In this case, I really wasn't going to mind, "doing your thing for Maricela?" Though I wasn't sure I understood right, I wouldn't expect to be doing that for Maricela, so I looked questioningly at Kiki, and she stuck out her tongue and licked her lips. I understood right, Kiki wanted me to go down on Maricela.

I wasn't expecting that as Maricela was just a friend, she was part of Kiki's mother's group, not a porn star like I normally did that for. Maricela's daughter Jane, and our son Mark, were having a playdate. Those two liked each other, so the playdates were common, it also seemed to be time for Maricela to get some adult company. She was a single mom and didn't seem to have much of a social life. As it was the nanny's day off, she and Kiki would watch the kids and talk; I'd let them get on with it

So I said "OK." But wasn't sure how to proceed now.

Maricela looked even more uncertain, but Kiki smiled and waved us towards the bedroom, saying, "I'll watch the kids."

So me and Maricela ended up in the bedroom, this is where I'm used to being told what to do, I like being told, it makes life easy. But in this case, Maricela just stood there, looking lost. OK, I had to take the lead, I'm smart, I'm sure I can work this out. I lead her over to the bed, then decided the direct approach was best. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of her skirt, and pulled it down, I also got her panties. That was lucky; I'm not used to girls wearing panties.

So I sat her down on the edge of the bed, knelt in front of her, spread her legs and did my thing. It wasn't too long before there were encouraging moans from Maricela, I took that as a good sign. Unfortunately, I misread her a bit, she came shortly after that. I carried on to see what the reaction was, it was good, lots of incoherent squeaks and moan and trembling limbs. But, I still managed to misread her and she quickly came again. I was feeling bad that I was not getting this right, so I carried on, this time she came even quicker, with one last great squeak and a thrashing of limbs. Then, she was still.

That seemed to be that, I was feeling disappointed in myself, that I couldn't have done a better job, I should have been able to make it last longer for her. I stayed kneeling there as I'd usually do, but Maricela didn't stir. I got concerned, so I got up and sat on the bed next to her. She looked pretty happy with the situation, but still didn't move. I thought I'd better get Kiki, so I went out to the living room to explain the situation. That was when I realised I was still fully dressed, weird. Kiki got me to watch the kids while she went to Maricela's aid.

Some time later, Kiki and Maricela emerged, Maricela looked pretty happy, but nothing else was said about it. Eventually, the playdate came to an end and Jane reluctantly said goodbye to Mark, then Maricela left with Jane.

That's when Kiki explained the situation. It seems I hadn't done anything wrong, and Maricela was really happy with what I did do. The problem may have been that Maricela hadn't had any sex, of any kind, since she got pregnant. Jane's Dad left her when he got the news he was going to be a father. So with the pregnancy, and being a single mother, she'd not had any opportunity. Considering Mark and Jane are three now, that meant she hadn't had sex in almost 4 years. I had difficultly relating to that information.

Kiki said sorry for not telling me that, but also said, she hadn't wanted to worry me with that detail. That is the sort of important information it'd be useful to know, but on the other hand, I don't know what I'd have done differently if I had known. It was while Kiki and Maricela were chatting that Maricela had told Kiki about that, so Kiki offered the obvious solution, me. I'm just not used to dealing with women who don't have regular sex. So I felt better about things, I also felt better when Kiki said Maricela gave me a rave review.

The next time they came round for a playdate, Jane excitedly ran up to me and hugged me, saying, "Matt make mommy happy!" Maricela blushed some at her exclamation, but did look happy. After that the playdate settled down into it usual groove and I left those two to chat.

That was until Kiki asked me, "Would you mind doing your thing again?" Of course I had no objections, but this time she leant over to me and whispered in my ear, "This time fuck her as well." Even better.

Kiki also seemed to have been giving Maricela tips on how to deal with me, because this time she was more eager. She lead me into the bedroom and once there, she quickly took off her clothes, then sat on the edge of the bed, and pulled my head into her pussy. That certainly made life easier for me.

While she was undressing, I did notice some things: First she was dressed a lot sexier this time. I hadn't really noticed until she was taking her clothes off. Last time she had a very modest skirt, and shirt. This time she was wearing really short shorts, with no panties, and her top was kind of open at the side and only tied at the waist. That did mean I could see her bra before she took that off, she really needed a bra with that top or it would leave nothing to the imagination and probably get her arrested. As it was, I could see a spiderweb tattoo she had under her right boob. Once she'd taken off the bra I could see the tattoo covered the bottom half of her boob as well. The tattoo made me wonder if she'd been involved in gangs, you never know.

Second, Her boobs were pretty nice, in the short time I got to stare at them, maybe one and a half handfuls. She was nicely shaped, with a booty to balance the boobs, though not as big as say Jade or Hatti. I could definitely have fun with that body, if I ever got the chance, but for now I had a job to do. Third, she had a nice light brown tan, but no tan lines. I presumed that was just her coloring being Latina. And finally, before I got down to it, I noticed she'd trimmed her pussy. Last time it had been a very generous bush, now it was neatly trimmed in a buzzcut.

But, none of that mattered as I went to work on her. This time I was determined to do better for her, I tried to start slow and warm her up gently. She wasn't having any of that, she grabbed my head and pulled it into her pussy. I took that to mean she wanted me to speed up, so I did and she was coming almost instantly. Oh well, I do prefer to take my time.

Again, I carried on and she continued to bounce around and moan. Her reaction did almost make up for her coming so quickly. Again, she came quickly a second time. This time it seemed like time for a change, I quickly stood up, unzipped, and plunged into her. Her reaction was very gratifying, she was squeaking and trashing about, she'd be coming again pretty quickly. That was handy as so was I. If I'd thought, I'd have realized I hadn't come yet that day. Kiki was probably saving it for Maricela. She came, I came, I shot several loads into her pussy.

In the brief time I looked at her before my knees gave way, she looked real happy and relaxed. As I said, my knees gave way, considering the attitude I was in, I slid down off the side of the bed and ended up with my face in her pussy. Kiki had mostly gotten me over my distaste for comed in pussy, so I gave it a tentative lick. There was a questioning sound from Maricela, but she didn't seem to be objecting, so I carried on. This time, she didn't come immediately, and she didn't press me to speed up, so I took my time over her. I liked that, and it did seem to agree with Maricela. It was quite sometime before her sighs became moans and then squeaks, then it seemed like a good time to finish her off; she came in a most satisfactory fashion. I was pleased to have done a good job this time.

Though again she was really still, and I worried about her, so I went to get Kiki again. Though again, everything was fine, I got an even better review this time. It seemed my going down on her comed in pussy was new to Maricela, and she wanted to try that again. Though Kiki did tell her that was usually Kiki's job, Maricela did look very dubious at that statement.

So the next time Maricela and Jane were over, it went much the same, except Maricela let me take my time at first, before she became more urgent and then came quickly. Then once I'd come in Maricela's pussy, Kiki appeared in the bedroom and told me I should go watch the kids. Like I say, she does like cleaning up after me. Maricela didn't seem to object by this time either.

Later, once Maricela had gone, Kiki apologized to me that she'd had Maricela go down on her while they were alone in the bedroom. I'm not sure why she felt the need to apologize about that, except I couldn't be there to see, as I was watching the kids. So we changed the plan for the next playdate. The next time Maricela and Jane came over, the nanny was home, it wasn't her day off this time. So the nanny took the kids out to the park. That left the three of us to have our own playdate.

In the bedroom, Kiki told Maricela to get naked. Kiki was being very dominant, that was hot. She's usually more submissive with girls. Maricela looked less certain, but only hesitated briefly, then Kiki told me to do my thing. I sat Maricela on the edge of the bed and went down on her. Kiki came over and sat on Maricela's face while I was doing that, lucky her. I took my time, and wound her up as much as possible, with Kiki sitting on her, she couldn't encourage me to get her off faster.

When she finally came, Kiki told me to fuck her, so I did. I saw Kiki was not just sitting on her, but also pinning her arms, and riding her face. Like I said, lucky her, I love it when Kiki does that to me. So I fuck Maricela vigorously, that seemed to be the right note. This time I had already fucked Kiki that morning, so I was in no danger of coming too quickly. Maricela was really into it, and came three times, before I finally came in her, then I fell off to the side to recover.

I feel some movements beside me, Kiki is going down on Maricela. That's the usual deal, if I get to fuck someone, Kiki gets to clean up after me. I'm still recovering from coming, but that's hot. I manage to prop myself up so I can watch. I'll never get tired of watching Kiki going down on a girl. Maricela is really into it, just watching her face is almost as hot as watching Kiki lick her pussy. I watch both intently and get hard pretty quickly. Then Maricela comes, and melts into the bed. I smile at Kiki, she smiles back, then we both hug Maricela.

When Maricela stirs, Kiki goes back into dominant mode, she tells Maricela she has work to do, both on my hard on and on Kiki's pussy. Maricela looks dubious, then resigned, I recognize that. I like that sort of feeling. I wasn't sure Maricela was comfortable with either instruction, but she did as Kiki told her. She was actually quite enthusiastic about the blowjob, and so was I. I've never had a blowjob I didn't like.

In this case, Kiki was coaching her, and it just got better. Kiki is the absolute best cocksucker in the world, so Maricela was learning from the best. It was hot, hearing Kiki tell her what to do, until I got so distracted by the blowjob, and didn't care anymore. I was getting really into it, and I was going to be coming soon, I reached to grab Maricela's head, but Kiki fended off my hands. Probably best, if she's not used to it, that might put her off. Then I came, and really didn't worry anymore.

So now, Maricela is going down on Kiki. That's hot, and Kiki is enjoying it, even if I'm a tiny bit jealous, that's supposed to be my job. But, I want to make it good for Kiki, so I offer a few suggestions to Maricela, and Kiki seems to appreciate that.

Kiki comes, and Maricela looks pleased with herself, I know that feeling. But, Kiki drags my head into her pussy, and tells Maricela to take notes. So feeling very self-conscious, I go down on Kiki. I try to do my best for her, I try to draw it out as long as possible. After I've been teasing Kiki for a while, Maricela moves and goes sit on Kiki's face, facing me, so she could continue taking notes. That stifles Kiki's moans. Eventually I get Kiki off, at the same time, Kiki makes Maricela come. Maricela collapses onto her hands and knees her head lolling down by Kiki's pussy where I've been at work.

That was that for now, by the time we started thinking about another round, Kiki got an alert that the nanny was coming home, so we cleaned up and got dressed instead. It seems Maricela never did like giving blowjobs before, she thought it was unnatural and a sin, but she was coming round to the idea after this episode. Like I said, she did seem enthusiastic, this was very promising. She was also warming up to the lesbian sex after these latest two episodes, she'd also though that was a sin, but she was getting over that now, and that made it more exciting for her when Kiki told her to do it.

We had pretty regular playdates with Maricela after that, I liked that, we all liked that. At one point there was the idea that she'd become the nanny, we could play with her more often if she were living with us. I pointed out, the problem with that idea is there'd be no one to look after the kids while we did play, so it wasn't practical. I was also relieved; being Kiki's sub is supposed to be my job.

It seems that news of my talents spreads. Maricela obviously gave her review to others in the mothers group. My services were in high demand. Though Kiki was reluctant to let anyone except single moms at me. There are a lot of single moms in our community, about 1 in 8 households. Once Mark started kindergarten, and in the higher grades, there was even more to choose from, and then there were the teachers. If you say "Fuck the PTA," it may mean something different to me.

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Pub: 17 Jan 2024 07:44 UTC
Views: 544