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Doki Doki Mystery Team

I. Inigo's Apartment

Inigo stood under the showerhead, water rushing down his face as he rubbed his temples with frustration. Not even his premium black market shampoo, SophistiqueTatarimokké-Sérénité, could cheer him up. He sighed as he watched soapy droplets run off his hair and fall to his feet. Hoge had invited him to a place special to her and he was sure he messed it up. He did really like doing that parkour stuff with her. He would've had time to recover, if not for that weird package they found. Now all hope might be lost. If this was a VN route, he’d have to start all over. One more wrong turn and he'd end up with a bad ending.

You're just too dumb. You don’t even know what a cypher super-substitute neutrino frequency encoding system is. (Hoge laughing. The whole class starts laughing too.) Go find someone else. Baka.

Inigo slapped his face with both palms a few times. There's no use thinking that way. Gigan, his small shapeshifting dragon, mewed at him while wearing a small shower cap. Inigo looked at his dragon accusingly. “ You were supposed to look out for me…. You really let me down, bud.“ Gigan shrugged and just kept eating a bar of soap. Inigo wasn’t sure why it bothered him so much. Why couldn’t he move on like he always did? He sighed. He already knew the answer. When it came to her things were different. “Don’t use up all the hot water.” Junichi walked into the bathroom. He was wearing a towel and began brushing his teeth in front of the sink. Inigo narrowed his eyes and pulled open the shower curtain.

“Why are you always in my apartment?!”

“The water heater at my place is broken, remember… You almost done in there?”

“Yup….” He sighed gloomily. “You didn’t hear any of that did you?”

“I did. You’ve been moping around all morning."

Inigo got out of the shower stall. "Hey if I don't make it.. can I join your revolution friends club?"

"Maybe... Having trouble with the hero school? Ready to call it quits?”

“It’s more like girl trouble... How do you make the pain go away, man?”

Junichi placed a hand on the blonde boy’s shoulder. “The pain doesn't go away. It only serves as momentum, motivation to push forward. If you stop moving forward, you freeze to death under the weight.” Inigo’s eyes went wide. “Whoa you’re right.”

“I’m always right, and one day this corrupt world will see it….” Junichi was as intense as ever today. Inigo examined himself in the mirror. “By the way, when’d you get that new piercing?”

“This one...? I got it done yesterday....”

“Nice. I’m thinking of getting one right here.”



Junichi entered the shower stall. Inigo took a minute to blowdry and style his hair. He shot fingerguns and nodded at his mirror self. “Thanks for the talk man. I think I know exactly what to do.” A more confident Inigo left the room.

"Hey.." Junichi called out from the stall. "Where'd all the soap go?”

Gigan hiccuped. It was busy taking out everything in the fridge and placing them on the counter. Inigo fried up hot dogs in the shape of little octopuses, he was watching a video on his phone about how to make a proper bento. He had already molded the rice balls into heart-shapes. Junichi sat on the couch watching the news. A blue-haired woman was reporting in front of a renovated Majestic Hero Agency. A group of cheering fans held up signs behind her.

[ “We're coming to you live in front of Majestic Hero Agency where it was confirmed yesterday that Majestic is in full recovery. The full story of the Night Parade attack has since come to the light of day, inspiring many, and calming the fears of millions."]

"Can you believe this stuff..." Junichi frowned and changed the channel. He flipped through five different channels each of them talk shows with Majestic talking about how he had stopped the Night Parade attack. Inigo turned to watch. Junichi stopped at a channel where the camera was focused on Majestic with a mic. He was addressing a gathered crowd.

["Ah, Night Parade! Yeah they got me, but it was a dirty sucker punch! Cowards couldn't fight me straight. Course, I was with a lady friend at that special time of the night. And she was of appropriate age! Don't believe the tabloid rumors, haha! What I did first was save her, evaluate the situation, and then I rushed in to save the day! That's what villains need to know. I'll always be around to stop their plans. They attacked four hero agencies! Why do you think they stopped at mine, haha!? Cause I stopped them that's why. I had them on the ropes. They could've attacked ten, or twenty places! But I had their leader crying and scared. Real ugly one, too, I think he was mad I took out his minions so fast. They scratched my eyes up, but I broke every bone in their body, if you can believe that. Numbers can only get you so far, if you don't have this! (He pounded his chest) No, I'm not talking about what's inside, and all that soft feely nonsense. I'm talking about me, a powerful hero! None of you can do what I do. HA! I'm just joking, of course. Hope you're not the kind of pissants who get offended over every little thing. It's important to have thick skin nowadays. Don't believe all that fake garbage they're spreading in the news about heroes endangering everyone. Putting up new regulations just means the bad guys win. Do you want the bad guys to win? I don't! What we need is more heroes. Call your local representative and tell them which side you're on. We all got to stick together! Stay safe citizen! And.. (He holds the mic up to the crowd) HAVE A MAJESTIC DAY! HAHAHA!"]

Majestic's speech was met with loud applause and cheers. Junichi turned off the television and stared at it blankly. "What a fool... And everyone's just eating it up. Those people need to wake up..." Inigo frowned, he understood where Junichi was coming from but there was something else. He wondered if Junichi had history with Majestic. He was always a touchy subject. He knew his dark-haired friend had tried to get in and was denied entry to Shiketsu.

Inigo broke the awkward silence. "Hey, at least they're not scared anymore. They're happier right?"

"Happy until the same thing happens again.. Happy that nothing ever changes.." Junichi was activating his quirk. A razor-sharp bone protruded in and out of his wrist, a small trail of blood ran down his arm. He might be the one that needs cheering up now. Inigo thought.

"I wouldn't say nothing changes. It's just really slow. Don't you always say it's up to us?" Inigo walked to the couch and placed his hand on Junichi's shoulder. "When we get up there, when it's our turn, we'll change things. We just gotta remain focused. I think you'd like the folks in my class. It's full of real ones like us, working hard to make things better." He smirked. "The world can change."

Junichi broke out of his mood and turned to Inigo. "It's burning."

"I wouldn't say that.."

"No." Junichi pointed at the stove. "Your food is burning."

"Oh shit! Gigan!? Where are you?!" Inigo jumped to put out the fire. "Ow! Damn it! "

Black smoke filled the apartment as the two teenagers wrestled with the stove fire. The tamagoyaki was completely burnt.

II. Class 1-D Classroom

It was a chilly Spring morning. Rain fell lightly outside as Inigo sat at the back of the class. Things had gotten better around the school. The protesters near the gates had been half replaced by equally aggressive Majestic fans. Class 1-D was halfway through morning period and Rosethorn was teaching the hero students Physics. It was one of the classes he was oddly good at. Gigan was busy working on the worksheet the class was given. Inigo quietly scanned the classroom while pretending to control the green pen that was his construct. Rosethorn was busy helping Jugo with his worksheet, the dark-haired martial enthusiast was scratching his head. Imai and Ashleigh had been called up front to answer a question on the board. Inigo could tell she was nervous to be up there. Imai's trying to get her attention by writing and deleting the answer to her own question on his side of the board, but she kept glancing over at Yui. Yui gave Ashleigh a subtle thumbs up. When did those two get so chummy? He was happy to see it.

Shinkan was sneaking bites of coal under his desk. Sally and Noah were sharing a textbook. She had moved her chair closer to his. Christopher looked like he was about to nod off, he probably knew this stuff already. Hifumi was looking out the window, occassionally glancing at Hailey. Things seemed different with them since that fight on the roof, like they were even closer now. Inigo wondered if it had something to do with the package Hailey had yesterday. She was nicer. I guess Hifumi's bro-ness is rubbing off on her. Heheh. Hailey and her friends were busy chatting amongst themselves about their latest vlog. Inigo had been subscribed to them since the start of the semester, but they had somehow found his account and blocked him. It's fine though, since he had three more.

Inigo took out a piece of paper and wrote on it.

Date for Lunch? I have store-bought bento!!! <3 xoxox
[ ] Yes
[ ] You're the best! Also Yes
[ ] Why don't we skip lunch and do something else ;)

He folded the paper into a crude makeshift plane and aimed it at Hoge's corner. It flew straight pass Hiro. Orochi looked up from her worksheet and stretched, one of her snake-heads came up and snapped at the plane, knocking it off course. It curved away from Hoge. Crap. Where is it going? The plane flew past the Spheresgirls and Kaylee. Noah's wings flapped and it sent the plane flying up to the center of the room. Owari glanced up and saw it, but only looked at it. It bounced off some sort of gravity bubble above Sora, and shot towards Chihiro. It wouldn't be too bad if she got it. She'd probably just throw it away. The plane made a sharp right and started descending. It landed on Rosethorn-sempai's desk. Damn.

Rosethorn looked away from helping Jugo and saw the plane. She picked it up. Okay stay cool. It's just some random plane. I don't have my name on it or anything. Rosethorn was looking around the room with concern. Inigo kept his head down and stared at his worksheet. She started reading the note out-loud."Date for Lunch? I have store-bought bento. Heart. Ex-Oh-Ex-Oh-Ex" The whole class broke out in quiet laughter and murmurs. He sighed in relief that she didn't read the options. Heads turned to Inigo. Why do they think it's me?! There's no way it's that obvious...

"Well I'm flattered, but I'm afraid I have to say no." Rosethorn addressed him directly. "You should be focusing on your lessons, Myoga." Bobby nudged him jokingly, Inigo laughed it off and grinned at everyone.

"Now stand up and open your book to page 43. Tell me the answer to question 4 and 16."

Inigo frowned. So much for just getting a warning. He stood up and opened the book. He read the questions. Was she taking it easy on him?

"Light with a wavelength of 580 nm. That's like orangey-yellow in the visible spectrum. 520 nm... That's green. It's perceived as green by people." His own green eyes sparkled.

"And question 16?"

"Well.. when there's no sound, it means that there's no vibrations or disturbances in the medium that can be heard. And in acoustics, "Dead spots" are the spots where sound waves cancel each other out. So it's hard to hear anything. It's kinda dull and faded."

"Good. But I better not see any more notes from you. I'd like to remind you, Myoga. That dating isn't allowed in Shiketsu. " She turned away. "That goes for all you too. Now everyone turn to the back of the worksheet please! You only have until the end of the day to turn this in!" Inigo sank down on his seat with a defeated sigh. Gigan mewed on his shoulder.

A pristinely-made paper plane landed on his desk. He blinked, eyes going wide as he slowly opened it. It only had a few words. "Tomorrow morning. Park." next to a sticker of the great Marumaru.

III. Valiant Park

The next morning, Inigo got up early to go to the park. Rain poured down from the bluish gray sky, casting a slight mist over the park where they had fought the two villains. Gigan turned into an umbrella and floated over Inigo as he ran into an old wooden gazebo next to a small stone garden. Dressed in his green hoodie and jeans, Inigo felt a tad anxious. Gigan mewed and snapped into its dragon form, giving Inigo an encouraging look. "Y'know. Rain is way too romantic for a simple get-together." He grinned. "Good thing I came prepared right?" He propped his banana-stickered skateboard against the wooden screen of the gazebo and pulled out a bouquet of vibrant flowers from under his hoodie. He smirked and adjusted the blossoms. Looks like they survived the trip. Inigo's emerald eyes darted around, searching for any sign of Hoge.

Finally, he spotted an odd spot in the falling rain, where the water seems to be blurring as it fell to the side. He focused both his and Gigan's eyes on the spot, relying on their combined senses. Hoge was hurrying towards the center of the park, her glasses slightly fogged from the rain. She wore a yellow rain coat over a loose-fitting blue sweater, the soft fabric clinging to her form with moisture from the rain. The rain coat sleeves extended slightly past her wrists, partially obscuring her hands. He smirked as she unsuccessfully jumped over a puddle causing a splash that was partially shielded by her black rain boots. She looked kinda weary. Was she trying to keep her regular schedule while solving the mysterious code they found in the package? Add in sword-training and all the added hero training the school's been giving them to catch up for the day they were off last week, and things get difficult fast. Even a slacker like him was having issues! He smiled. What did he expect from the Class Rep of 1-D? Inigo's heart fluttered as he watched her, knowing the passion and dedication she poured into everything she did. He rested the flowers under the seats and turned Gigan into an umbrella. He rushed out into the rain to meet her.

"Hey, Beautiful!" Inigo called out, his voice carrying through the raindrops. "You made it! You look absolutely stunning, even in the rain." Inigo ran his fingers through his own wet hair, pushing his bangs up. Hoge's eyes widened as he approached, her expression a mix of surprise and bashfulness. "Thanks," she replied, her voice quiet and tired. "We should seek shelter. We can't risk getting sick right now. There's way too much to do. Academically speaking, neither one of us can afford to miss more than a day or two of classes."

Inigo smirked. "Follow me I found a spot over there. Y'know academically speaking, we could drop out and run away together." He got closer and offered his hand.

"Baka." She closed her arms firmly around his, leaning on him a bit more than he thought she would. He adjusted his footing as he lead them to the gazebo. "Why didn't you bring an umbrella?"

"It's still a Sunday, so I took my normal training route here. Umbrellas are unruly. Unpredictable winds can render them fragile and prone to inversion, necessitating constant readjustment to avoid obscuring your own vision. Maneuvering through alleys and buildings with an umbrella can lead to unintentional collisions an-" She yawned.

Inigo grinned and cut her off. "But what if you had a really big one with like mirrors and stuff." He snapped his finger and poured a large amount of his energy into Gigan. He had to take a moment and stand still to keep from fainting as the sudden fatigue hit him. His construct transformed into a large floating canopy above their heads, interlaced with shimmering mirrors. It glowed and spun in the rain creating a cascade of sprinkling showers around them.

"Baka. You're drawing too much attention now."

"I know. I just felt like getting more of your attention on me." He winked. "Besides we're the only ones here right?"

The large canopy formed a shimmering path as they made their way to the gazebo. He sat next to Hoge who took off her raincoat and hastily handed him the notebook and file folder. Inside was a stack of binded documents all ordered using various maru stickers. She started explaining what she found.

"-looking into historical ciphers for katakana, I discerned patterns, methods, and vulnerabilities in their code. I was surprised to find the files got even more complicated the deeper I examined it. I knew they were relying on a single repeating common key. With that information, I examined the encrypted files, parsing it for any semblance of structure, recurrent symbols, or linguistic clues that might betray its underlying code-" He had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. He sighed and smiled, he just liked looking at her as she spoke. God, her eyes were pretty. Were her nose always so cute? How long would she pause if he kissed her right now? He wondered if she realizes when he zoned out like this. Part of him thinks she likes talking to him to hear her own thought process. He didn't mind at all.


"-what?" She seemed annoyed that he interrupted her.

"I got you flowers!" He grinned and reached for the boquet under the seat. He winked and placed it on her lap.

Her annoyed expression changed. Maru's lips curled into a shy smile as she accepted the flowers. "They're beautiful. Thanks." The lining of her form blurred even more causing Inigo to have to try even harder to see what expression she was making. She absent-mindedly rearranged the blooms, her meticulous nature shining through. "You didn't have to get me anything. This isn't a date you know. Shiketsu's in danger and we're trying to save everyone."

"Yeah but it doesn't have to be so boring and mechanical right? It's supposed to be heroic and romantic like a sexy mystery thriller." He shot her fingerguns and did jazz hands with his other hand, putting on his best James Pond-impression. "Baka." She adjusted herself and leaned against his shoulder. She traced her index finger and thumb against one of the blue blossoms in the boquet. He noticed her plucking one and slipping it inside the pages of her notebook. "I thought this might happen so I summarized my observations here."

She handed him a yellow document from the file folder. "These are lists of coordinates and dates in the files. I also found a key code that was tucked away "Redline: 8@m#^12j-e3". There's a high chance it's a pass code for something." She yawned.

"You look exhausted," Inigo said softly, his voice laced with genuine worry. "You've been pushing yourself too hard lately. Let me take care of you for a bit? You could rest while I send this stuff out. My uncle could help with this." He leaned back, causing her leaning form to fall into his lap.

"Just for... a moment then." Her head nestled against Inigo's thigh, stirring slightly, her eyes fluttering before meeting his gaze. "Hey, take your time. You look like you didn't sleep a wink." Her words, as always, came forth in bursts, the monotone of her voice giving away little emotion. "I'm fine, Ini. Just needed to...solve the puzzle. It's important." Maru drifted to sleep, her form relaxing against Inigo's lap, he decided to take action. Gently extracting his phone from his pocket, he skillfully tapped away at the screen, composing a message to his uncle, the head of Kyoto's Dai-Ichi Ikkai branch. He requested information about the mysterious ledger Hoge found, and the pass code. His uncle had just hired a crack team from out of Japan, he wondered if they could help with this.

The rain intensified around their small shelter, creating a symphony of pitter-patters all around them. Inigo took a moment to observe Maru, noticing the exhaustion etched on her delicate features. The marks on her hands from her swordplay practice. He felt his heart beating fast as he looked at her with affection. He gently brushed Maru's short hair with his fingers, his touch tender and slow. As Maru slumbered, she instinctively cradled Inigo's arm.

He looked through Hoge's files with his free arm. There's a lot here, he might as well settle in. He activated his quirk and Gigan formed a large blanket around them.

The rain had stopped giving way to a sunnier afternoon as Hoge slowly stirred. Inigo watched as her eyelashes fluttered before her eyes opened, revealing a doe-like gaze. She was cradling his arm, her hand instinctively gripping it as she slowly became aware of her surroundings. The gentle curve of her lips curved into a sleepy smile as she looked up at him. He smiled down at her affectionately.

"Inigo..." Hoge murmured, her voice barely a whisper, still dazed from her slumber.

"I'm right here, babe," Inigo winked. "Did you have sweet dreams?" Hoge blinked, her eyes were adjusting to the brightness around her. Her cheeks flushed, a mixture of shyness and contentment coloring her expression. "I... I think so," she stammered. "I-I had a dream about... a computer. Lots of people with blank faces. It was... strange, but not unpleasant. I'm glad I woke up here, with you," Her voice was barely above a whisper. She sat up and looked around. There were people in the park now. A laughing family passed by wearing yellow and blue Majestic fan shirts and caps.

"I'm glad too." Inigo beamed. "While you were away, I got a reply from my uncle. Looks like some kind of coordinated attack. We might be dealing with more than just Night Parade here. Maybe we could use some back-up. You up for some hero-work?"

IV. Evening, Desolate Alleyway

Following the information they received, Hoge and Inigo traversed the urban landscape of lower Kyoto, their hero costumes masking their identities. Hoge donned her Maru gear, while Inigo sported his greenish white Ryu-Kishi costume, complete with a large scarf and a stylized super sentai-style helmet. From behind, Inigo marveled at Hoge's lithe form as she effortlessly scaled walls and leaped from one rooftop to another, her gravity-defying movements captivated him. Gliding alongside her on his skateboard, Inigo's body moved in sync with the construct beneath his feet. Occasionally, he transformed Gigan into poles and rails, providing them with additional ways to move forward. Together, they arrived at a desolate alley tucked behind an abandoned garage, filled with broken tools and rusted oil barrels.

Crouching down, Inigo whispered, "It should be around here." Hoge took the lead, her movements deliberate as she felt around in front of her, eventually discovering a secret compartment concealed along the wall. Inigo watched her with vigilance, ready to defend her from any potential trap. As she opened the compartment, she glanced up at him, disappointment evident on her voice. "It's not here."

Suddenly, the sound of chains dropping echoed through the alley as the gate behind them swung open. A towering figure emerged, clutching a package tightly in his hand. With each step, the figure revealed himself to be the massive 7ft tall elephant villain, Mammogar.

Villain Name:「Mammogar」


Type: Mutant

Description: He has the appearance of an elephant, and has the strength and toughness of a full grown bull. His trunk allows him to trumpet a supersonic sound blast around himself.

"Looking for this, imps? I get out for one day, and I already found you... Must be my lucky day. We've got a score to settle," Mammogar sneered, his voice dripping with hate.

Inigo flashed a grin and exchanged a knowing glance with Maru. "Well, big guy, hate to burst your bubble, but we've grown a lot tougher since our last encounter."

Mammogar growled, his wrinkled skin sagging over his massive beast-like frame. Inigo summoned a circular Roman-style shield with his construct. He glanced at Maru. "Is that the package we're looking for?"

"Yes, I recognize the shape of the knot. We need to take it from him," Maru replied, unsheathing her sword and stepping back. Her quirk shrouded her, causing her to disappear from Inigo's view. Mammogar lunged forward, his immense size causing the ground to tremble beneath his weight. Inigo swiftly moved to block his blow, his shield enlarging and enveloping him in shimmering emerald energy. Bracing his shield just in time, Inigo absorbed Mammogar's initial attack, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Mammogar pressed forward, unleashing a barrage of heavy blows. Inigo held his ground, sliding back with each strike from the villain.

"Hey, where's your ice friend? Did you lose your bro?" Inigo taunted and activated his quirk, reconfiguring his shield to form shackles that wrapped around Mammogar's massive arms. Cuts and bleeding wounds started appearing on the villain's lower back and legs. Maru had begun her assault.

"I work alone now!" Mammogar roared in pain and anger, breaking free from Inigo's manacles. Inigo flinched, he must've touched a nerve. The villain twisted and spun around, sending his massive fists in a wide circle around him. Just like before, the more he got hurt, the stronger and more enraged he became. Inigo caught a glimpse of Maru's blade falling next to a rusted can. Inigo ran back, he taunted Mammogar to chase him deeper into the alley. His shield was starting to crack, but he needed to conserve his energy. Mammogar reared his head and stomped, raising his trunk into the air. Inigo seized the chance he was waiting for. As Mammogar unleashed a sonic blast, Inigo threw his shield forward and transformed Gigan into a giant bell covered in foam around the villain, creating a "dead spot", muffling the sonic attack and stunning the villain with his own move for a moment. Thanks Rosethorn-sempai.

Behind him, he heard the sounds of a spray and Maru's voice came to him in a hasty whisper. "40 seconds. He can only use it in 40-second intervals. My sample size is small, but it should be accurate. All six times I've seen him use it, he waited 40 seconds or longer."

"Then now's our chance to attack!" Inigo exclaimed. He recalled Gigan and shifted into his knight armor, charging forward. Mammogar roared and met his charge head-on. Inigo adjusted the armor pieces on his right hand, forming a large green lance that crashed into the villain. The alleyway rumbled as they clashed. Inigo heard a whistle from up in the roofs of the building. He glanced up and saw a set of purple eyes.

"Hey, big guy. You better start thinking about surrendering," Inigo gritted his teeth, hoping his armor could endure the onslaught. A kunai flew from the side and struck Mammogar in the eye. "GRRAAAH! Never!" Mammogar stomped, swiftly swiping behind him, his large trunk lashing out at a surprised Maru, sending her staggering back in pain. He stomped and grabbed Inigo by the shoulders, smashing him against the wall and then pulling him and smashing him into the opposite wall. Inigo grinned through the pain, blood trickling down the left side of his face. He commanded his armor to wrap around the villain's arms and shoulders. "Now!"

Leaping off the rooftop, Junichi slid down the wall and kicked off it, launching himself at Mammogar. With a swift and fluid motion, the dark-haired boy unleashed his quirk, causing jagged and painful bones to sprout from his body. Manipulating them with precision, he slashed down towards Mammogar, leaving deep gashes in the villain's flesh, eliciting a pained cry.

The villain roared and pounded at Junichi with his elbow, his arms still constricted by Inigo's construct. Backing away, Mammogar pinned Junichi against the wall, breaking several of his bone blades. Inigo picked up one of Junichi's bladed bones and lunged forward, stabbing it into the villain's chest. Mammogar thrashed about, lifting his trunk to perform a sonic blast, only to be met with Maru's sword. She buried it midway through his trunk, the tip emerging through the other side as she dragged the blade backward, widening the wound. The villain coughed up blood and thrashed furiously, throwing the three of them backward. He started bounding away down the alleyway, fleeing.

Junichi and Inigo stood side by side as the villain crashed through the alley gates and into the street. Maru continued her relentless pursuit throwing bricks and trash cans at him. Mammogar managed to get about a block away before being surrounded by the police.

Inigo tapped beneath the V symbol of his helmet, causing it to open up. He removed it and looked at Junichi. "Thanks for coming along, man."

"I needed the practice... I wasn't gonna let that thing kill you," Junichi replied.

"Careful. If you start caring too much, people are gonna think we're married," Inigo smirked and winked.

"Who's married?" Maru said quietly, as her costume spritzed the air and she appeared before them. She reached behind her, unlocking her helmet, revealing Hoge with her hair shiny and wet underneath. Inigo's heart fluttered.

"I was just kidding," Inigo grinned and pointed at Junichi, then at Hoge. "Hoge, this is Junichi. Junichi, this is Hoge—the girl I've told you about."

Junichi stared at Hoge with emotionless eyes. "He talks about you a lot."

Hoge met his gaze with equal intensity. "Good. He doesn't talk about you at all."

Junichi stood his ground. "Good."

They just looked at each other for a moment.

"I sense some tension here," Inigo scratched his head and positioned himself between them, placing an arm on both their shoulders. "We defeated that guy together. We deserve victory ramen." He flinched slightly. His left arm was definitely broken.

Hoge turned to Inigo, her expression softening. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine. What's important is we got what we came for."

"Where's the package?"

"Right here," Inigo nodded toward Gigan, who was floating with it.

They gathered around as Hoge slowly opened the parcel, taking out the first few files and examining them.

"Anything useful?" Inigo asked eagerly.

"Yes," Hoge replied, turning towards them and flipping through the documents again. "One—no, maybe even more—of the staff is working with the people behind these packages. Assuming these papers are authentic. Shiketsu Academy is compromised."

Shiketsu MHA ED -

V. After Credit Scene (Bonus)

Hoge sat at home, in front of her laptop. She clicked frustratingly at the mouse, her eyes narrowing as she fast-forwarded and skipped through the dialogue on the screen. "This doesn't make any sense.."

Inigo popped up behind her, he grinned and slid his chair next to hers. "You're close. This is a really good one. Eh? No wait!" Hoge grumbled as the visual novel threw her into the credits again without so much as a proper ending. "This is useless. How can you play these?" Inigo smirked, had he finally found something he could teach her. "Look it's not about logic or sense, it's about love and themes. These characters don't make any sense cause you gotta understand their deeper stories."

Hoge looked at him suspiciously. "Hifumica just teleports away if you go for her, and Sorara doesn't even have a face under her hood."

"All the girls are special. You should try Bobby-chan's route next. It's an easy one. I'm partial to Imaia and Christophine as well. Move over, let me show you."

"No. I want to try again. I have to get at least one good ending."

"Let me at least help." He smiled and stood behind her, his hand going on top of hers on the mouse.

"Good. You're actually in route to unlock the mystery character. She's the best girl."

"Who's that?"

"It's a mystery. I can't spoil it for you."

"I just looked it up. Who's Drekustasia?"

"She's the best girl. You'll see."

Edit Report
Pub: 25 May 2023 17:06 UTC
Edit: 27 May 2023 14:54 UTC
Views: 775