It horrified me. It was like he'd taken a dozen priceless statues carved with exquisite care, hacked them to pieces, then stuck them together and declared that he had created something better. That he'd distilled the very essence of art.
A paragon.
My hammer and ax blazed with light. My armor strengthened my limbs. I would slay this thing for my divine mother. This thing was an affront to all Rithi stood for. I howled as I raised my weapons, Greta charging at my side.
The Paragon grinned, the mongrel features of her face twisting as the mismatched features clashed with each other. Her pace slowed. Her muscles bulged in her arm as she flexed her fist. I reached her, swinging with my hammer, my momentum impelling force into it.
She raised her arm and took my blow. Light burst from my hammer. It surged around the Paragon, illuminating every wrinkle and crag of her features. The handle shook in my hand as she swept her arm before her, knocking back my weapon, her fist flying at my armor.
Droplets shimmered before me. A shield of water sprang up. The Paragon's fist slammed into it. Waves rippled across the disc. It faded into mist as I swung my ax. My blow hacked through the dissipating defense. The Paragon pivoted and deflected my swing with her other forearm, sending my blow slashing into the hill.
The Paragon laughed, her fist blurring down at my head.
So fast.
Light burst from armor. A great flash of sunlight striking Paragon in the face. She cursed, flinching, her blow going wide. It missed my head by inches. A rush of air rippled over me. A nervous twinge ran through me. I felt the power of her blow.
Did I have the strength to fight her?
Greta shouted beside me, stabbing with her watery blade. I couldn't afford doubts. I would beat her.
Kora Falk
Fire exploded from Nathalie.
I screamed as the flames rippled over that foul insect-thing and went for my brother. Sven threw up his arms before him. Shadows rippled, an inky cloud burst before him as the tongues of fire rippled around the hill.
"Brother mine!" I gasped, my hand going to my breasts, clutching at nothing as I trembled by the altar.
Nathalie burst out of the inferno. Her blonde pigtails blazed with flames, burning behind her as she scrambled clear. The fire didn't consume her hair, but danced on them as she whirled around to face the dying bonfire. As she did, I could see the crumpled impressions in her breastplate, the mark of the monster's maw biting into her chest.
The insectoid thing rose out of the flames, his gray, waxy carapace absorbing the heat. He stalked out after Nathalie. She raised her blazing sword before her, a tremble racing through her body. His mandibles clicked.
I had to help them. I thrust my hand between my thighs and swiped up my pussy juices. I shuddered, my cream coating them as I opened my will to my Goddess. I called upon her power: "Rithi, bless my sexual juices and let them paint new beauty in the world."
I had to make those solid illusions again like I did fighting the ooze. I needed it. My family needed it. Light flashed from Ealaín dueling the Paragon. Aingeal flew in the air, beams of purple energy flashing from her. And Zanyia...
Zanyia was all alone.
Princess Ava
Kora's fingers wiggled as she conjured an illusion. I shuddered, trying to focus. I needed to use the Altar. It begged me to sink my soul into it, but the sounds... Flames crackled, water rushed, people screamed and died. My family was in danger. I could help them. I had my proxy. I could become the feyhound and join the fight.
I stared down at the amulet. Even the hammer could be more useful in the fight. Carsina knew how to wield it. What should I do? How long would it take me to destroy the amulet? I could feel the vast machinery beneath me, the great engine which gathered and channeled all that energy. I would have to focus it on the phylactery, bring it all to bear before I could destroy it.
Could I do it fast? Would anyone I love die while I manipulated this vast machine?
"Where are you, my sweetling?" a hideous voice called, rising above the sounds of fighting. "I'm here for you. I'm so hungry for you."
"You WON'T touch her!" bellowed my husband.
My father...
I wrenched my gaze from the altar. I shuddered, witnessing Sven thrusting his blade at Prince Meinard through the flames burning on the hills. It distorted their forms, made them look bleary, ephemeral. A fear seized my heart.
What if Sven died?
"Princess, you need to activate the altar," Carsina said, her hand gripping the shoulder. "Focus."
But how could I? Light flashed. Greta screamed, knocked back by a blow from the Paragon. Water sprayed around her as she crashed against the slope. My family was in danger.
I had to act.
Sven Falk
"I'm right here, Father," Ava purred, appearing around the fire. "You don't have to do this. I'll go with you. I'll be your queen. I love you."
The sight of Ava arrested me for a moment. I gaped. What was going on? Why would she...? The dress she wore was wrong. It was blue and soft, the type of gown Ava would wear spending a day at her father's castle, not the clothing she'd worn while traveling. Not the clothing she wore right now as she stood atop the hill.
Kora stood up there, staring down, her pink robe open. Her fingers wiggling, painting.
"My sweetling," Prince Meinard said, turning to her. "Something seems to be missing from you."
"Oh, Father?" Ava asked.
I lunged at the monster's back.
"Your blood. I don't smell it." With a casual swipe, he back-handed the illusion. It rippled with rainbow light. Laughing, making that spine-crawling sound, he turned around to face me. My rapier punched into his carapace and...
Scored along the waxy chitin. I left a furrow in the gray thorax, a long line following its concave curve before my blade reached his side and thrust past him beneath his arm. I groaned. First he wore a metal body, and now this.
He punched a clawed hand at me. I shifted my feet, began to retreat, but the attack came so fast. I was too close to him. Each of his five fingers ended in talon like points. They crashed into my chest, cutting through my armor.
Sinking into my skin.
Kora Falk
"Princess, no!" Carsina shouted.
The feyhound soared over me. I glanced behind me to see Carsina kneeling over the fallen Ava, the diamond hammer spilled from the princess's hand. An idea shot through me. "Supercharge my illusions like you did when we fought the ooze."
Carsina glanced up at me, her ruby-bright hair spilling about her shocked features. "Okay, Mistress."
She scooped up the diamond hammer and charged at me, her face twisted in fear. Her body trembled. She reached me and held the hammer in her hand. I pointed down at my husband fighting Prince Meinard and...
Sven gripped the insectoid arm of Prince Meinard, his claws sunk into my brother's flesh. My hands clutched at my breasts, reaching out of reflex for the amulet. My brother fought to keep the claws from sinking deeper into him.
I conjured an illusion of the ogre. That hulking, brutal monster that ripped apart the boarding house we stayed at Az. It was the most powerful thing I could think of. I drew back its fist, my fingers dancing before me as I painted my will, Rithi's magic bring my art to life.
"Supercharge me!" I howled as my illusion punched at Prince Meinard.
"I... I can't," Carsina said.
My illusion's punch slammed into the prince. Passed through him. In a ripple of rainbow light, the fist barreled through him, the ogres arm sinking into the insectoid things body. It had no substance. Prince Meinard laughed, cruel. The inhuman the sound sending a shiver down my spine. His arm twisted.
Sven grunted in pain.
"Why didn't that work?" I gasped.
"Your illusions aren't something constructed," Carsina said. "I... I didn't supercharge them when we fought the slime. I don't know why your illusion had substance then and not now."
How did this happen? My right hand kept clenching at my tits. I was so used to grabbing the amulet when things were stressed, to feel it in my hand while painting with the fingers of my left. Despite what it contained, it always made me feel... in control. To hold it. To wrap my fingers around...
The Biomancer's soul...
I was gripping it when we fought the ooze. I squeezed it tight when I made my illusion that suddenly had substance for the Biomancer's loathsome monster. And I was squeezing the amulet when I shouted for it to stop. When I somehow... controlled it.
My head whipped around. The amulet rested on the altar. Did it have... power over the monsters Biomancer Vebrin created?
I darted for the altar. My robe flared open. I didn't care about modesty right now. Was this the key? Was this why the Paragon and her forces had used proxies for so long, relying on others to get the amulet, because they knew it was the key to controlling them? Did I wear victory around my neck all this time?
My mind wrenched back to the moment I faced the ooze. How hard I clutched the amulet. The way I thought it pulsed and twitched. The Biomancer remembered his children. It had a kind of will. It... twitched as we were coming up the hill. Right before we got to the altar.
"This is it!" I gasped and scooped up the amulet.
"What is?" Carsina asked. "Are you going to bargain our surrender?"
"I'm going to save the day!" I shouted back, whirling around to face the battlefield. "This is why they use proxies. Why they brought all those soldiers and the master mage. The Paragon knows I can dominate her with this!"
Sven shouted. His cries of pain were so shrill. So sharp. Prince Meinard was killing him. But I could save my brother. I would rescue him like he protected me so many times. His love had saved my soul after our parents' and sister's death. He gave me purpose. Following him this last year showed me so much joy and beauty.
I wouldn't let it end. I would use every ounce of strength I had to save the day.
I stumbled back from the blows. My crossed weapons buckled before me. I stumbled back a few steps. But I didn't flinch. I didn't flee from the danger. Greta groaned behind me. I would protect her. I would protect all the people my charge loved. Sven and his harem were Kora's inspiration for her art.
I had to defend them. I was her muse.
"Rithi!" I screamed and swung my weapons at the Paragon. For a moment, I drove the brute back. She couldn't block my blows. Her big tits heaved before her as she stumbled back. "Guide my strokes. Let me create such a martial display of art and beauty today! Let me slay your enemy!"
I screamed. Light burst from me. Scintillating halos danced around my swinging weapons. The Paragon snarled, her face twisted into bestial fury. More blood sheeted down her arms. My ax left bloody scores, scraping along her bones. My hammer slammed into those iron limbs, quaking them.
I would defeat her.
"NO!" boomed the Paragon.
Her head shot up the hill. A flash of ruby caught my attention.
Kora stood on the summit. She held the amulet in her hand. She stared down at Prince Meinard, shoving Sven to the ground. Nathalie swung her flaming sword at the prince, her blows bouncing off the transformed man's carapace.
Fear spread across the Paragon's face. Kora holding the amulet frightened her. It gave me an opening. I swung both my weapons at the monster's chest. My ax and hammer fell, crackling with the divine power of my armor. Krab created a work of art when he forged it.
My weapons blazed with radiant beauty.
They landed on the brute's chest.
The thud of impact shook up my body. My ax sheered through a flabby breast and struck its iron rib cage. My hammer bounced off the sternum. The Paragon grunted. She stumbled back a step, head snapping down to me.
Her lips peeled back, revealing a mouth full of jumbled teeth, all different sizes and shape.
My attack didn't kill her. I hardly hurt her. Blood sheeted from her severed breast, but her ribs were so strong. How could I hurt her? How could I harm her? How could I protect Greta? My family? How could I keep Kora alive?
The Paragon's fist blurred at me. I struggled to recover from my attack, but I had put all my strength into my attack. I overextended myself to deliver the lethal blow. Now I was open. I had one option. I gathered the light. It burst from me, blinding sunlight engulfing me.
The Paragon closed her eyes, ready for this tactic.
Her fist slammed into my chest. Nothing blunted her blow. The armor groaned. I felt the metal drive into my flesh. My ribs cracked beneath it. I flew back as pain exploded through my lungs. I hit the ground with a thud.
Greta screamed.
Blood filled my mouth.
My entire body went numb.
The Paragon stood over me, death painted across her face.
I failed.
To be continued...
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