The Sorrows of a Great Detective (Part 1)

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Trained Card Art:

Ramona: …...I'd be happy to hear your thoughts. Next time, let's meet at the theatre instead of through streaming... Yeah. See you around, then.

Lilja: So Rinko can't come after all. Even though The Long Goodbye stars Ramo.

Ramona: Unfortunately, she's also starring in a play. When I sent her tickets for delivery instead, she got mad at me for paying for them.

Xue: I don't understand people who pay for free tickets. No, I'd say there's nothing more expensive than free tickets......

Hikari: I'm glad she’s doing well.

Hikari: Did she like it? The Long Goodbye.

Ramona: She was full of praise from start to finish. Even though it was such a half-baked, it seems to have touched a lot of people's hearts.

Koyomi: A half-baked play......?

Hikari: Eh? Ramo-san was cool, right?

Hikari: 'Too early for gimlets!’ Ba-bam!

Xue: That's my line though......well, whatever.

Xue: The theatre is packed. The distribution is selling exceptionally well. You can thank me for that.

Ramona: That's right. It was completed with everyone's help. I'm happy. Of course I'm happy......

Lilja: That doesn't look like the face of a happy person. Looks pretty weak.

Xue: Oh dear, do I have to question you again?

Xue: Get on with it and talk to me before I have to charge you a consultation fee.

Ramona: ......Sorry, Xue. I actually have a problem. Something critical to the quality of the stage.

Koyomi: That's not good to hear. What is the problem?

Ramona: ......The gimlets.

Ramona: I don't know what a gimlet tastes like! And as for a real gimlet......

Koyomi: Yes......?

Ramona: 'If you mix lime or lemon juice with gin and a bit of sugar. You think you can make a gimlet, but you don't'.

Ramona: 'A real gimlet is 1:1 gin and lime. You don't need anything else'.

Ramona: Terry said, ‘It surpasses even the king of cocktails, the Martini,’ but I can't taste it! Because I can't drink…...

Koyomi: Of course you can’t. You’re a minor in this country......

Ramona: Why a gimlet? If it was beer, I would know what it tastes like......

Hikari: By the way, Ramo-san, did you really drink? I'm surprised you're 16 and you've had beer!

Lilja: Even in Europe it varies from country to country. Germany is particularly early.

Koyomi: Countries vary a lot, don't they......?

Ramona: But it's not legal here. Not only gimlets, but also beer, and even the precious Japanese saké is not allowed.

Ramona: Marlow is not complete without a gimlet. I will end up showing the customers something half-baked......

Lilja: Even if you can't drink, you can still act, right?

Koyomi: That's right. As an actor, you have to use your imagination to compensate.

Koyomi: First of all, you can wait a few years to drink, can't you?

Ramona: No, now! With friends who stand on the same stage and trust each other, drinking sake right after the performance! That moment is irreplaceable!

Ramona: Aah! I want to share a drink with everyone and shiver with excitement……!

Ramona: I want to be drunk on the beautiful wine that friendship and hard work have brewed!

Koyomi: At least, those don’t sound like the words of a sober person......

Xue: We have too many people who are drunk with themselves. It's like they're always drunk.

Lilja: If that’s the case, then we should be able to get drunk on the air. Koyomi is right, we are actors.

Koyomi: Eh? A drinking party etude? Are you serious......?

Hikari: Sounds fun! Then I'll have some awamori! Adult’s medicine!

Xue: ......Pretending to drink? Just the thing for drunken fist practice, right?

Ramona: You guys......what wonderful friends you are!

Ramona: All right, now this is the banquet hall! Everyone, raise your glasses high!

Ramona: Cheers!

Pub: 06 Feb 2024 20:53 UTC
Edit: 08 Feb 2024 20:28 UTC
Views: 171