Gladiator Games by anonymous

Ywn lose your duel to an anthro warrior in the Colosseum
Honestly you're kind of surprised you lasted as long as you did since you've never actually been trained for combat
Perhaps the crowd will see that and have mercy upon you?
Except the gesture they're making isn't one you've seen before
It isn't a thumbs up or thumbs down, they're making a circle with one hand and sticking their thumb into it over and over agai-
Oh dear gods

I'm intrigued. moar of that scenario?

The whole mess began when your village in what was now Brittania was overrun by them
Dressed in red and unbelievably well organized, they tore apart the squabbling irregulars the local tribes mustered up as resistance with clinical efficiency
You were merely a farmer and hadn't even raised a hand in resistance when they came, but they enslaved you all the same and dragged you back to their city, Rome, as a symbol of their conquest
But they underestimated you, at first. They didn't realize that you were literate in their language and were organizing an escape plan
Until someone ratted you out, anyway
And so you were sentenced "ad ludum", chained beneath the Colosseum and then forced out into the arena, naked except for a small loincloth with a horribly balanced bronze sword, shaking in terror
And then your opponent was revealed, and you knew your death was at hand
Damnatio ad bestias, they were going to force you to fight an enormous lionman from Cyrenica
He was similarly dressed in only a loin cloth, his pelt with numerous scars and cuts, some quite recent, and built like an Olympian
He was likely a slave as well, perhaps being punished or broken further here at the arena, as he was completely restrained in chains and roaring bloody murder at his captives, falling to the ground as the chains around his arms and ankles were finally released
On picking up his sword, he let out another fierce growl as he turned to look at you, his challenger
Momentarily, the pure hate and anger in his eyes softened as he saw you standing before him in pale faced terror, the brandings on your body indicating you were just the same as him, a slave here to be mocked and tortured
But only for a moment
With another fierce roar, he charged at you and so began your duel
He was almost an arm's length taller than you, far stronger and faster, and though his gladius was possibly even shabbier than yours, his control was perfect, like it was part of his arm
He could have decapitated you or disemboweled you with one quick strike, but instead he allowed you to back up as he tested your perimeter, striking forth but then quickly retreating, like playing with his food
And then, drawing closer, you heard him speak in a low, growling voice
"Don't just retreat, fight back! What they want is a show, defy their expectations enough and they MIGHT let you live!"
You could barely think with the amount of adrenaline coursing through you, but he slowed down and exaggerated his next lunge enough that you managed to swat it away, eliciting an enormous cheer from your tormentors
His next swipe to your right was similarly sluggish. Taking the hint from his played up stumble, you even took a swipe at him, setting the crowd alight with delight once again
This exchange continued for a little while, but soon you were out of space to retreat, and your antics were getting diminishing returns from the spectators
Sensing this, the lion decided to end things before your little ruse became apparent, striking at you with blinding speed, knocking your sword completely out of your hand and sending you sprawling into the sand
And so there you were, the lion towering over you, his head turned towards the editores, who were now making that lewd gesture
It couldn't possibly mean what you thought, right?!
But the cacophonous laughter and wolf-whistling from the crowd seemed to confirm your worst fears, and taking that as their answer, the lion dropped both his sword and his loincloth
Directing his attention back toward you, he lunged, pinning you under him as he looked at you with an unreadable expression, feeling his breath on your bare chest as he removed one paw from your arm and began to unclothe you
Oh gods, no...
As he gently spread your legs, his gaze and paw lingered for some time on your shamefully erect member
He then revealed his own, equally at attention, and guided it into place as the crowd roared in anticipation
Your heart raced in a most bizarre mixture of fear, shame, shock, and, try as you might to deny it, excitement
The lion leaned in and, to your great shock, gently kissed you, drawing an even more raucous uproar from the spectators
You let out an almost inaudible plea for mercy as he drew away
"I don't know what you did to warrant this, human, but i'm sorry. If this is what those those harpies demand, I cannot say no."
Your heart was practically beating out of your chest as he once again placed his paws around your arms, preparing to take you
"I don't want to die, either. Just make it through this, and you and I will be free. I will be as gentle as I can."

Never written dubious consent before, I feel a little dirty. Anyways, lions.

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Pub: 22 Jun 2022 08:46 UTC
Edit: 22 Jun 2022 08:47 UTC
Views: 1309