At the club."

She hesitated, paling slightly, "Master Luke, I, I hope you don't intend to-"

He cut her off, unable to meet her gaze, "I do."

She swallowed and her eyes grew wet, her voice full of barely suppressed emotion, "Very well Master, I will see your clothes are pressed, I… I hope you win."

He didn't respond and she didn't wait for him to, hurrying from the room, a hand pressed against her chest as she let out a quavering breath.

Luke looked down at his meal, feeling a pit in his chest. But what choice did a coward like him have? The life she offered was too good for him.

Hours later he sat in the too small room, the table before him strewn with chips and half-empty glasses, the air thick and hazy with cigar and cigarette smoke. It was warm, uncomfortably so, but this was where Luke most felt at home, felt most alive.

The rounds were going in his favour, the players just heating up, the rules clear. Come to the table with at least two hundred and fifty k in chips. There was no bowing out. You left when you had no more money to bet with. With six players someone would walk away with close to one and a half million cash. When the last two players were betting then came the alternatives, house verified assets that could in desperation and glee be levied. Cars, homes, slaves, gold. One man would leave with it all and then some. Everyone else would leave a loser, some with their emergency assets intact, others not.

As the evening heated up and players bowed out, including the gentleman from whom he had taken the house, Luke was left sitting opposite a gruff looking old man, his eyes harsh, his demeanour stern. He, like Luke, had been sweeping it up and they each sat with near enough half the total money.

The hands passed and despite some give and take, the two stayed relatively equal, neither one gathering a marked advantage over the other, each waiting for the right hand to be played.

Such a hand was dealt.

The bets were raised as Luke tried to keep his cool. The flop had been generous to him and just two more turns stood between him and another small fortune, or disaster.

The first card was turned, one of the two cards he'd wanted to see.

How lucky did he feel?

"All in," he said softly, pushing his chips forward, letting them spill into the middle.

The words in the almost silent hall drawing the attention of those players who had already bowed out. One by one, drinks in hand they returned silently to their seats, leaching the feeling of elated adrenaline that coursed through Luke and his opponent.

They could smell the blood. They were just waiting to find out whos.

The old man pushed in his chips and they matched, the last card being turned.

Luke’s eyes scanned back over the cards, working it all out in his mind. There was only one combination of cards the man could hold that would beat Luke's hand. Did he have it? Did he have that one combination? It would be a million to one chance, Luke thought, odds he liked.

"Raise. My Lotus." He said, drawing a sharp intake of breath from the tattered crowd.

The old man leaned back, thinking, "I match. My Rolls Royce."

Luke felt glee spring though him, the thrill he had sought soaring through him, though his face remained neutral.

"Raise." The old man said and Luke felt that sensational elation stammer inside him, "I raise my penthouse suite. City centre."

Luke swallowed and stared at the cards. He was so sure, so positive he had the man beat, his instincts roared it at him that this was it, this was his moment, to walk out a champion, a god! He could match the raise, his house, his slave, Lucille. He looked at the man. Old, lecherous, a dinosaur from ancient times, a known misogynist.

"I fold."

A murmur went up around the room and the old man merely smiled, placing his cards face down and handing them back to the dealer, not revealing what he had. Luke did the same, with a sigh.

"Not like you to turn down a chance like that, Luke my boy." The old man said, grinning.

Luke glanced from his opponent towards the man from whom he had first won Lucille, "No… It’s not… I’ll have my Lotus dropped off at your house."

He didn’t stay to talk or socialise as he often did, he had a far more pressing matter to deal with.

Lucille came downstairs, her movements slow, her nerves showing through her every tiny movement as she entered the lounge, wearing her more modest uniform, the swell of her chest covered, her sleeves long and her skirt falling to her calves.

"How… How did it go?" she asked gently, noting him as he sat at the kitchen table, a glass in one hand, whiskey, neat.

"I lost." He said softly, his voice soft.

She swallowed and looked down, feeling her defeat mirror his own, upset as she moved to sit beside him.

"I’m… I’m sorry."

"It’s not your fault." He said, distracted.

"I pushed you away…" She said, tears forming in her eyes, a single one tracing down her cheek, leaving a dark line of mascara.

He looked up to he, confused as to her reaction, then realised his mistake, turning in his seat to face her.

"No, Lucille I… I couldn’t do it."

"Do… What, Luke?"

I couldn’t bet this house. I couldn’t bet you. The thought of losing you I… It wasn’t worth the money."

A little colour touched her cheeks as she raised her hand, very delicately wiping away the tear, not caring in that instant for the line of spoiled makeup, "You… You lost money? Because you couldn’t bear to be rid of me?"

He nodded.

"How much?"

He told her.

"…And a Rolls Royce. And my Lotus." He finished, a half smile touching his face.

She stared at him, eyes wide before, with soft words she replied, "Is… That how much I’m worth to you?"

He laughed little, "Ah, I didn’t think of it like that, but, yeah, I guess so."

She bit her lip and stared across at him, her eyes shimmering, he eyed her and pursed his lips.

"What's with that look?"

She blinked, and swallowed, then leapt at him.

"Whoa! Hey, I-Mm, mm…"

With her arms wrapped tight around his chest, hands splayed out on his back she pressed her lips close to his, all thought of loss banished from her mind as they embraced kissing desperately at one another.

His hands were quick to her waist, weeks of tension melting away in a single wonderful moment, sparking something new deep within the two of them, no longer were they playing a game of cat and mouse, they were living the dream.

He squeezed her tighter to him as he moved to stand, her head tilting forward, leaning down a little into the kiss which quickly intensified, deep and loving, hungry and desperate for one another's touch.

He all but stumbled backwards as she stepped forward, inching him towards the lounge, her hands pulling at his shirt collar as she guided him.

In their rush, however, she misjudged her footing and felt him stop suddenly, the back of his knees to the arm of the opulent couch, with her weight leaning forward, her full breasts pressed to his chest, the fall was inevitable.

He gasped in surprise, the kiss breaking as they fell entwined, stuck in a tangle of limbs, Lucille letting out the cutest of squeaks as they landed together in a heap.

Luke landed with the pillowy softness of the couch beneath him, and the impressive softness of Lucille’s breasts on top, the two of them bursting into laughter as, for a moment they tried to untangle themselves from one another, but instead lay settled, laughing and hugging, her head by his, her warm breath against his cheek as she nuzzled him, the both of them just so beautifully happy.

"I can’t believe you did that for me." She said softly, holding him close, one of his arms wrapped gently around her waist, embracing her.

He grinned a little bit, "Me neither, but I did."

She leaned up over him, hands moving to support herself as she again kissed him, needing to feel his lips against the fullness of her perfect ruby lips.

After a long moment, she broke the kiss, leaning up and blushing, a few loose strands of hair falling down to frame her face.

"S-so um…" she bit her lip, her blush deepening as she stared down into his eyes, "Can we, you know, fuck now?"

He felt his heart flutter at the thought, remembering all he had seen and felt of her so far, his mind racing with thoughts of the two of them intertwined, he saw her in his mind, pressed down into the mattress, her arms outstretched, her ass raised, his cock inside her, her moans and, just for a moment, he felt a pang of guilt.

A top of him he had the most beautiful, kind, loving woman in the world and he had almost thrown her away.

"Luke?" She prompted, biting her lip, a little anxiety in her gaze at his silence.

He smiled reassuringly and nodded a little, "Yes, but…"

"But?" she asked, blinking down at him, her expression an interesting mix of lust and concern.

"But," he swallowed a little, he was unsure about this, but somehow it felt right, "But I want you to go first?"

"R-really?" she asked, her voice quavering with a sudden rush of excitement and when he nodded, a smile on his own lips she let out a genuine squeal of excitement, holding him tight.

If his penance for almost letting this perfect woman down was to spend half an hour making her feel as good as she deserved, so be it.

She scrambled off of him in a flurry of movement and pulled him to his feet, giggling as she started to pull him by his hand through the house, she kept glancing back at him as they darted upstairs, making a distinct line straight for her room.

As they entered he cast his gaze around her room, it being pretty much the only one that wasn’t kept spotless, her clothes, outfits and personal effects scattered messily on every flat surface to the point it was hard to distinguish whether her floor was carpet or hardwood.

She let go and he stood there, only a little awkwardly as she knelt on the edge of her bed, tossing items off of it to clear it for them, out of interest he glanced down and used his foot to nudge aside a sizable bra.

"Huh. You’ve got carpet."

Kneeling on the now clear bed she turned to face him, tilting her head curiously as she lifted her skirt, displaying her perfectly smooth mound, and balls, "No! I keep myself smooth!"

He blushed and opened his mouth to explain, but her hand snaked out and grabbed his collar, pulling him forward and onto the bed, where he quickly found her hands rolling him onto his back, her lips at his, stifling any comment he might’ve made as her fingers began to nimbly undo the buttons of his shirt.

He moaned into the kiss as his hands moved to her, returning the favour as he began to strip her of her more modest garb, her eagerness increasing as her covered skin was revealed to the cool air of the room, their bodies pressing against one another, at first fabric against fabric, eventually skin to skin, both smooth.

"L-lemme just get some stuff." She panted a little, shuffling off the bed. Luke, breathing keenly, leaning himself up on his elbows, he noticed that in their passion they’d almost entirely both undressed, only one sock on his left foot left remaining.

He watched her as she moved around the room, his eyes widening as he saw her in all her glory. She worked her way around her room and he marveled at her size, tall and lean but buxom, her heavy bare breasts bouncing, nipples hard and full, but it was her cock that drew his eye, their fooling around, undressing and making out along with the promise of what was to come had left her with an unmissable hardon. Her cock was long and thick, curved upwards slightly and bobbing with each step as she made her way around the room.

He watched, teasing off his last sock, his own, more average sized cock hard too between his thighs as she collected a rubber ring which she stretched around the base of her cock, a smirk on her face as she did, moving on to dig a small item out of her clothing, an mp3 player which she plugged into some speakers and set to playing some quite loud bouncy tunes, finally moving to grab a small bottle and dimming the lights as she moved back to the bed, grinning hungrily.

The tight ring at the base of her cock serving to make it seem even harder, the veins up her pulsing length standing out prominently in the dim light.

As she crawled towards him, setting the little bottle of, he assumed and hoped, lube aside, she hesitated, smirking and pausing with her head above his cock.

With a playful expression she dipped her head down, kissing the tip of his cock, with her full lips the slow roll of pleasure it brought instantly relaxed him, it was only then that he realised just how tense he had become after seeing her cock, not that that was especially surprising, her size was threatening to say the least.

"Relax lover, trust me." she smiled and once again kissed the tip of his cock, leaning down to take it briefly between her lips, her tongue swirling around it, causing him to arch his back.

He relaxed more, letting the softness of the bed embrace him as he moaned out gently, her lips travelling further down over his cock as she began to suck, leaning against the bed on one shoulder as her hands worked at something.

As her lips rolled up and down his cock, the music bouncing around the dim room muting the sounds of his moans, the wetness of her mouth as she tongued his cock feeling wonderful, he felt a finger, warm but slippery urge between his cheeks, curving until the tip found and pressed against his virgin hole.

He bit his lip and almost tensed but a timely swirl of her tongue all but forced him to relax to her desires, his hands gripping the sheet as she rubbed the wet substance against his role, moving back and forth a couple of times to apply more and more of the stuff until she judged it to be suitably prepared.

As she pressed down, taking his cock into her throat her finger pressed up into his hole, the ring tight and slick around her probing finger, letting it slowly sink into the welcoming heat of her new lover.

He gasped and squeezed down on her finger, but she was persistent, slowly working it in and out of his ass, getting him used to the new sensations that pervaded his body, an odd and unique tingling around his sensitive ring making him squirm as she picked up her pace.

The tingling sensation mounted inside of him and he found himself squirming and writhing more and more, the pleasure inside of him mounting, his voice coming out ragged and needy, "A-ah, what, what did you use on me!"

She drew her lips up his cock until the ruby wet tip popped free, grinning up at him eagerly, her expression punctuated by a particularly deep push of her finger, "Just lube-ish!"

"I-ish?" he asked, wriggling down against her probing finger.

"Well…" she looked up at him, a glint in her eyes, "It’ll also help your cute ass relax a little, you know, for what's to come."

"L-like a numbing agent?" he asked as she withdrew her finger, giving his cock a kiss before, with surprising strength, she flipped him over onto his stomach, making him stretch out beneath her like a cat as she crawled up his body, her cock, hot and hard as steel pressing against his soft cheeks.

"Exactly!" she said gleefully and he looked over his shoulder, watching with confusion as she massaged more of the tingling lube into her straining cock.

"But you won't feel anything!" he protested, his hands gripping the edge of the bed as he watched the smirk form on her face.

"I will! Not as much, but I will! Really it just means I’m going to last hooours… So I hope you’re in the mood for a marathon!" she giggled gleefully and Luke realised just how much of an error he had made, part of him was hit with fear, another part with anticipation.

"L-like I have a choice?" he said, as she leaned down, her bare heavy breasts pressing and rubbing against his back as she kissed him gently behind the ear, her voice a hungry whisper.

"That's the spirit…"

With that, the tip of her cock found his little hole and her domination began, her rock hard cock head pressing against his slick hole, her entire length coated in the tingly, numbing lube.

He gasped and arched his back, the sudden pressure against his body stunning, he tried to push up with his knees but her not inconsiderable weight settled on him, pinning him as she purred in his ear, red painted lips kissing at him, her breath hot on his skin as her hips skillfully tracked the movement of his, her tip struggling to press into his relaxed hole, but drawing closer.

Like a dog she wrapped her arms around and under him, firmly holding Luke in place as her eager cock lined up with its mark, pressing forward again and again until, finally, the head slipped in, drawing a breathless gasp from him, the intrusion a sudden assault on the senses as she moaned in his ear, her breasts firmly pressed to his back as she shivered at the pleasure, despite the lube’s numbing effects.

"Ooh fuck that's good…" Lucille moaned as she let him adjust to the girth now stretching him before she would continue her conquest, enjoying the mental and physical domination of her master maybe a little too much, but she could hardly be blamed, he had after all almost sold her, this would be pretty damn cathartic.

"A-ah, Lucille, you’re so big!" he whimpered under her and she couldn’t help but giggle a little as she kissed his head, her nose buried in his lush hair.

"Aw, sweetie, that's just the tip, come on, let's have some real fun!"

With that the acclimatization period was seemingly over, her grip on him strengthened, her hands moving up under his arms to grip his shoulders as she drove herself forward and down, pressing him into the sheets as her cock sank into him.

He gasped sharply, his back arching down against the quilts as he felt everything inside him move out the way to make room for her huge cock, he felt like he was being split in two but, against all expectations there was virtually no pain. Discomfort, but no pain.

She bit her full lip, staining her perfect teeth with her lipstick as she began to hammer her cock home, driving it into his ass with wanton abandon, the old wood of the antique bed beneath them creaking obscenely in recognition of their lewd consummation.

Once he had caught his breath, lost in the feeling of her steeled shaft gliding in and out of his tightness, able to distinguish each and every vein as they passed in and out of his body, he became more and more vocal, his airless gasps turning into whimpers, moans and eventually shouts.

She grinned, panting hard, enjoying how each of her thrusts into the hot piece of ass beneath her was punctuated by a burst of noise from him, her actions synced with his breathing to ensure no opportunities to make him squeal and squirm were missed.

It didn’t take long before their bodies were slick with sweat, the pleasure each of them were deriving intense despite fresh applications of her numbing lube.

To save herself from essentially doing pushups on his body all night she was quick to urge him up into a kneeling position, propping him up with the lavish pillows she kept waiting around.

He’d looked surprised as he’d turned over a pillow to find a pair of fluffy handcuffs, but she had taken them from him, setting them aside for later.

In doggy style, his back arched down, beads of sweat traced down from his butt to his back, her hands roughly squeezing and playing with his gorgeous cheeks, as she ploughed her bound cock into him time and time again. With the ring, lube, her sheer drive and natural stamina he had no doubt that by the time she was done he would be in no state to return the favour, at least not today.

As time flowed by in a blur, Luke felt the discomfort all but vanish, a hot throbbing deep within him not just coming from her engorged member but from his own core, a building pleasure that came to him torturously slow. Desperate to feel it, to experience it, despite the ravished state he was in he began to push back against her, weakly at first but soon growing in confidence and strength.

Lucille couldn’t help but smile as she looked down at her lover and master, his tiny hole stretched wide to welcome her throbbing cock, no longer suffering, or merely enduring but actively taking part in his lewd loss of virginity.

Finally, Lucille pulled out, the sudden absence of her cock a bizarrely foreign sensation to Luke as he flopped on the bed, panting and groaning, wondering if, in his lust induced stupor he had missed her climax, or if, maybe, she had even run out of stamina.

He felt hands on him, moving him, repositioning him and he felt something soft and fluffy against his wrists, blinking his eyes open, he had been rolled onto his back, the sheets beneath him less welcoming as they had been initially, wet with the slickness of his skin, wearily he looked up, jerking his arms slightly he realised his wrists had been handcuffed, the fluffy cuffs from before prominent around his wrists, a bar of intricate steel gridded headboard entwined in it, keeping his hands pinned above him.

He looked back to Lucille who merely winked playfully, leaning in to kiss at his chest, catching a nipple briefly between her teeth, drawing a whimpering gasp from him before she positioned herself between his thighs, easily sinking her cock into the moulded sheath that was his ass.

He arched his back as his body once more began to bounce, in rhythm to her thrusts, his body defenseless, his pleasure mounting as she rutted him like an animal, driving her hips forward time and time again, her heavy, full and desperate nuts bouncing against his cheeks as she kept his legs lifted over her shoulders, her half lidded eyes on his face, marveling in his expressions of wonder as she took him, her full breasts, hanging down slightly from her body as she leaned over him swaying to her thrusts.

Again time stretched as their lovemaking continued, her cock straining and pulsing with pleasure that ebbed and flowed, drawing nearer and nearer to the point of no return, pounding him into a sexual submission that she hoped would last longer than this single marathon session.

His ass felt so good around her cock as she tilted her head back, letting the beat of the music permeating the room into her soul as she matched her rhythm to the song, his walls were so hot and tight around her, squeezing and massaging her cock with each delve into him.

Luke panted and whimpered, his voice hoarse, his body exhausted, numb even, each bounce of his smaller frame against her curves draining more and more energy from him, but against the rising exhaustion, pleasure rose to match it, something inside him that had been straining for release suddenly managed to peek out, causing him to jerk his body up against Lucille’s.

He wanted to reach down, to jack himself off in the sudden moment of climax that washed over his body and mind, but despite his attempts, his restraints held, the fluffy handcuffs forcing him to cum hands-free.

Lucille, lost in her own little world gasped in surprise as the pleasure around her meaty, steely shaft intensified, his ass milking her cock as each pulse of his climax made his walls clamp down on her, squeezing her intensely.

She looked down, chewing her full lip as his cock, hard against his stomach pulsed, his voice coming out in high pitched gasps as rope after rope of his own sticky seed splashed against his torso, his cock cumming without ever being touched.

The lewdness of the view and the pleasure of his ass gripping her cock was more than enough to push her quickly towards the edge, no longer striving to last longer but instead pushing herself to finish alongside him.

She felt the pleasure in her mount into the tipping point, so desperate for release but hampered by the tight ring around the base of her cock. After a few more hard, powerful thrusts she pulled her cock free of the writhing body beneath her, fingers quickly slipping under the lube slick rubber ring around the base of her cock, whipping it off and allowing her climax to overwhelm her.

Her hands wrapped around the slick wet length of her hot throbbing cock, fingers flying up and down her veined shaft as her mind whited in the bliss of climax.

Luke panted hard, his orgasm dying as a few last drops of cum dribbled from the tip of his cock onto his stomach, his breath coming hot and hard. As his mind returned to him, he noticed the distinct absence of her cock in his ass, his lips parted as he panted he opened his weary eyes, just in time to see her cock twitch and throb in her hands, her mouth open, tongue lolling as the first rope of cum burst from her bobbing cock, joined by a cry of pleasure from her he felt it land across his neck and chest.

He bit his lip and closed his eyes as she watched him, watched him brace for her thick ropes of cum as they lashed across his body in a crisscross of sticky domination.

He felt her cum land on his face, his neck, his chest, his stomach and his softening cock, each pulse aimed by her to coat him in as much of her cum as she could, his own comparably diminutive load lost under the searing quantity of her own.

He whimpered softly as she moaned out, stroking her now wilting cock, the last few strands of her cum lazily flowing from her cock to pool in his navel. Gently she reached up and, with a moist thumb wiped a strand of cum that had fallen across one of his eyes, smirking lovingly as he blinked open his eyes, meeting her gaze.

"That was amazing Luke..." she said, barely audible over the thumping of the music.

Swallowing softly he half smiled, feeling exhausted and wanting only to sleep, his body needing to recover from what he had endured, "Y-yeah it was... Can... Can you untie me now?"

Giggling a little Lucille nodded softly, looking down at his cum coated form as she leaned over, reaching for the cuffs, picking up the key from the mattress beside her.

As she did, however, her softening cock trailed gently up his belly, picking up some of her cum.

She blushed and bit her lip, eying him for a moment before she set the key down, shuffling her hips forward until the tip of her cock, coated in her own cum was offered just before his lips.

"...As soon as we've cleaned up," she said with a sly little smirk, pushing her semi-hard cock between his lips, letting him taste her cum, eliciting a moan from him.

She glanced down at his drenched body, by the time she had finished 'helping' him clean up with her cock, she thought, she'd probably be ready to go again. She smiled that would still just technically count as one turn, right?

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Pub: 20 Jun 2024 03:03 UTC
Views: 228