''Pushing in, cover me'' Ookami Ayame sighed, as she leaned back in her gaming chair. It was one of those uneventfull friday nights, where she would Queue in Apex and play until sunrise. But of course, things never last

''UWAAAAAAAAH'' the raspy voice of her sister, Subaru, came from the across the hallway, ayame raised an eyebrow, before going back to her game
''FWAAAAAAAAAAAAA'' the duck-like scream grew louder, as Subaru came running to her room and took her hand.
''Wh-what? Shuba? what's wro-'' Ayame couldnt finish her sentence as she was yanked from the chair by her probably-half-gorilla-sister ''w-w-wait im still on game!''
''GYEEHEEEE'' Subaru kept making the strange noises as she dragged her down the hallway, finally arriving to their mother's room, where the door was slightly open, leaving a small space from where one could see inside.
Ayame stared at her sister, who instead pointed at the door, with a terrified expression.
''Listen, this better not be a joke because i have things to do'' Ayame rolled her eyes as she moved the door a bit to peek inside ''so whatever it has you like th-GYEEEEEEH''

''GUAAAAA'' answered Subaru, pointing at her, Ayame reeling back in surprise
''FWEEEEH!?!?'' She pointed at the door, subaru nodding furiosly
''GYEEEEEEEH'' they both exclamed, as they took another look into the room.
Ookami Mio, their mom, the rumored goddess of housewifes, 5 times voted ''single mother of the year'' in her workplace, was fixing her hair, in a towel, as she hummed to herself, oblivious to her daughters
Ookami Mio, nicknamed ''Christmas cake'', ''The terror of stains'' ''Everyone's mother''... Had a date
Both of the young girls scrambled across the hallway, directly into Ayame's bedroom, door slamming behind them
''MOM HAS A DATE'' Subaru screamed, finally able to form senteces
''GHEYUNBVGLUHEFUEEEE'' Ayame screamed, who had still not recovered from the shock
''I FUCKING HOPE YOU AND YOUR MOM GET RAPED'' screamed Ayame's teammate in apex, the words DEFEAT flashing on the scream as the guy cursed through the microphone

An hour later, Subaru peaked her head over the bush in their front yard, scanning the street. Aside from a drunkard, an old car parked in the driveway and a few skaters, the night was silent and serene.
''Clear'' Said Subaru as she crouched, Ayame also crouched from behind another bush, with two twigs tied to her horns
''This side is clear too'' Subaru nodded in approval, before she took her baseball bat in her hands
''Now remember,Mio is way too good for any guy in his thirties and anyone below that is possible a scammer or a psycho'' she gave the bat a few short swings ''which means we have to take this guy out before he tries to harm her''
''Got it!'' said Ayame, Flashing two knives
''Ayame! we want to maim him not kill him! that's illegal'' Ayame pouted, as she threw the knives in the floor and instead took two hammers.
Subaru nodded, satisfied.
A sudden doorbell startled both

''I thought you said it was clear!'' Ayame whispered, the person on the front door had clearly missed them
''It was! unless he came from the old car! but that was parked like half an hour ago!'' Subaru whispered back, before taking her bat and raising three fingers''
Ayamed nodded
As they prepared to jump, the man spoke, freezing them in place
''Ah! Mio! you look charming!'' He shook his head ''Ah! Mio! you look dashing!...nono, that's not it''
''What is he doing?'' whispered ayame, horrified at the display of cringe
'' I-I think he's rehearsing lines'' Subaru whispered back, equally horrified
And then it dawned on her, this man had an old car, he talked like a total bore, he was wearing decent yet boring clothes...he wasnt thirty or twenty

He was forty...

''Ayame!'' Subaru tried to drag her little sister back, triying to protect her from the inminent doom, but she was too late
The door opened, and Ookami Mio came out
''Ah! Anon! you look...dashing!'' she said, a small blush in her face
''Th-Thanks! You look beatifull too!'' he answered back, before he extended a rose to her
A rose
In this day and age
''GYAAAAA'' Subaru screamed, reeling in pure cringe as she was blasted back, poor Ayame rolling on the floor, covering her eyes
However, the two lovebirds failed to notice them, as they linked arms
''I hope my cadilac is to your liking'' he mentions, Mio giggling like a schoolgirl
''Oh my, you rebel'' She gives him a peek on the cheek.

''MY EYES, ITS ON MY EARS, EVERYTHING BURNS!'' Ayame screamed , as subaru tried to drown the cringe with two fisffulls of dirt. The lovebirds still oblivious to the girls
''Got anything in mind?'' Mio pretends to think a bit, before talking him in a sultry tone
''I know a place where we can eat dinner, drink wine and listen to jazz'' The man whistles as they walk to the car
''Dont threaten me with a nice time!''
As they make a few steps, Mio suddenly stops.
''Oh silly me! i almost forget my wallet!''
The man however, strikes a gallant pose
''That wont be necessary, im paying tonight my lady''

''THIS IS HELL!'' Screamed Subaru, at the top of her lungs, as she craddled an inconcious ayame in her arms.

Pub: 04 Jan 2023 16:42 UTC
Views: 940