Shinji Ikari waddled along the grassy avenues. He took a whiff; the smells were heavenly. His belly grumbled with a deep gurgle. He stopped, and gently stroked the enormous gut. "I know, I know," he said. "It's time to get you something to eat."

He resumed his waddle. It was heavy, and awkward. Very appropriate, since Shinji, himself, was heavy, and awkward. He had been living with his boyfriend and caretaker, Kaworu Nagisa, for... how long, now? Months? Years? It all ran together, in Shinji's head. All that had marked the passage of time for him was that he had steadily gotten fatter, and fatter, and fatter. And these days, he was huge. The former Eva pilot had last tipped the scales at a whopping 277 kilograms--more than 600 standard pounds. He was big, and fat, and round, and wide. His girth was immense: the fat boy took up a huge amount of space, accentuated by the fact that he was not very tall. The crowds of the fairgrounds parted around him like he was a boulder in a river. Shinji's legs were so fat, and his belly was so big, that he was forced to move with an awkward waddling gait, with his fat arms held out to the sides some to balance the shift of his bulk. He was also huffing and puffing, and perspiring a little, though the weather was quite mild.

They had been living in California the entire time Kaworu had been taking care of him, and at Kaworu's suggestion they had gone to a county fair not far outside of the city. Shinji had been too big for most of the rides, but he hadn't cared. He didn't care about much these days but making an absolute pig of himself, and he'd lived in America long enough to know what fairs meant: fair food! Even now, an entire swath of the fairgrounds were taken up by food stalls, and Shinji waddled towards them with drool at the corners of his lips. He licked those lips now. Oh, he was hungry! He had an absolute gluttonous desire to eat. Kaworu had fed him into a prime eater. Shinji loved eating like he loved few other things in the world.

His big belly led the way. He had a massive gut, jutting out far in front of him, swaying from side to side as he waddled along, an ocean of blubber that his skinnier self could have easily sat inside of. It sagged past his knees and pushed people out of the way in front of him. It was the biggest thing on him. Trailing backwards from the gut, one first got to the big boy's thighs, which were bigger around than his old waist had been, substantially so. Those thighs led down to calves like fatty drumsticks that oozed over his ankles onto his cute fat feet. Further back from the thighs were his enormous breasts. Shinji had blubbery sacks of lard for boobs, big fat boy titties that had broad, soft nipples. Drooping down onto his tits, completely obscuring his neck, were his fat chins. He had two clear ones, and the ghost of a third would appear when he opened his mouth wide, or sometimes when he was talking. His porcine jowls gave him permanent dimples and flared into piglike cheeks; he had a porky face, and his short-cut brown hair was comically small atop his fat head, complete with a roll of neck fat in the back that drooped down onto his pudgy shoulders. Coming down from his shoulders were his two fat arms, with enormous blubbery bags like sacks of pudding making up his upper arms, drooping over his elbows down to his forearms which were like lardy hams. His hands were soft and chubby.


He easily, effortlessly loosed an enormous fart, leaving stench in his wake. It came from his rear, which brought up the rear. Shinji had a vast shelf butt, a great big ass that stuck out well behind him, though not as far as his belly stuck out in front of him. Each buttock was the size of a large beach ball, jostling and shifting back and forth like the bottom of an elephant as he waddled along. His deep ass crack would occasionally come on display over the top of his undergarments, which were white and padded and sometimes peeked above the lip of his pants. He had jelly rolls of back fat resting on this shelf butt in a cascading descent of folds.

Shinji was wearing jeans and an orange polo shirt. He had once owned a similar outfit ages ago, when he was still an Eva pilot in Tokyo-3. But his current outfit was many, many times larger than that old getup: the shirt was the size of a tent, and an entire family could have fit inside the circumference of the elastic-waistband jeans. He waddled, and his bulk moved forward, parting the crowd around him as he approached the main area of food stalls. He was large and in charge. He'd gotten used to being big by now, and was no longer surprised or bothered by how much space he took up.

"Mmmm, corndogs," he murmured, wiggling his pudgy fingers. He began to haul himself towards the stand in question. He'd never even heard of corndogs before coming to America, and he had always wanted to try one. Of course they saw him coming, and the entire stall perked up as the vast boy came close. They knew they were in for quite a sale.

"Hello there, young man," said the man minding the cash register. "What'll it be?"

"Ohhhoho, let me see, let me see," said Shinji, pausing to wipe some sweat off his brow. Even his forehead had a layer of fat on it. He licked his lips and drummed his fingers on his swelling gut as he surveyed the menu. Corndogs, of course, but what else? He was feeling peckish and in the mood for a fine lunch. "Ah, let's see... I'm going to have one... no, two... no three corndogs, with mustard and ketchup on the side. And I want two orders of the chili cheese fries, and an order... no, two orders of the fried pickles."

"Anything to drink?"

"Hmm," he put his hand on his fat hip and surveyed the drink menu. "A large Coke."

"That'll be $44.47."

"Here you go," said Shinji, shuffling close and handing them Kaworu's credit card. He leaned in close to sign for the order; the stall creaked as more than a quarter-ton of former Eva pilot pressed against it.

Transaction complete, Shinji waddled around to where the food would come out. He put his hands on his wide hips and settled on his feet, standing slightly reclined to balance the heavy weight of his belly.

A girl behind the counter looked at him, and grinned. "You sure are a big boy, huh?"

"Oh! Uh, heheh, yes," said Shinji, blushing a little. After all this time, even with all the self-esteem he got from Kaworu's unconditional affection, talking to girls was still a struggle for him. Butterflies fluttered in his vast stomach.

But the girl smiled, and stretched out her arm. She was holding a corndog. "Here," she said. "On the house. Figured you wouldn't turn it down. And a thanks for being such a good customer."

"Ohhh, yum yum," said Shinji, waddling close to take the corndog. He bit into it. He moaned in delight. Fried, breading, meat, flavor... it was marvelous. It was everything he could have hoped for. He greedily took another bite.

By the time his order was ready he'd polished the corndog off. The order had come in a cardboard box, and Shinji took it, pressing it against his gut. With a smile and a nod, he turned, and waddled off, looking for a place to sit and eat.

He soon found it: a bench near one of the tents where the animal shows were. Waddling forward, Shinji reached it with some huffing and puffing, and a fatty grunt as he pivoted himself around. Looking over his shoulder to position his big bottom appropriately, he slowly settled himself down.

The bench creaked heavily as the big boy sat on it. His vast ass spread out and took up more than half of the bench's length; the last third of his ass cheeks drooped off the back end. He spread his fat legs apart and made room for his belly, which sagged almost to the ground.

"Ohhh, boy, oh, boy," he cooed, setting the food next to him on what was left of the bench's room. He grabbed a carton of chili cheese fries, set them on his belly, and dug in. "Ohghm," he moaned delightedly. As good as he could have hoped for.

Shinji quickly set to work plowing through the food. It was easily enough for three people, maybe four, but it disappeared down his mouth with shocking speed. In no time one corndog was gone, and one full order of the fries. He picked up the carton of fried pickles and began to wolf them down, stopping occasionally to dip them in the spicy mayonnaise they had come with.

Grunting and gurgling and mumbling with pleasure the big boy gorged on his food. The sun was shining, the weather was perfect, and Shinji was doing his favorite thing in the world: eating. It truly was heaven for the mammoth fat boy, and Shinji paused between bites to smile in delight. He actually got a little erection, the sheer pleasure of his circumstances swelling his penis. Shinji's penis was the one thing on him that was not big: the former Eva pilot had a tiny, comically undersized dick, one that didn't even get to eight centimeters when fully erect. His fupa was four times the size of the penis that it buried.

Finally, the last bite of his food was in his hands: the last bite on his final corndog. Shinji paused a moment to savor it, savor the taste, savor the deliciousness of the experience. Then he deep-throated the corndog stick to pick off the final bite. He pulled it off. He chewed. He swallowed.

"Ahhhhhh," he sighed in delight, leaning back, making the bench creak even louder. "That. Was. Awesome. Hic!" he hiccuped. "Buuuuaaarrppp!!!" he belched.

Prrrtt! he farted.

And a damp cloth came around and started to wipe his mouth. "Ah, Shinji-kun, I see you have sufficiently satisfied yourself."

"Kaworu-san!" said Shinji in delight. Red eyes shining at him, Kaworu was using the cloth to wipe his boyfriend's face, cleaning the dimpled jowls and the buttery chins. Shinji giggled at how ticklish it felt. "Ohh, urrp!, excuse me. How did your Angel Business go?"

"Quite well," said Kaworu. "And I see my favorite boy has sufficiently sated himself?"

"Well... I guess," said Shinji. "Here's your credit card back," and he handed it back to Kaworu. He looked up at Kaworu.

Kaworu smiled, noticing the gleam in his blue eyes. "Let me guess: my special boy wants some dessert."

"Ohhh, yes, Kaworu-san!" said Shinji, fidgeting in place, rubbing his belly, making the bench creak even louder. "I am 100% in the mood for something sweet."

"Well, a county fair has no shortage of sweet treats," said Kaworu. "Is there anything in particular you would like?"

Shinji rubbed his chubby hands together and licked his plump lips. "Kaworu-san," he said, his belly gurgling, "bring me everything."

Kaworu smiled. He turned and walked off. Shinji watched him go, butterflies in his stomach again--but now it was the excitement of eating, not of meeting girls, that made his tummy flutter. He was so excited to see what Kaworu brought him. Shinji loved food. Was fascinated by food. And this fair food... it was a new experience for him. But based on his excellent lunch he doubted it would be a bad experience.

Kaworu returned, bearing something on a plate. "Here you go, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu with a smile. "A candied apple."

"Oh, goody!" said Shinji, picking it up by the stick and biting into it. "Ohghm," he burbled, eyes rolling back into his head at the rich and hearty taste. "Ohgm," he mumbled, putting fingers to his lips to shove the big bite down, "excuse me, Kaworu-san... is that it?"

Kaworu grinned. "No, Shinji-kun. I am just getting started."

Shinji felt a thrill up his spine. With a gurgle from the depths of his belly, he resumed eating the candied apple as Kaworu walked off again.

He returned with a box of something that smelled heavenly. "Here you go, Shinji-kun," he said. "Deep-fried Oreos."

"Ohohoho boy, that smells succulent," Shinji said in delight. He was taking his final bite of the candied apple. He chewed. And swallowed. Then he set the empty stick aside, and reached for the box of treats Kaworu held out. He tried his first deep-fried Oreo and moaned in delight at the taste. He began wolfing them down as Kaworu went off again.

And he had just started to eat the last of them when Kaworu returned with something else. "Soft serve ice cream, Shinji-kun."

"Oh boy!"

And it kept happening. Kaworu would bring Shinji a delectable treat from one of the fair's dessert stalls. Shinji would eat it. As he was eating it, Kaworu would walk off. And it was almost perfectly synchronized that no sooner would Shinji finish one treat, than Kaworu would return bearing another.

"Deep-fried cheesecake, Shinji-kun."

"A banana split, Shinji-kun."

"Snickerdoodle ice cream sandwiches, Shinji-kun."

"Pumpkin pie, Shinji-kun."

"Apple dumplings, Shinji-kun."

"Peach cobbler, Shinji-kun."

Shinji ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and ate. He seemed bottomless, no end to his hunger. The bench was now regularly creaking as the big fat boy's already considerable weight was augmented by the pounds and pounds of food filling his belly. But still, Shinji had no limits.

Except at one point, he stopped, and groaned as he felt an intense pressure... but not from within.

"Beignets, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, bearing the sugary delectables in his hand.

"Ohhh, wait, wait, Kaworu-san," said Shinji, just popping the last bite of cookie dough balls into his mouth. He fidgeted on the bench, causing it to creak even louder. "Kaworu-san, my... my pants," Shinji said. "They're, oof, getting so tight. Can you unbutton them?"

"Of course, my pet," said Kaworu, bending down. He lifted up the enormous polo shirt and revealed the vast, pale expanse of Shinji's gut. It was riddled with angry red stretch marks. Kaworu was amazed the button hadn't already popped off: the jeans were holding on for dear life, Shinji's mammoth belly clearly straining them to the breaking pount. Kaworu smiled, and with tender care, his slender fingers undid the clasp.

"Ahhhhh," sighed Shinji in relief. His gut swelled forward, actually forcing the zipper down several notches. "Now, what was that you were saying about beignets?"

"Of course, my pet," said Kaworu. "Here you go." He handed him the confections, and Shinji resumed eating.

A solid hour passed with Shinji eating and eating and eating. At last, Kaworu appeared before him with something on a plate. "Funnel cake with fudge, Shinji-kun," he said, holding it and the fork out to him.

"Ohgm," mumbled Shinji, by now dribbling all manner of sugars and sauces and stains onto his face and onto his shirt. "Ohh, well, I liked the funnel cake with apple... and I loved the funnel cake with strawberry... I'm sure this one'll be good, too!" And he took the fork and plate from Kaworu and dug in. A dribble of fudge spattered low on his belly, staining his shirt. Shinji took a moment out of his eating to reach a finger far down the slope of his belly and swipe up most of the fudge, and stick the finger into his mouth to suck it off. Waste not, want not, was one of his mottos.

The funnel cake was devoured. Dribbles of fudge ran down Shinji's blubbery chins and oozed onto his fat boy boobs. Until finally, he finished off the last bite, popping it into his mouth. His cheeks and chins rippled as he chewed, and he swallowed dramatically.

"Ahhh," he sighed happily. He looked up.

Kaworu was standing in front of him, hands in his pockets, smiling at him.

Shinji's porcine face rippled in confusion. "Huh? Kaworu-san, where's the next one?"

"That's all, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu with a smile. "You have eaten one of every sweet treat for sale at this fair. You have tried every last thing."

"Oh," said Shinji. He drummed his dirty fingers on his stained shirt, feeling the immense fullness of his belly. His double chin sloshed back and forth as he moved his head from side to side. His triple chin emerged as he began to speak: "Well... I am feeling pretty full... but I swear I could fit a few more in here." He smacked his lips. "Maybe I can pick a few favorites and you can--"



"Huh?" Shinji blinked stupidly at the loud sound. He shifted his bulk to look around.



The bench, after holding up heroically under so much punishment, had given in at last. There was simply too much bulk, too big of a former Eva pilot, sitting on it. It cracked beneath Shinji, and with a loud WUMF!! he landed on his back amid the wreckage.

"BUUUUUAARRRRPPPP!!!!" he belched.

FRRRRTTTT!!! came the flatulence as his innards were jostled.

Kawrou smiled, and leaned over him. "Feel okay?"

"A little... oof, nauseous after my belly got jostled like that," said Shinji, tenderly touching his enormous gut. "But I'm fine."

"We shall have to find you something else to sit on, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, smiling down at him. "Something sturdier, I should think."

"Yeah, I guess." Shinji licked his lips. "I can still have a few more desserts, right? I think my belly moving like that opened up a little room."

Kaworu grinned. "Such a good boy."


Pub: 09 Sep 2024 03:30 UTC
Views: 137