So if this story is in no way interesting to you, please do not read all of it and then anonymously comment on how bad you thought it was.. I appreciate feedback and criticism but if I do not know the source then how could I trust its expertise? For everyone else please enjoy, the usual standard age of eighteen and above, is held by all in this story!

Begging for a Pegging

This story starts like most. You will most likely find it predictable, mimicking the rest of the story’s you read here. I’d like to think mine is different, stands alone…..however I’d be a fool to think that.

You know….you're madly in love with her. To be in her presence was your number one priority. She finds this charming and cute, deciding then to say yes, she will go out with you.

You see her as a porcelain doll, afraid to move her from the shelf. Looking like every hot actress you had a crush on. The honey colored ringlets of her fabulously smelling hair, were identical to each other, giving the impression she had worked for hours to achieve the look. If she wore makeup it was to pull focus to that particular area. Full lips, high cheeks and a gleaming white smile that was contagious infecting everyone in its path. Liquid blue pools that shimmered, sitting behind the lush long lashes with the perfect curl. They would steal the words you have practiced a hundred times. They had the power to ensnare you to worship at her cute pedicured feet. An hourglass would inquire how she keeps her shape, while maintaining an image that angels were jealous of. She was the girl next door, the one you wanted to introduce to mom. The popular cheerleader all the guys wanted and the girls wanted to be.

We were inseparable, finished each other’s sentences, all those cliches fit like a glove. We were made for each other! My career in information technology, for a leading internet security company, guaranteed that I would live comfortably. Not having to worry about where I was going to sleep. Knowing that I could keep her in the lifestyle she was accustomed to had to explain her attraction to me. Never admitting that to me when I asked, her answer was that I was different from the rest of the guys. She is so wholesome and pure, it never occurred to me that she could be lying.

We had a Harlequin romance, it seemed that we were invincible to the problems that killed so many other people’s marriages. The perfect house, in the perfect neighborhood. The nice cars, with nice clothes, the Jones’ people were trying to keep up with. Nice party’s with nice people, I could never see any flaw.

The overwhelming demands of a homemaker must have been awful. She wore it well, the only place she raised her voice was in our bedroom. The sounds she made during our lovemaking were arousing by themselves. She was aggressive, using crass words for anatomy, dreaming up new ways and places to enjoy each other. The ideas and fantasies she came up with, mixed with an underlying hunger, spurred our desire in bed.

I admit that some made me blush, and shy away from trying. You see I never had any luck with women, a stable career was my interest. Not the best looking guy in the crowd I was often turned down, if I managed to ask for a date. Inheriting my mother's meekness, and frail looking structure most people called me a nerd or a geek. I found increasing my intelligence more appealing than getting a girl into bed. In fact she was the one that made me a man.

She was sexy, and naughty. She would wear underclothes that were transparent and take on different personas. School-girl, babysitter, cheerleader roles she would act out wearing scandalous outfits. The scenarios began rather tame, slowly progressing, without seeming like they did. Had me looking forward to what naughty thing she would come up with next.

It was on a night much like the thousand before, she casually asked if she could tie me up. My face showed how confused I was at the request. " How would I touch you or move the way you liked?" Her laughter made me blush for asking.

" Come on it will be fun teasing you making you mad with desire." Her smiling innocent look melted me. I would agree to letting her bury me up to the neck in sand at that point.

She must have been a scout in a past life. Like a spider spinning web with grace and beauty she bound me. The final position I found myself in was a bit uncomfortable. My face in a pillow, my back at a thirty five degree angle, knees apart with my arms inside of them. I could easily scratch my feet if they itched. Had to turn my head if I was to continue breathing, my eyes searching the room for her. I wasn’t comfortable, I wondered how I would be able to penetrate in this position.

A tingling sensation in my fingers and toes started me worrying if they had plenty of circulation. I opened my mouth to voice my protest, when a rubber ball found its way in. Straps of leather on each side attached behind my head. Making the contraption impossible to remove, or speak! Attempting to shake my head no, just rubbed my face into the pillow making it impossible to breathe. I had to face one direction or another. She had placed a mirror in my line of site now, in its reflection was the scariest thing I had ever seen. The entire side of my body was displayed, I could see and feel the binding rope dig into my skin as I attempted to free myself. Struggling only served to tighten the hold they had on me!

She appeared out of nowhere, wearing what looked like liquid rubber. The outfit molded to her curves and had a shine to it. It zipped in the center of her body, the zipper itself rested on the down slope of her large breasts. Hanging free below the cavern of cleavage between them. The sleeves ended into gloves covering her arms to her polished nails. The right hand held a wip, it had several tassels exploding from the grip. The left hand loosely held what scared death into me.

The phallus she wore was the biggest I’d ever seen. So realistically crafted I could make out lines and veins. The color matched the outfit, light reflected off of the deep ebony giving it a sheen. My panic must be obvious to her. She laughed as my eyes pleaded for her to stop this fiasco. Her words burned my ears with profanities. Letting go of her newly acquired appendage, she grabbed my testicals and penis, fitting some ristritctive ring at the base of the two. This action tightened the flesh that held my testicals in. Another piece was being added to the ring, I couldn’t quite make out what it was, as she adjusted me, there became some discomfort, it felt as if she was pushing my penis into my body, then there was a click.

The pillow beneath me was soon wet with the saliva leaking from my opened mouth. Muffled protest and frightened looks had no effect on her. I was at her mercy. She wielded that whip like a master painter, sinking the tassels into the alabaster flesh of my butt. Leaving the welts they produced to stand away from the canvas of the masterpiece she was beginning to create. My screams and cries went unheard, drowned out by the crack of each swing. Speaking madness, she threatened to violate my body in unheard ways, Often laughter followed each one.

She finally dropped the weapon that was causing the excruciating burn to my backside. Holding the phallus that was somehow attached to her, bringing it to my face for me to see how disproportionate it was to my own. The girth alone was too big for her to wrap her hand around completely. Lengthwise it appeared to be a yard long. The cap of the head mushroomed into the base and even had a urethra for urinating if it could.

The threats of her violating me became very graphic, describing exactly her intentions. My own penis found achieving an erect state impossible, in fact even painful if enough blood flow was permitted. Then the bottle of lubricant was extracted from the drawer of the nightstand, as she moved into position to carry out her threats.

The fabric of the outfit she wore was as soft as suede, resting each of her knees between mine provided a cool feeling inside of my thighs. I could still see my profile, and hers, in a far more menacing light. The gel flowed, drowning the flesh it covered in cool slickness. A sigh of relief as it cooled the fire on my freshly tanned hide.

Her laugh bellowed, "I just knew you were going to like getting fucked by a big black hard cock. I know I sure do! " My brain exploded! Bombarded with images of lust, and sleazy ideas, her mouth perfectly described. It was like I was there witnessing everything she said.

Bulking black men, taking her, sometimes as many as three. Violating every orifice, their bare flesh opening her holes. I could see it happen in my mind's eye, and wondered why my penis struggled even harder to become erect. Her words like a cattle pod, jolting life into it, as I grimaced in pain. Then to hear her laughter again

The sweat now joined my pooling saliva on the pillows case. A freshly reddened butt now dripped clear lubricant thickly applied. Two of her overly long fingers easily slid inside of me.

"What a slut!" She said when I grunted the moment her fingers slid in. She probed as deep as she could with two. Then she added another finger, twisting her wrist suddenly clockwise and back. Drawing another moan out of me, any noise I made sounded like I enjoyed everything she was doing or saying.

" See you are a slut! Can’t wait for me to fuck you with this black firehose can you?" My grunts were her only answer.

Then suddenly her hand was gone. The quickness of her withdrawal left me open, exposing my colon to the cool air. The cheeks of my ass were now being spread apart by the massive crown on the toy she wore. It’s tip now filling the gap her fingers left behind. A slow push and it found its way inside. The thickness stretched me in every direction, sending shocks that clenched the muscle involuntarily.

" That's it, tighten that pussy for me, because I know you want to be able to feel every inch of it entering you don't you slut?" The noise I made only confirmed her words.

She fed its length completely inside, I could feel the cool of her outfit on my red ass. She started pulling, sliding out of me, naturally the muscle relaxed the grip. At the cusp of her fully withdrawing she paused, and listened to the sounds I made.

"More.. deeper… harder… see darling you are a slut." Driving her cock inside again quickly , and then out, developing a rhythm. She was now fucking me hard.. I never used the force she was using violently thrusting in quickly pulling out. Her perfected pattern massaged my prostate like a clitorius. Without any way to stop it, my ejaculation erupted.

"You always cum for black cock you slut?" The humiliation of the truth made me blush. My face felt like it was on fire. The violation continued, smacking her hand on my rear on her withdrawal, then pulling on my hips slamming herself inside.

She enjoyed what she was doing to me. Slapping my ass, abusing my hole with the weapon she wore. She called me filthy names, sissy and wimp were just some. Degrading me as she defiled me she laughed at me while she did it. I remember her even telling me she would make me her bitch. I’m not quite sure what she meant but something told me I would find out.

Forty minutes had passed with the intensity never fading. The entire pillow was saturated. Her stroke was as barbaric as cave-dwellers, and some animals. Ejaculating two more times from the onslaught, she told me to brace myself. She sped up her tempo and announced that she was coming. A rush of warmth filled my bowles, stretching me further, expelling out, then down to the sheet below. She quickly exited my anus, then appeared in front of my face. I watched in horror as what resembled cum flowed from the phallus she expertly fucked me with.

Treating me as one would a whore, I laid there buried in my shame. I came! She made me cum three times. I couldn't be more humiliated. Did this mean I was gay? Questions about my sexual orientation were flooding my head. Until finally I decided I didn’t enjoy being forced to do it. I would tell her in the morning that I wanted never to repeat what happened last night.

"Just wait baby now you're going to learn how to swallow a big cock." Again she laughed. Her deviant smile along with that sinister laugh will haunt me forever! Oh god!

She couldn't be serious, she wouldn’t put that thing in my mouth after violating my ass with it. Would she? Ok she will wash it in soap and water, I just know it. I thought. How very wrong that assumption was. The gag was removed, but before I could protest the head of her cock was thrust in my mouth. A tangy flavor followed its entry filling my mouth up with saliva. I drooled, as excess spit was forced out by the thick cock wanting to take its place. She slowly started a pattern to fucking my face all the while her hand was at the back of my head to help guide the cock into the depths of my stretching mouth. I would gag every time she touched the entrance of my throat. As saliva increased exponentially, it caused me to swallow involuntarily.

She was a pro! Timing it perfectly, she forced the head of her cock into my open throat. It instantly stole my ability to breathe, as the inches stretched my throat open for her violation. Withdrawing enough just so I would not die of asphyxiation. Then again it wormed its way into the depths of my esophagus.

For thirty minutes this pattern continued. To my utter horror the phallus twitched and pulsed. Then a warm feeling raced to my stomach. She came in my throat. I struggled to escape her but I failed. She emptied herself into my gaped throat. On the withdrawal she made sure to leave the last rope stretched down my tongue so I could taste what she had just deposited into me.

"That’s the real thing baby. I had some friends get a collection going. You now have cum from every guy on our block in your cute little mouth. Now be a good whore and swallow it." I was beyond humiliated however I complied to her request. Retching the goo down. Finally freeing my mouth of the large rope. The flavor of it stayed behind. It burned into my taste buds so it would be impossible to forget the flavor. I was so ashamed.

Thanks for reading part one!

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Pub: 13 May 2024 00:35 UTC
Views: 750