Sherah and the Saplings: Sports, food, and Hoomans

It has been about 3 weeks since the Risuners first arrived. Most of the group were in the Hooman camp waiting for the Sapilng effect to go away before entering back into the woods. By now the Saplings have gotten used to the sigh of the squirrel people and have begun to accept a few of their practices. Despite the similarities in lifestyle, the Risuners were slightly more advanced in technology. And even though they were not being nearly as advanced and civilized as the nearby Hoomans, Risuners were much more willing to trade their metal tools and even teach them how to use them. Some Saplings were already used to using metal tools but they were few in number, so it was nice to get more.

Sports, instruments, and games were easy but things related to food was a bit more of a challenge. Both people lived in very different climates and thus had different sources of food. Although the cooking methods were mostly the same, the food was something that Risuners had to adjust to as well as the temperature.

As the month got closer to being over, Hamdani was met with a proposal from the Hoomans. While Sherah was overseeing the exchange and helping out wherever she could with the Saplings, Hamdani sat down to meet with the person in charge of the Hooman camp. Her name was Brialka and she saw the opportunity that was right in front of her. A large group of people actively going in and out of their territory and actively learning about them was perfect.

"So let me explain this to you Risuner. We border these people and have done research for centuries. We of course have our own nation to maintain but we most likely know more about them than even you do. Which is exactly why I have brought you here."
"Saplings are able to move around their trees and open up and block trade routes at will. All it takes is one asshole to ruin an entire route and sometimes they just seemingly come and go without incident. Therefore, our maps tend to go out of date pretty quickly depending on how invested we are."

Hamdani knew the feeling of one guy ruining a whole effort all too well, recalling the first expedition where she had to chop off a Risuners dick for getting too aggressive with a single Sapling years ago.

"So you want us to keep your maps updated and tell you guys about anything you might not know already?"

"Basically yes. I am sure you have seen at least one of our convoys going in there and I don't need anyone getting lost. We both know what happens when someone stays in that forest for too long. I think its a fair deal considering we have allowed you to use our facilities as a resting point for free for the past 3 weeks now. If you provide some knowledge we do not yet know of, I might even be inclined to pay you a bit. You could even use it to further improve your seemingly already good relations with them."

Recalling the initial plans for the expedition, Hamdani remembers Sherah's original plans of 9 Pinisi and a permanent settlement on the Sapling coast. Instead they used 3 foreign ships and landed in Hooman territory. She knew the Hoomans wanted to keep an eye on them but also that Sherah did not care. They had no ill intentions aside from masking Sherah's identity as a witch.

"Sounds good to me. I'll ask Sherah about the notes we have taken so far and bring them back to you next time I come out and we can go from there."

The two shook hands and all was good. Hoomans would get updated maps and new information (if there was any) and Risuners could get paid a little in addition to the free use of the border camp.

Sherah was busy occupying herself with being a part of Sapling life. She had been taking notes the entire time that not only were useful to her but also to Hamdani for her meeting. More than that, she was getting excited for the beginning of the magic training. If Sycamore's words were true, then it would only be a week before her training would begin.

Pub: 19 Feb 2023 19:05 UTC
Edit: 23 Feb 2023 14:36 UTC
Views: 276