Pygmalion + Soft Prompt

If you don't know what Soft Prompts are, check out this link. But if you want a summary, here's a quote from the guide:

A soft prompt is a way to modify the style and behavior of your AI. This is done by training a special kind of prompt based on a collection of input data. This can be fun to play with and cause interesting effects! ...Overall, the most effective ones steer your output toward the style of a literary genre, fictional universe, or a specific author's style.

By the way, for the soft prompt to work correctly with the Pyg6B model, it needs to be trained on the Pygmalion-6B or GPT-J (base model for Pyg6B) models. You can find many soft prompts online, but most have been trained on other models, so check this out before downloading so you don't run into problems.

Anyway, for those who don't want to access the Pygmalion's Unofficial Discord, I will be downloading the soft prompts the users have created and organizing them here for convenience.

Soft Prompts

Title Author Description
Arcane: Viktor v4 Jimliana This soft prompt currently stands at 150 or something KB. However, although this is a small amount of data, Viktor sometimes brings up lore-relevant things, seems to be less forgetful about Hextech and I noticed a slight improvement on his answers.
Ascendance of a Bookworm Alpin Trained on about ~17mb of text from the light novel Ascendance of a Bookworm.
Classroom of Elite v5 OutOfIdea Technical Info: Pyg-6b, 1e-7 rate, 5 epoch, 2048 batch, 16 steps. Trained on text from the light novel Classroom of Elite.
Cross-Genre - Romance v1 AliCat Description: A module that helps introduce romantic elements into any story, cross-genre! The genres included are: Classic Regency, Historical, Mystery, Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Adventure. Geared towards a heroine-POV with a male main love interest. (But should work for any gender/love interest).
Cross-Genre - Romance v1 (80 DIM) AliCat Description: A module that helps introduce romantic elements into any story, cross-genre! The genres included are: Classic Regency, Historical, Mystery, Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Adventure. Geared towards a heroine-POV with a male main love interest. (But should work for any gender/love interest). 80 DIM (80 Tokens) - v1 (Very WIP):
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (Lucy) grapepepper Download is off while waiting for the fixes.
DanMachi Alpin Trained on 10mb of DanMachi novels, including the main series, Sword Oratoria, and Familia Chronicles.
Fate Stay Night v1 grapepepper Download is off while waiting for the fixes.
Fate Stay Night v2 grapepepper Download is off while waiting for the fixes.
Game of Thrones grapepepper Download is off while waiting for the fixes.
Goblin Slayer Alpin Trained on 6mb of Light Novel data, including side-stories.
Help and Question nRuaif "[Chat error]" SP trained on 6MB of chat data from #help-and-question (Pygmalion's Unofficial Discord).
KonoSuba Alpin Experimental. Trained with 6.7mb of KonoSuba text - that's all the officially translated (Light Novel) content. This includes the Explosion spinoff.
Lyra El'Jonson v1 Fulgrim A soft prompt for giving character Lyra El'Jonson's lore and improving her speech style. I tried and tested it, it's working well. It significantly made character act better and giving so much longer and logical responses. Tokens: 80; Learning rate: 3e-5.
Lyra El'Jonson v2 Fulgrim A soft prompt for giving character Lyra El'Jonson's lore and improving her speech style. I tried and tested it, it's working well. It significantly made character act better and giving so much longer and logical responses. Tokens: 100; Learning rate: 1e-2.
Lyra El'Jonson v3 Fulgrim A soft prompt for giving character Lyra El'Jonson's lore and improving her speech style. I tried and tested it, it's working well. It significantly made character act better and giving so much longer and logical responses. Tokens: 100; Learning rate: 1e-6.
Lyra El'Jonson v5 Fulgrim A soft prompt for giving character Lyra El'Jonson's lore and improving her speech style. I tried and tested it, it's working well. It significantly made character act better and giving so much longer and logical responses. Some improvements.
My Hero Academia: Momo Yaoyorozu grapepepper Download is off while waiting for the fixes.
My Hero Academia: Ochaco Uraraka grapepepper Download is off while waiting for the fixes.
My Hero Academia: Tsuyu Asui grapepepper Download is off while waiting for the fixes.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic v1 stoic Trained on summaries from all episodes, shorts, clips, and the movie along with their transcripts. 107 character entries. Fics for prose, and fun. Curated for pony only content.
NieR: Automata grapepepper Download is off while waiting for the fixes.
OuterHeaven v2 AgraFL This softprompt is supposedly an improvement of the previous PurpleProseSmut softprompt. Trained on 24.9 MB collection of various erotica with varying degree of verbosity and PoV. This will not necessarily increase the length of responses, but it may increase the coherency and creativity on NSFW scenarios, with bots having more intelligence overall regarding sex and acknowledging detailed sexual organs on its own. I'm seeing better results using first-person view with this softprompt but it may varies.
Overlord Arawen These soft prompts will bias the narrative of your conversations towards the Overlord setting. Dark fantasy theme.
Overlord (Gpt-J) Arawen These soft prompts will bias the narrative of your conversations towards the Overlord setting. Dark fantasy theme.
PredAccessor Xabab 20Mb of finest vore smut parsed from his collection. Should be a healthy mix of OV, AV, CV, UB, fatal and non-fatal. Definitely lacks graphically explicit stuff and scat.
PredAccessor E3 Xabab 20Mb of finest vore smut parsed from his collection. Should be a healthy mix of OV, AV, CV, UB, fatal and non-fatal. Definitely lacks graphically explicit stuff and scat. This one is a bit overfit in his opinion, but if your character struggles with vore scenario, it might help.
Purple Prose Smut v2 AgraFL Trained on a collection of verbose erotica. May make NSFW responses to be more verbose/creative. SFW scenarios might largely be unaffected.
Purple Prose Smut v4 AgraFL Trained on a collection of verbose erotica. May make NSFW responses to be more verbose/creative. SFW scenarios might largely be unaffected.
Re:Zero v1 OutOfIdea Data is taken from Vol 1 - 18 from lightnovels.
Re:Zero v2 OutOfIdea Data is taken from Vol 1 - 18 from lightnovels. + Some improvements.
Sanguinia v1 Fulgrim A soft prompt that gives current lore of Sanguinius to Sanguinia, female version of him, and making her speaking and responses better and more accurate. Epoch: 9; Learning rate: 1e-5.
Sanguinia v2 Fulgrim A soft prompt that gives current lore of Sanguinius to Sanguinia, female version of him, and making her speaking and responses better and more accurate. Epoch: 12; Learning rate: 2e-5.
Spice & Wolf Alpin Trained on 10mb of Spice & Wolf and Wolf & Parchment Light Novels. Experimental.
Sundrop/Moondrop NSFW v1 Chai Originally crafted for Moon, but works great on Sunny too. This softprompt is only on v1 so don't expect too much yet! Right now, it does a good job of keeping the boys "on track" during NSFW scenarios. They are less likely to say unrelated stuff. You may find that they seem smarter!
The Rising of the Shield Hero Alpin Experimental. Trained with 10.1mb of Light Novel content, including Reprise of the Spear Hero.
Touhou Project: Reimu Hakurei grapepepper Download is off while waiting for the fixes.
Vampire: The Masquerade pixelnull Trained on Pyg-6b, 2.5e-5 rate, 1 epoch, 2048 batch, 16 steps, 120 tokens. A personal project to "bake" V:tM lore into the model, but not have it try too hard pushing the lore.
WPP Coded Chasm Apparently it makes the bot vastly more accurate to its definition (in W++ format) compared to average.


  • 2023-03-15: "Help and Question - nRuaif [Chat error]" added.
  • 2023-03-11: "Sanguinia - Fulgrim" added.
  • 2023-03-07: "Lyra El'Jonson - Fulgrim" added.
  • 2023-03-07: "PredAccessor - Xabab" added.
  • 2023-03-03: "Cross-Genre - Romance v1 - AliCat" added.
  • 2023-02-24: "WPP Coded - Chasm" added.
  • 2023-02-13: "Sundrop/Moondrop NSFW v1 - Chai" added.
  • 2023-02-10: Removed grapepepper's soft prompts temporarily while waiting for the fixes.
  • 2023-02-10: "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic v1 - stoic" added.
  • 2023-02-10: "Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (Lucy) - grapepepper" added.
  • 2023-02-10: "OuterHeaven v2 - AgraFL" added.
  • 2023-02-09: "Touhou Project: Reimu Hakurei - grapepepper" added.

Pub: 08 Feb 2023 17:38 UTC
Edit: 15 Mar 2023 04:48 UTC
Views: 23113