I prepared with this underwear?"
Amelia's stunned
"W-what do you--"
"Take them off"
She slowly looks down
She would rather die than continue this humiliation
"Do you need help?"
She hears Kronii behind her, already fiddling with her bra
She unhooks it, releasing her breasts
"Ooooooh! They're this big?"
Still behind her, Kronii fondles them to her heart's content
"Awwww look, they're all perked up"
Amelia is so shocked she can't respond
She's right, her nipples are hard
Is she really getting excited from this?
Kronii twists and pulls them, Amelia trying her hardest to not moan
"Don't let your knees give out Ame! We still have to remove your panties~"
As she says this, she lets go of Amelia's breasts and runs her fingers down her body
The poor detective could only shiver
Once she got to her waist, instead of grabbing her underwear, she grabbed something else
"Oooooh they're soft too!"
Kronii's fondling her ass
"No wonder you were so smug about it when showing off your casual clothes~"
She takes off her gloves
She moves her right hand to her crotch, and puts it inside her panties
Her legs have been frozen in place again, her arms as well
She can't fight back
Her fingers run down her pussy
They don't encounter much resistance
Kronii takes her hand off to look at it
"Oh no, Ame, this won't do at all"
She shows her her hand
It's wet
"I can't believe you're making me help you, you're really stepping out of line"
Amelia feels Kronii's tongue licking her neck
She wants to scream, but it's futile
Kronii pulls her panties down, and continues to fondle her
One hand on her breasts and the other fingering her
Amelia can't stop herself from moaning now but she still tries to be quiet
Kronii's enjoying this
She stops fingering her from time to time to make her taste her own juices
"Do you taste good~?"
She doesn't respond
"Hmpf, you're no fun"
She smiles again
"Well... since you were so kind to remind me about my own powers... let's do this...."
She slides her fingers down Amelia's crotch again
"W-what did you do...?"
"Hehehe... You'll see.... Or feel, rather"
She continues as normal
Amelia immediately notices the change
She's feeling whatever Kronii does more intensely than before
It's like... the feeling's lasting longer
"You want to be a smartass again?"
The sensation spreads to her entire body, making her shiver even more
She would have fallen to the floor by now if her legs weren't frozen in time
"K-Kronii.... please..."
"Please? Please what? Are you going to make me do something again?"
There are tears running down Amelia's face now
"I'm... I'm....."
Kronii hears whispering
She accelerates her pace
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry...."
Kronii puts another finger inside of her
"Couldn't quite hear you, detective. Care to repeat that?"
"Are you, now?"
"Aaaand...? Promise you won't do stupid things with my watch?"
"Goooood girl~"
She undoes the slowdown on Amelia
But she's still fingering her
"W-wait why aren't you stopping?"
"I still have to help you with your little problem, right?"
"N-no you do-- AH"
Amelia clenches her teeth
While doing this, Kronii learned all her weak spots
She puts her knowledge to use
She bites her ear, pinches her nipple and caresses her G-spot
"MMMM... AHH--"
Amelia climaxes
She spasms uncontrollably, Kronii holds her
Once she's done, she lets her fall to the floor

When Amelia recovers, Kronii's waiting for her in her chair
"Well? Ready to put that on?"
"I even prepared some cute underwear for you~"
Reluctantly, she puts on the outfit
Black, lace tie panties and a strapless bra
"Awwww you look gorgeous already, putting some effort in your underwear is nice~"
Amelia's embarrassment hasn't gone away, her blush returns
"Still, hope the bra works... Your breasts keep growing"
Golden slippers, an anklet, buckle straps for her thighs
And a black dress with a short skirt
"Ohhhh yeah, I'm the best..."
"Hmmmm... wait a second"
Kronii gets off her seat
"Your hair's just too short, detective"
"...I need it to stay short"
"Not for this"
Kronii starts to comb her hair with her fingers
As she does this, her hair grows longer
She stops when her hair reaches her thighs
"Yes! There we go"
Amelia looks at her hair
"Wouldn't this count as a stupid thing for time control?"
Kronii has a smug look on her face
"Do as I say, not as I do..."
"But now that you mention it"
Kronii grabs her left arm
"Let's make sure you really don't do any of that"
She starts to draw something on her arm
Amelia feels like it's being burnt
She screams but Kronii doesn't let go
The feeling of pain only lasts an instant, but it still left a strong impression on the detective
Kronii eventually lets go
Looking at her arm, it's some kind of symbol
"...What is this?"
"Ohhhh don't you worry... Just a little something to add to the outfit"
"Now put the last things on"
She does as she's told, putting on a see-through dress with a floral belt and laces
"Awwwwwww.... You look beautiful!"
Amelia once again scowls at her
"...Still gotta work on that attitude though"
"Seriously, what did you do to me?"
She points at her arm
Kronii smiles
"It's a simple tattoo... that will let the both of us know if you do something stupid"
Amelia realizes what just happened
"You're not escaping from me now, detective... Or should I say, princess?"
She puts on a tiara on her
"Ahhh, almost perfect"
She puts on earrings on her
Kronii looks proud of her work
"Can't wait to put more outfits on you, my little doll~"
Amelia doesn't know what to do
"Ohhh silly me, I forgot you don't have your syringes anymore"
She searches through her drawers
"This should work"
She grabs a knife and puts in on her leg
"No concoctions for now, alright?"
Amelia finally reacts and reaches for the knife
She immediately tries to attack Kronii
She stops an inch before reaching her target
Her arm is glowing
She starts to feel the same pain she felt when Kronii started to tattoo her
She drops the knife and the pain subsides
"Sigh... Didn't I just say what it would do?"
"Oh, guess I didn't actually explain it.... But this works"
She grabs the knife again and slides it down Amelia's face
"You can't escape"
She puts the knife back to its holster and faces Amelia
"You're mine"
Amelia's anger is almost palpable, but she can't do anything
Kronii hands her a purse
"Your precious pocket watch is in there... Just remember your actions have consequences"
"Now off you go, princess. Show off your outfit to your friends!"
Amelia quickly exits the office, running as fast as she can
Kronii laughs to herself, watching as the detective tries to escape
"I'm going to have sooooooo much fun with you from now on"
She smiles one more time
"My dear, dear detective"
At some point, Amelia slows down until she stops
"What's the point?"
It's not like she can run away
She grabs her arm
The pain from before lingers
The anger, sadness and humiliation she felt are still there
What can she do?
She screwed up, Kronii found her
Now she's branded
Feelings of dread and anxiety clouds her mind
The worse possible outcome from stealing the watch happened
She belongs to the Warden of Time now
She'll do whatever she wants to her
She can never escape

t. Nameronii

Edit Report
Pub: 13 Dec 2021 07:35 UTC
Edit: 13 Dec 2021 19:34 UTC
Views: 1148