no one gaf : countrymouse thelark mameilleureennemie edyn archangels lightbearer peonie dhampirs crowned riotgrrrl farlyn laius songsoforigin chil dunmesh alucards hobiebrown citymouse salfisher misurn newedynacademy melvik
oc urls (all offlim) : aaron azrael aufero dasalan rashaad rostellis stolar islandofdrmoreau
- to do list if u care idk
key info
- eye candy : locked in a cage forever.. likely an instant no unless you got an insane offer or my top wl
- nft : significantly harder to get im really attached
- selective : picky! harder to get
- uft : most of these idgaf about. likely to do multiple for one
note i am ridiculously picky with any angel related urls i have 💔more likely to swap w/ something else thats angel(ology) related