Ch. 12 ~ Wounded Wings

Iroha: ......

Troupe Member A: ... She didn't come today, either, huh?

Troupe Member A: We messed up... No matter how you look at, it's our screw-up, isn't it!?
It's already been one week, you know!?

Kamira: To me, everyone else is so good, it's a given,
I just thought, "That's amazing"...

Kamira: Even though it was the role she was going to play, praising it that much,
of course it wouldn't feel good...

Trainee Troupe Member: Yeah...
If it were me, I would definitely have a total mental breakdown and be crying into my favorite character's plushie for the rest of my life...

Kamira: If she'd forgive us with a bow, I'd bow to her any number of times...

Troupe Member B: Aah~ That might be good. How about doing it on top of a heated iron plate? Apology stream.

Mito: That wouldn't... Look like we're seriously reflecting,
so we probably shouldn't do that.

Troupe Member B: Thanks for the proper reply. No good, I can't think of anything.

Kamira: Even if I try to contact her, she won't return my calls.
It's like she isn't reading my messages...

Tsubomi: ... Kuh, it seems our hearts were fragile.
Led astray by the Dark Organization, bringing about a Protocol Error (break in the electronic bond).

Mito: What... Should we do?

Kaname: What are you all being so negative for? You don't have to do anything.
What you should be focusing on is our next play. "Alice in Wonderland," right?

Mito: But, the lead actress, Towa-chan, isn't here...

Kaname: That girl's playing games on a sub account, so she's fine.

Kamira: How do you know that!?

Kaname: Not just in acting, everyone has a moment when they reach their limit, no?
Sometimes you need a change of pace.

Iroha: ......

Kaname: By the way, I had one, too. I just slept for about half a month. Seriously.
... If you can get over something like that, you can definitely do good acting.

Kaname: That's why what I want from everyone right now is to believe in and wait for Towa.

Kamira: But...

Kaname: It'll be fine. Has that girl ever betrayed Denki?

Iroha: ... She hasn't.

Mito: Iroha-chan...

Iroha: No matter when, Towa-chan has always supported Denki.

Iroha: When we just joined, and Mito-chan was troubled by her inexperience.
Moreover, when there was the Akiba Cosplay Contest.

Tsubomi: ... That's right. What would we do, if not believe in her?
Motosu has become a foundation of Denki, more than anyone else.

Kamira: Totally that! We relied on Towa so much.
When she comes back, let's draw out her spirit with our awesome acting!

Kaname: Now that that's decided, let's do the read-through!
As we've been doing, I will sub as Alice.

Denki Troupe Members: Understood!

Kaname: (Now, then. It looks like we can hold out a bit longer, but.

Kaname: Hurry up and come back... If not, I'll cry.)

Game: YOU DEAD...

Towa: ... Haah~ What a trash game.

Towa: ...... Haaaah~

Towa: I'm losing it, seriously.
Everyone... What are you even doing, randomly guessing?

Towa: Yeah, I got it.
You're telling me to get motivated.

Towa: ... Nah, impossible.
How do you even get yourself motivated?

Towa: Geez, this isn't even "Denki's Alice" anymore.

Towa: I can do it. I can. Yes, I can do it!
If I say I'll do it, even Olympus' acting...!

Towa: ......

Towa: ... Ha, haha. What's this?
Getting nervous? Me?

Towa: Aha, ahahahahahahahahahaha.................. Haah.

Towa: ... I wouldn't be able to stand it. If Olympus slammed us after our show.
We'd get criticized so bad...

Towa: ... Even I would.

Towa: That's why it's best for Denki to keep targeting its usual fans.
If we try to climb a huge mountain, that's just reversing our whole concept.

Towa: (Haha, I've really gone mad...)

Towa: (Kaname, Everyone... Boss......)

Towa: (............ Sorry)

Towa: "Do it without me. It's better that way"

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Pub: 08 Mar 2024 19:51 UTC
Edit: 22 Mar 2024 23:02 UTC
Views: 134