Then, I dressed up with the cum-soaked wet rags and sneaked out of the school.

My mind, barely coping with what was going on, shut down and I didn’t even feel the cold bite into my skin. It was all my body’s doing then, and I thought no plans, just following what I felt was right.

It was already night, and I felt I needed an alibi.

Barely thinking, I threw my purse away, reciting the words I was going to say to my mom, again and again and again. Like a mantra my body wanted my broken mind to remember.

And I reached home, limping with my cracked ankle; my tears had already dried away, my dress was looking scrapped and muddy, with my arms hugging myself as if I had no one else to do the hugging for me.

"What the hell, Amelia! Young lady, I swear I am going to ground you if you had ditched school and had…—" Mom yelled, as she opened the door.

Silence permeated for a second, before she grabbed me in a hug, whispering, "Oh god, what happened? Baby, what happened to you?"

I recited. "It’s nothing, mom. I got robbed, and tried to chase him down. He was slippery and without knowing I had run to the abandoned part of the town, and I didn’t know where I was anymore. I wandered around, looking for the way out, and fell down a ditch, broke my ankle… But, other than that, yeah, I am fine."

It seemed to appease her. She brought me in, helped me redress, gave me a hot coca, and consoled me that I was safe and that was all that mattered. She nursed my broken ankle, but the pain… it was nowhere near enough to make me scream.

She was…concerned… but she tucked me in with a kiss to my cheek, saying that we could go to the hospital tomorrow.

The darkness of my room surrounded me.

I was happy she had brought the lie.

No mother should see what her baby girl went through…

… I wanted to die for certain, but decided in the dead of night that I should not die when mom was home…

So, I waited, locking myself in my room, waiting out the weekend.

I went back to school the next Monday, not having the will to commit myself to death during the weekend.

Aaron was there, waiting, and as he spoke with a grin, I never replied. He eventually gave up, moving on to leave me alone and hang out with his friends. As I saw some of his buddies grin at me, I knew they were the ones who destroyed me.

I never confronted them.

I never said anything to anyone.

When my friends asked me why I was silent and why I was limping around, I never replied.

This continued for a week, the whole way my pussy ached and bled sometimes. I had to mask it as if I was having a tough period, but other than that, I was looking for my time to die… which never came.

After a few days, Lindsay, my childhood friend who had drifted away from me since kindergarten, came to me and said that she saw Aaron cheat with a freshman. I brushed her off.

I felt heavy knowing Aaron had moved onto other girls, while my life was going to end.

And I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of successfully destroying a girl, so badly, but, I actually wasn’t out of the woods, still thinking of ways to kill myself and waiting for the time.


The next week, three girls came to school with the same symptoms I had. I knew it instantly, from what I saw in a fleeting glance, after looking just like what they looked for a whole week.

I realized they might be just having a bad day, or might it have been something else, or they might just be on their period.

But, my gut screamed that something was wrong.

It was the last straw I needed.

I should never let this go, if my suspicions were true. Wanting to confirm, I ditched class again, and tried to approach them, with no fruition.

After knowing they won’t reply to me, even talk to me, later that day I asked Lindsay to help me. And she agreed surprisingly without even asking what the problem was. With Lindsay there, they seemed to be much more at ease, maybe it was just her cheerful personality or the fact that she was the volleyball team’s captain and the whole school knew her. Even if I was a tennis star, I knew that most saw me as a cold bitch, who followed Aaron around like a pup.

When I talked with them, they were still reluctant about it, not revealing any details. They didn’t even try to cover it up with excuses. They just… didn’t say anything to all my questions.

I was certain of my suspicions after a few minutes of trying.

And then I said what happened to me.

Almost instantly, with their hands covering their faces, they broke down and cried, leaning on each other… saying that they both tried to save their friend— the girl in the middle of them both with her hair disheveled, her eyes… vacant— from Aaron. They said they rushed in as soon as they had gotten a message for help with just the words, "Shower. Help."

They said that they regretted not calling the police, and regretted rushing in.

… They had gotten stuck in the showers, just like me, and he punished all three the same way he punished me.

Furious, I went straight to the headmaster, with Lindsay following shell-shocked behind me, and I spewed everything.

Cops came, investigated it. Doctors came, tested us. Eventually, one of his friends confessed. And Aaron himself then agreed.

His testimony was, "Yes, I did it. I regret it. after a moment of tense silence No, I don’t regret what I did, but I regret that I failed to break her. I regret that I let her live. She should be dead! Under the ground! ENDED! DEAD! I REGRET THAT I FAILED." There was chaos after that, utter chaos. Aaron was arrested, eventually was put into asylum for mental disorders.

My life changed forever, everything falling apart and turning different.



"I changed for the better or for worse after it. The school nurse suggested that we should meet up with a counselor, and the lady I met… she helped me through the toughest times of my life. She changed the way I looked at the world. She changed me, and I never wanted to see anyone go through what I did. That’s why I wanted to become the best psychologist the world has seen. I wanted to change people."

Taking a deep breath, I added, tears welling up, "That’s why we took medicine…"

My inner-self stayed silent the whole way through our memories.

"I said everything I needed to… Yes, I always thought that you were a pain in my ass; and wanted to lock you away. But, I never will know… the reality of my condition… and I never will know what you went through to become what you are. All I know is you are here. You are here, like the sister I never had… You…" Gulping down my sobs, tears falling free, I added in a whisper, "And I will never destroy you. I love you, Mi."

Going silent, we both stayed that way as sleep claimed me.

I knew today was the last night I was going to be normal. I knew tomorrow everything would change, for the better or for worse, but I tried everything I could in this situation.

I did.



Ending #1: Submitting to my Inner Slut:

<span class="underline">Amelia

As it came out, the man held the fingers out to me, "Lick," he commanded.

I saw that it indeed was covered liberally with his cum and my girl juice.

Color flooded my cheeks adding to my blush, but I obeyed nevertheless. It was murky… not quite the taste I wanted it to be. Not how I dreamed it would be.

Two more fingers entered my pussy, twisting and turning slowly as it went inside, and I moaned aloud. Three fingers then.

It split me open, and I relished the pain.

I wanted to speak and encourage for him to put more inside me, but I was servicing someone else with my mouth. My hands were free to do what they wanted, but all I wanted to do was to rub my rising mounds, rub my breasts raw till it bled from pleasure.

As if the man knew what I wanted without me asking, he inserted a fourth finger, and release burst out from my pussy. It squirted my pleasure everywhere, and I heard the laughs around me. I slowly licked up the shaft, and let it fall out of my mouth.

I just grinned, "Is that all you can do?"

"Oh girl. You are going to love this world so much hereafter." Was his reply.

I took back the shaft, deep throating it in whole stroke. He groaned, and his buddies laughed at him, "Don’t pop to a new slut, mate."

And it was a challenge for me.

Cum, from so many of these gangsters, slid out of me. I knew I was not in danger, as I knew I was in the safe part of the month, but I wanted to bear children.

… The thoughts of bearing an unknown man’s child… like a true slut would… It sent me into frenzy. I motioned to my pussy with my hands, sending a message that I still wanted to be fucked. They obliged with another laugh, even though a small brawl had broken out from whose turn it was.

Hours had rolled in, from the moment I woke up and said to the man guarding me to open the door and fuck me.


But, it wasn’t enough to sate me. I wanted more. I wanted more. I will get more.

‘Please, just let me leave… let me fade…’ I heard a faint plea in my mind, but I didn’t want to let my pet leave. I didn’t want to let my other fragment vanish away.

I did want her to suffer for all the days she had locked me in.

I promised to her that I will let her out sometimes. As a dog in my leash.

But, no more than that.

She was not me.

I was Amelia.

Not her.



<span class="underline">Chris

"She is a good catch," Hugo boomed as he raised his beer into the sky in a toast, "Another job successfully done."

I stayed silent, the rest of the crowd cheering on with a bunch of hurrahs; their yells melting in with the loud song blaring in the pub. The night was ill, and even through my coat— which always kept me warm— I felt the cold.

Something was nagging me… and I was not satisfied with what we had done today.

"Yo, what’s the matter, man?" Hugo whispered, as the rest of the gang continued yelling and goofing around.

"Buddy, I just don’t feel that good. Don’t worry."

"I know you, man. We have done these things so many times. You have slit so many throats that I even lost count of it. You are not having the newbie’s syndrome. So, there is something. What’s that? Wanna talk about it?"

I lowered my head, "I don’t know, really. I just don’t like what we are doing to that girl. I don’t like that she had been broken in."

"Wait… wait… this is different," Hugo muttered and turned around, getting up from the table.

"What is?"

"Follow me; I need to show you something." He yelled, and strode off into the crowd, vanishing quickly.

Sighing, I breathed a ‘be right back’ to my mates and started my slow trudge toward Hugo. After a few ear-muffling seconds of walking through the sea of dancing bodies, I found him at the exit. I followed him out.

He looked up and pointed at the sky, staying like that for whole ten seconds.

For a few moments after that, I thought that maybe he was going to say a philosophical thought or give me advice, but he just said, "There is nothing there." He laughed.

It bought a few chuckles out of me, and Hugo grinned.

"You know Nina, right?" He turned his back to me, looking back up at the sky, "She actually was supposed to be our target. We were supposed to kill her when we found her. We had all taken the step, so stopping her breath wasn’t supposed to be that hard for me…"

I walked next to him, standing beside him as we watched the sky.

"When we were there and caught ahold of her… I just saw something, man… I still would have gone through with it, yes." He sighed, his breath heavy, "But when the time was there and you asked me what the contact wanted us to do with the girl, I lied that we were supposed to take her captive, I don’t know why. It seemed like a chance, like fate knew I chose wrong and gave me a second chance to re-choose what I wanted to do with her."

He turned around to face me. I faced his eyes.

"It was different. Felt weird. I couldn’t sleep that night after locking her in the room. I would list out all the fucking emotions that passed through me that night, but it was all horse shit confusing. The next day, it didn’t matter that I took an oath to you all. I did what I should. Killed the contact. Made sure that the contract never even existed by pulling in a few favors. Just like that, I made sure that her mission was nothing but wrong information. And I finally felt as if I had made the right choice," A deep sigh,

"That’s why you guys were so confused about the payment and finally decided to let her go."

"… And I took her to my house, now we are where we are. She takes comfort in the fact that she has something to live for. And I take comfort in her. A weird power-relationship formed between us, and… life’s good, man."

"I don’t know what you are coming onto here." I said as a matter of fact. I didn’t care that he had did that, but I wanted so badly to know what and how it relates to me.

"I think… she’s your Nina."


"I think you might be feeling what I had felt that night."

His lines sent my thoughts spiraling away, and I pulled my hands into my coat pockets, walking away from him.

Into the night.




Ending #2: Cohabiting with my Inner Slut:

<span class="underline">Amelia

I woke up to knocks on the wall. Rubbing my face and my blurred eyes, I looked up.

"Wake-y wake up, slut."

Ugh. It was the same guy from before.

I hated him.

I banged my hand against my door, growling with my parched voice, "I am not a slut."

"Yes, you are. You are not a doctor. You are just a public slut." He sing-sung from the other side.

"I love what you are trying, I really do, but I am a doctor and I am a slut. You can’t separate us." Singing back, my inner-self broke out of me without warning and giggled at the dude.

… Wait…

Shocked by her words, I stared blankly at the door, wondering if she had decided.

"Yeah, sister. I have decided. " She whispered. I heard a bang from the other side, breaking me from shock.

"What the fuck! This was not supposed to happen."

Almost instantly, the guy from the other side ran out, his footsteps muffled and vanishing in seconds. I couldn’t help the laugh bubbling out of me. I leaned my head against the door, unable to believe this.

"You thought I would betray you!?" She said, and I could feel that she was pouting.

Laughing bitterly, I shook my head in a no.

"And I have conditions too! Don’t think I left loopholes." She yelled.

"One, I need Lindsay, period."

"Umm… what?" I asked, coughing, confused from her request.

"She is so darn cute, baby. Stop trying to push her away. I want her to be mine."


Oh my god, what does she mean by that?

What does she want with that request?

"Don’t interrupt me!" She said, stopping my thoughts in tracks, "Next thing is, we need to have free reign. Though we’d have free reign when we are in control, we need to consult each other before doing big thingies. And don’t you dare stop me from flirting with others, ‘kay? That’s my second condition."

"Third one is…" She continued, "I will never betray you… Nor should you betray me…"

Nodding slightly in agreement, I leaned back onto the wall.

Few minutes passed in silence.

I had no other way out, and I was happy even though some of the conditions scared me. Taking a deep breath seemed to calm me down.


It was a deal with me, with my inner-slut, with my split personality.

And I needed to uphold it, but yeah, I promise now that I will keep my word.

She squealed, "Deal!" going silent after that, her happiness pouring through our shared mind. Curling my legs, I started wondering if I had gotten lucky. I was so afraid that even though I tried my best to communicate with my inner-slut she’d lock me away like I did her every day.

I was glad this was her decision.

I should never have doubted her.

After all, she’s a fragment of me, wasn’t she?

Even if she somehow seemed to be sentient, she still was me.

"Okay, now let’s focus on breaking free of that old hag, shall we?" My inner-self said, "Oh god, how I wish we could be a public slut for more time… but I don’t want to be under that hag. We have to escape."

"You won’t… ask to be… in this position again… will you?" I gulped, from the emotions her sentence instigated inside me.

I mean, we did make a deal, but damn, I never want to suffer like this, ever again.

"Its fine giggle. Let us hash that out later." She replied. And I nervously fidgeted, feeling uncomfortable. For god’s sake, that reply terrified me more than a yes would have terrified me.

For now, I would have to stay put and wait for the right opportunity. Now that I know my inner-self wouldn’t turn against me, I could rest and wait patiently, as long as that old hag Agatha didn’t have other plans to try and break me.


<span class="underline">Lindsay

"Stop the car."

My whisper was nothing more than a fleeting word on the wind. Trevor was breathing in rapid succession; his eyes were glazed as we both took in the place where her car had stopped.

An old building standing in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by a huge forest line in a circle, as if they had planned something big here but had abandoned as soon as they built this solidarity small stall. This was where that Dr. Agatha had stopped for a minute before pulling it out of the place. Like she just wanted to come here to look at something.

She hadn’t seen us behind this crowded tree line.

"Jesus…" Trevor breathed, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I need to… find…" I couldn’t bring myself to say her name to Trevor. I needed to confirm if Amy was here. I needed to. I had to. I needed to confirm.

I nodded toward the tree line to the side, which was connected to the road, "Slowly move over there and stay silent. Don’t turn any light on, and don’t even think of revving the engine."

He nodded, his eyes still holding fear, his breaths still coming way too fast to be considered normal.

My arm twitched up, and I let it go upward to his cheek.

"Don’t go into hyperventilation. You know the treatments and measures. Do it. Stay out of sight. And book it out of here, if it comes to that." Fingers glided across his cheek, which turned pink instantly under my hand, "I am here, don’t be afraid."

He nodded his head once, and then again.

I slipped out, not bothering to look back as my attention fully snapped towards the building. I slowly circled it in the cover of darkness. Slowly looked around for any trace of bad people. I found nothing of importance though.

A black wooden door seemed like the only door in and out of the place. A high ledge was draped above the door, and it seemed to be my only chance of getting in. I couldn’t possibly walk in through the front door, see if Amy is in there, and come out unscathed, can I?

It was high above though…

Squaring my shoulders, I took a deep breath.

I was not the sport’s team captain in my high school for nothing.

I jumped up, my muscles tensing up as if I was going to deliver a motherfucking spike to the opposite team. Grabbing the ledge, I slowly upended myself over to look above, my core tight with the stress I was putting on it.

And with precision I landed.


My head slowly surveyed the roof. A door was the only one I found on the roof, nothing else except a few bottles thrown here and there. And I tried it.

It was locked.


Looking above, I closed my eyes, running through the outer structure of the building.

Oh yeah, I had found windows lined on the other side. That’d help.

Restroom, this was the restroom of whatever build they were preparing to do. That could help.

I needed to confirm.

I needed to look inside.

I looked for threats. Nothing much moved in the darkness. I slowly got over the railing and landed on the little ledge lining above the window. With a deep breath, I braced myself. And hung my head upside down. My muscles and my head protesting against this movement, I felt nausea. Concrete pressed into my stomach as I leaned further down.

Right to the level of the window.

And through the middle window, upon which I was standing, as if fate had heard my screams, as if a supernatural power had known that I couldn’t stand this anymore, my eyes landed on her.

I saw her.


Inside a goddamn filthy restroom stall.

Her hair was covering her face. Her naked body was covered with dirt and goo. One of her arm was cuffed to a nearby steel pipe, and she was just sitting still with her ankles tucked under her. Her body shook with the cold, or from a sob, and it threw my mind back into my body.

I threw myself back, over the ledge and landed onto the grass.

Trevor’s eyes landed on me, his face concerned from distance. My eyes should have portrayed fear, utter fear, since he made a move to step out of the vehicle. To move towards me.

I brought my hand up. In a cell phone sign, and mouthed the word, "Cops."

And he understood.



Sirens blared everywhere.

It was chaotic.

Beautiful in a way.

The blue and red swirling around the tree line, it was as if light had come to save us from darkness. As if it was here to relieve me of my suffering. I waited beside the policemen, ready to swarm the building.

Doors before me burst open.


Someone fell to the floor, a knife in his hand, his throat slit off. Nausea rolled off from me, but I jumped over his body to run towards the stall.

"MISS!" One of the police yelled too loud that it resounded in.

I didn’t hear his warning. I didn’t care if someone was going to ambush me. I didn’t care if I was going straight to my death.

I jumped for the door, my eyes locked on that, and unlocked that latch… that damned cell latch… and threw open it. The sound of the door clashing rang with a solid clang.

Time seemed to stop.

Everything around us seemed to freeze up, as our eyes locked. Her eyes, which always were filled with sparkles whenever I gazed into them, were just hard. Hard like a stone. For a few milliseconds, she looked at me as if she didn’t… remember me. It lasted so long that I thought that she forgot me…

Then, recognition passed through them.

"Lind—say…?" Her voice was a bitter murmur, my name spelled out into syllables.

Tears bubbled up in those depths, "Lin…" she whispered, before I fell to my knees before her and took her in my arms. She hugged me back with her free arm, saying my name again and again.

Again and again.

"Oh." I heard someone from behind me.

Letting my arms fall apart, I removed my coat and covered Mi with it. She gladly pulled back to look at my face, as if she still couldn’t believe that I am here. Her face, her body, her hair… they were all covered with dirt and white stuff. My white doctor coat was so in contrast with her skin.

God, what happened to her?

"Lin…" Amelia nuzzled her head to me, one of her hands still cuffed to that pipe. Her free hand was around me, holding onto me tight.

Her face turned towards me, as I still stared at the far wall, seething silently in pain to look at her like this… to look at the pitiful state she was in…

Her lips brushed my cheek, and then as her hand turned my head to lock her lips with mine, heat flooded from me.

I was shocked.


"Thank you…" was all she whispered, before I was whisked off from her so that the cops could actually free her.


"Oh." Trevor’s whisper made me look up from the place where I was standing for minutes now, up to the entrance of the building where cops were rushing out of. He was standing beside me, and had his arms crossed in front of him with his eyes focused on the door I came from, on the parade going and coming through it.

My dress was covered in dirt… in filth…

If just one hug from her could soil my dress, how much she should have been covered with to make this happen.

How much did she suffer in there?

Amelia was brought out of the prison… out of that damned restroom building… out of hell, but her face had this smile as she said, "No, no. I don’t want to be wheeled out."

Before I could fucking run over and scold her to obey the medics, just like that man was about to do, she said with a sultry smile, "You can carry me if you want. I promise to keep my hands to myself, handsome."

The laughs around her were… strained. But, nevertheless, they obliged her, and she was carried to the ambulance.

Amelia had flirted. And she never liked to do so.

What had changed, I didn’t know.

Something had.

I still felt her lips caressing the skin on my cheek, and the path her rosy lips took to reach mine was aching with a burn. I traced the path from my cheek to flick my bottom lip with my finger. The path she had burned into my memory. My Amy’s first kiss with me.

Something had definitely changed.

I had her back though, I had saved her, and it was all I wanted.

All that my heart wanted.

All I looked up to the heavens for.

And I had done it.




Inner-slut series will branch of into bright side (BS) and dark side (DS) from now.

~ Dark side will focus on the journey of a slut, of her new found whoredom. And how the relationship with Chris evolves.

~ Bright side, it will focus on Lindsay and Amelia, and what challenges await them. And what will occur between them as Amy becomes split.



Hey, this is Bright&DarkSides.

Did you give me a rating!? Please do… or not. It won’t do anything to stop me. But, it definitely would push me to write more.

This is just my first erotic series. I know I need to polish my writing skills, and I will.

Comments are welcome.

You would be surprised to know how twisted one’s mind can be, and anything can be made a reality with good writing, and I will try my best with words to make the stories in my mind come true.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

Pub: 22 Feb 2024 00:57 UTC
Views: 852