Lev but smaller before u interact . . . gif of a black skull divider

dni basic freak criteria (homophobic, transphobic, racist, proship). dont reach out to me just to be weird i guess. under 18/minors.

byi - i'm pretty big on not interacting with minors because i draw porn and talk about yaoi a lot i love men - if you think jokes about shit and cum aren't funny thats like my entire humor

about me byi - i have photosensitivity so I need things like flashing lights / intense eyestrain tagged - i also have dyslexia so i have trouble reading posts as well as spelling + writting - i currate my online experience so if i muted you or unfollowed no hard feelings every character i love is trans

home # interests # links

blinkee blinkee blinkee blinkee blinkee blinkee blinkee

Pub: 14 Aug 2023 01:15 UTC
Edit: 01 Jan 2024 20:16 UTC
Views: 559