Episode 12: Denki's History

Tsubomi: The sky is noisy......

Tsubomi: Mh......my shoelaces are.......

Tsubomi: (Is it a blessing in disguise that it was right after I left home? Or......)

Tsubomi: Black cats are......

Tsubomi: How many......!?

Tsubomi: What in the world is that a sign of......?

Member: Machiko-sama wants to talk to us before the rehearsal. I wonder what it’s about?

Iroha: ......Maybe it’s about the next stage?

Mito: I don't know......Machiko-san, doesn't talk about the stage......

Kamira: I got it! If the boss is coming over, then this must be big news...

Kamira: For example, the collaboration work for the next performance will be an extremely popular one!

Iroha: Wow! It would be amazing if that was the case.

Tsubomi: .......

Towa: What's wrong? You look pale.

Towa: Maybe you were fighting 'them' until late at night?

Tsubomi: If that's the case, that’s fine.......

Towa: What's up with that that? You usually say more. It's weird.

Machiko: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Kaname: .......

Iroha: (......? Kaname-san, you're not like your usual self......?)

Mito: Iroha-chan?

Machiko: Well. You all know the origins of Denki, don't you? It's a theatre company established 15 years ago here in Akihabara.

Machiko: The performances made the most of the city's rapidly changing colours and local character and the Gekidan Denki theatre company gained recognition and grew in size.

Machiko: However......

Machiko: About two years ago. Denki stopped growing.

Tsubomi: ......gulp

Machiko: Of course, we didn't just sit on our hands and watch. Promising newcomers joined.......

Iroha, Mito: .......

Machiko: We strengthened our communication power......

Kamira: (......Me?)

Machiko: We also put effort into interacting with other theatre companies and actively approach collaboration partners. The management side has also done its best.

Machiko: However, if there is no prospect of further growth, I have no intention of spending any money in the future.

Towa: Hah......? Haaaah?

Towa: What are you saying, boss-

Kaname: Listen to the end.

Towa: .......

Machiko: The cause is not only on you. This city itself, is losing its former chaotic vibrancy, which is another reason.

Machiko: Even so, there are those who have taken an interest in this theatre company.

Machiko: Olympus.

Towa: -That’s ridiculous! Denki will not be Denki anymore!

Machiko: Then Denki will just decay and disappear. That's why I-

Towa: What is this!?

Machiko: -I think we should accept this takeover proposal.

Pub: 09 Oct 2023 19:31 UTC
Edit: 10 Oct 2023 16:57 UTC
Views: 268