

The nation of Lanudohagulovinugo is ruled by the honorable Abe that has absolute right in the Nation.
He is aided by a council of advisors for decision-making.

The council of advisors are:
-Advisor for Foreign Affairs, chosen based on an election by foreign diplomats
-Advisor for Inner Affairs, chosen by election of the people of Hagu
-Advisor for Public Order, chosen based on a result of surveys, that ask people how much they like their local guards and how safe they feel
-Advisor for Trade, chosen by a tournament of mahjong
-Advisor for Agriculture, chosen by a cooking contest
-Advisor for Education, chosen based on a result of average grades from a region and a survey asking the kids how much they like their teachers
-Advisor of the grand table of divination, chosen by divination of the oracles
-Advisor of the great temple of belief, chosen at random
-Advisor of the holy gate to endless song, chosen by karaoke
-Advisor of the cliffside canvas of infinite colors, chosen by an art contest
-Advisor of the forbidden library of lost knowledge, chosen by a knowledge test
-Advisor of the Colosseum of hard-earned victories, chosen by mock warfare

When the Abe passes away, the council comes together and decides on a new Abe from the population.

Pub: 18 Dec 2022 20:45 UTC
Edit: 18 Dec 2022 20:46 UTC
Views: 296