Family in chains

[18:01] Bell looked Orphee in the eyes. If the man sought resistance, he saw none. If he sought fear, there was none. Only disgust.

"I am impressed with you, Orphee. To think that one as pitiful as ye would name Ksceniya a criminal. To think that you would call an egg which was kept from scum like you, kept sheltered from your hands. You would call that a crime. Well Ksceniya is no criminal. She is a woman who has saved countless lives, selflessly, worked for the benefit of the young and for mankind. Done more selfless good than anyone. Only to take the ire of the foulest man alive."

The collar clicked. It was adorned like an awarded medal.

He smiled, toward the stalls over yonder. "Farewell, my friend."
(Bell A. Montelione)

[18:02] Phoenix Altan says, "....."
[18:03] Before things got out of hand, Sasha attempted to step between the two, shaking her head at Bell. Now was not the time.
(Säsha C. Montelione)

[18:03] "I'm more or less questioning your decision to collar the child and... not the adult. I'm not questioning your desire to get the egg back at all, Orphee! Nor doubting it's significance, truly."

Azalea shook her head. His obsession lead him to not seeing much of other options, nor the fact that it would be a bit redundant for the other Monteliones to be collared when they wouldn't follow suit anyways.

There's a nod given to Bells' words. She could not have said it herself much better, and it most likely held the most impact coming from him anyways.

...Perhaps a meeting with Jokul was in order, hmm.
(Azalea Aubreen)

[18:04] Phoenix Altan whispers: Whats.... Goin on..
[18:04] Jenny Sun-Broxley whispers to Phoenix Altan: dunno miss cinny got some egg and blue bitch wantes it
[18:04] Azalea Aubreen whispers to Phoenix Altan: Orphee is very desperate for the egg Niya up and vanished with. He tried to collar Syca, aaand now he's collared Bell.
[18:04] Jenny Sun-Broxley whispers to Phoenix Altan: so she ran
[18:04] Azalea Aubreen whispers to Phoenix Altan: Honestly!
[18:05] Azalea Aubreen whispers to Phoenix Altan: If I could I'd shake him!!
[18:05] Jenny Sun-Broxley whispers to Phoenix Altan: now hes colliring all the montalones
[18:05] Malvesta says, "We are setting up apartments in Nyt'hjem. If you seek some place away from topsider politics."
[18:05] Jenny Sun-Broxley whispers to Phoenix Altan: and its all about poloticks
[18:06] Let out a small sigh.
(Phoenix Altan)

[18:06] Jenny Sun-Broxley whispers to Phoenix Altan: come girl time
[18:06] Jenny Sun-Broxley whispers to Phoenix Altan: i dont want you to watch this
[18:06] jenny would pick up phi
(Jenny Sun-Broxley)

[18:06] if she would allow
(Jenny Sun-Broxley)

[18:06] Phoenix Altan whispers: I... May need to... Jenny.
[18:06] Kaien says, "I enjoy how quiet it is down there."
[18:06] Kaien says, "Something will have to be done about the market, however.."
[18:07] Jenny Sun-Broxley whispers to Phoenix Altan: need girl time or watch this?
[18:07] Phoenix Altan whispers: Watch this...
[18:07] Jenny Sun-Broxley whispers to Phoenix Altan: would you like a hug and pats while you watch?
[18:18] The simmering pot that was Orphee's rage reaching to that boiling point after those words. A hand reaches forward, and two draconic digits dig underneath the collar; They work as the dragonlord lifts him up, teeth grinding against each other.

The baritone raises amidst the growl. "You are a pathetic, pitiful little man, Bell." Perhaps he meant that in more ways than one! Orphee was, in fact, gigantic by all means; Standing at a proud 6'8'', a fair bit of the continent outside of the frozen north was small by comparison.

But the meaning was far deeper than that. "You may be satisfied with poor results, with the repeated practice of a doctor- But I am not." The grip tightens; Talons sink into skin, but no blood is drawn. Not deep enough. Not yet.

"What she does is a crime; There is no way for this to be seen. Little differs from what she did and what Lydia did to your crown." Head cants to the side. "And even if you consider it worthless after she'd taken it, the egg still is no different."

"Do not think yourself so high and mighty." He leans in closer, warmth emitting from those starlight wings- An overwhelming amount of such. "Were I the brute you think me as, I would throw you all into a prison instead of just putting what's effectively a trinket around your necks."

"Trust me, I've been eager to smash a head against the pavement ever since I found out the egg isn't here." So- He tosses Bell to the side, against a nearby wall. "You've heard me."

"Once she's back, you'll be freed. I was going to let the battery run out, and consider it a lost cause then- But no. If you're so eager for me to be evil and foul?"

"Then so be it." A button is pressed upon the remote. The serrated teeth of the collar come, the first deterrent oft used when it is attempted to be removed - Followed by brief shocks meant to subdue. "The bounty of a hundred thousand on her head still stands."

"I will be in Vdalion. This city has not gotten better in the twenty years since I've left it."
(Orphee Dawnseeker)

[18:18] Floated there not really sure what to make of the ongoing situation before her.
(Phoenix Altan)

[18:22] Phoenix Altan whispers: Miss... Cenny.. No...
[18:23] Azalea Aubreen whispers: I'll try to talk to Jokul, although I feel like not much will come of it...
[18:23] Phoenix Altan whispers: M-Mhm.... I shall... Look more into this...
[18:25] Stares between her Father and Orphee, a look of shock and horror on her face. Tears forming in her eyes and flowing freely, quietly. A hand reaching out toward her Father as he is lifted, threatened and the collar kicks in.


Looking then to Orphee, and remembering what her Father briefly told her about the man, no the MONSTER standing there. Wondering how anyone can act like that, and shrug it off. Wondering how the silver winged MONSTER could sleep when able to be so needlessly violent.

Rushing over to her Father, scanning him over from head to toe as the collar works. Seeing with her teary eyes if he will need any sort of medical treatment after this.

Happy to no longer be collared. But with this price, was it really worth it?
(Sycamonia Montelione)

[18:30] Riddick C. Sparrow says, "..."
[18:30] Riddick C. Sparrow says, "Mm."
[18:33] Bell's eyes turned back to Orphee, after his gesture to his friend. That friend's pleas would come too late. Henceforth, Bell had already said his piece. A piece which had to be said. The words returned were expected. And so was the physical punishment. And as Bell listened he did so in silence. The man shook not. Trembled not. He rebuked not.

He stood his ground until the ground itself was taken from him.

Once Orphee's grasp was taken to his collar, Bell grit his teeth... "Ngh…" His eyes did not stray from the Jarl's own. And when Orphee would throw him, against the pavement? Like a wounded animal, like a pitiful doll? Bell simply let it happen. He would slowly crawl himself up to rest upon his forearm... When spikes would dig into his flesh.

A third punishment, for simple words. The man grit his teeth again, and the shocks would tear through his veins. Tear through his person in waves of pain hecould not ignore, only to scream.

But he heard one word.
Even through the pain he endured he would shout at the top of his lungs.


He intended not to be aided. He intended to take every modicum of pain he could, if it would shelter for even the moment those he cared about from the same. And he would not see his daughter take another blow.

And if left as is, as he wished... He would sit through it all, teeth clenched, until he was considered subdued.
(Bell A. Montelione)

Pub: 15 Jun 2023 08:53 UTC
Views: 294