Playstation Network

Online Tips

This was created because people have forgotten how to interact online. Yes it's possible surprisingly & we live in a world where people get triggered over nothing they block without reasoning & indulge themselves in their degenerative attitude because they can't interact with others. Online is like meeting in a park everyone should be courterous to others & not act like they can be a jerkoff because the person is not there in your face.

1. Friends List

The friends list is for adding people you want to be friends with! Not oh I only play this one game with this guy so he's that specific game buddy. You don't talk to that person unless you're on that game well guess what that person shouldn't be on your friends list. Online is a social interaction the friends list is not for every aquantiance you only play one game with.

People find it rude when you add them to your friends list & don't bother to talk to them unless your on that one game you played one time HELLO THAT'S YOUR FRIEND! Does this really need to be said I guess so if you're that one. Friends do things like hello, how are you, what's going on, & etc do you get it now friends list is for FRIENDS!

2. Appearing Offline 24/7

Did you know you're an asshole if you do this? Seriously who are you scared of on your friends list that you're hiding from them. If you're hiding from someone of course you are that's why you're appearing offline you should delete them. This means your most likely the person that is the type of reason why tip number 1 was made.

Friends list is for friends you do not hide from your friends. Get on your big boy pants & confront the people you're hiding from. Nobody should have to go past their online list looking for the one jerkoff who appears offline 24/7 wasting peoples time.

3. Playtime is Playtime

Everyone works, lives, & has something to do understand that? Good you now comprehend what you do is not above anyone else. When you & someone make a play time to play theres an expectency to be there & to spend some time.

If you schedule a time get on & then in 10 minutes of playing be like hey I got to go cook for my wife or I gotta go do this or that congratulations you're an asshole! It's a great way to lose a friend you don't know what their life is like this may be the only time you 2 get to play together no matter how you look at it someone is making time for you. If you can't acknowledge that & easily dismiss them because you live with people who just barge in whenever & demand you do stuff like a slave that you are then you have no respect & deserve none.

Mannerisms are the definition of your character & dismissing someone who made time for you is a negative act which we call a dick move. You need to learn time management & control your life people shouldn't be barging in demanding you do something then you have to cut the person who made time for you that you won't give 5 mins to them. If you go & blame the person barging in you're just making an excuse it's your responsibility to tell the people in your household to wait because you made a commitment to an arrangement.

4. Play Don't Hesitate!

If you like to just loiter around sit in town or spend 45 mins in a stash box pandering this ones for you! Sort your stuff out when your alone if you need to switch gear for a current activity have it ready to swap. People don't want or have time to wait all day for you & if you're a chatterbox who can't walk & chew gum then shut up & get ready. Your together to play together not wait together or loiter in town like your 2 homies on the block.

Build Talk

We all want to share & explain builds when we want to show someone how it works. It's common sense to explain everything with ingame relevence. What is not common knowledge is the people you learned this from. Not everyone watches YouTube, Twitch, Kick, Tiktok, Biterchue, or whereever the fuck you watch your streams.

Bad Example

Did you watch Noname's Kangeroozooie?

This does not explain what the fuck your talking about kangeroozooie is some made up shit name for a build someone likes doing. So if you're the one going are you doing the Kangeroozooie? I hope you know everyones staring at you like wtf did you
just say.

Correct Response

Did you watch this build guide on minions?

Everyone knows it's game related, you're talking about a minion build guide, & you don't look or sound like some creepy loser who is addicted to watching people & imitating their acts becauze you lack personality that you have to be like them.

Edit Report
Pub: 27 Jan 2024 03:29 UTC
Edit: 12 May 2024 15:21 UTC
Views: 48