Agriculture in /haha/
In the North
Due to it's mostly subarctic climate, growing crops is substantially difficult in almost all of its soil. Northern cities like Eldslott and Rjukan, which have more acceptable temperatures and are more fertile for agriculture, are the country's largest grain producers. Crops like oats, carrots, cabbages, kale and wheat are common harvested crops in modern four-field systems. Apples are luxurious fruit that are only harvested in those cities. Fodder and grazing crops are planted to increase efficiency.
In the drier, colder lands of the north, farms do not have the luxury of agricultural modernization, thus crops like carrots, potatoes, wheat, turnips, beet, celery, berries and fodder grains are largely produced and play a major role into their cultural cuisine.
Potatoes and bread being eaten by an upper middle class family
In the South
The south is similar from the north, besides from having a bigger inhospitable land. One major factor that differentiates them from the rest of the country is its familiarity to the Republique de la Rose, where both nations have established an unofficial trade route between connected aristocrats of which fig, oranges, grapes, olives, wine and flowers are traded in exchange for yak butter, cheese, eggs and small livestock.
Sun Walkers producing wine for the Kingdom of Selenium. In the end, a dragoon is experimenting it's quality.