Below you'll find a list of filters that should block the majority of schizo shit. This will be updated from time to time, but i'll announce when I do that. Lots of regex has been used, so it looks like gibberish. If anyone has any false positives/negatives or optimizations let me know. One of these days I'll include some other useful info or announcements, but that day's not today.

Assuming you have 4chanX already downloaded, click on the settings icon, filters, and switch to general. Copy and paste exactly what is in the text file into it.

A new "feature" has been added, where certain filtered posts are completely removed from view. I've taken good care to only include this feature on filters that I feel with have near 0 false positives. To (you), it will look like said posts were never posted.
Optional/experimental filters have been removed. 4chanX was behaving weird with them commented out, so they are no longer included. You can find them manually in the previous version linked below, and add them as you wish.

Version 7.3

Backup version with optionals:

Pub: 24 May 2023 15:42 UTC
Edit: 15 Aug 2024 23:02 UTC
Views: 390