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Thread Name: /pmdt/ - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Trash General #(Insert number here)

[Insert joke] Edition!
Previous Thread: [Desuarchive link]

Welcome to /pmdt/! A thread for posting art, writing, and discussing of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Series! Especially if it's saucy~
We have a shared setting for the thread if you wish to participate in that either with writing or RP.

Beyond that feel free to just jump right in! You can start by posting art, recommending comics or fanfics, or just rolling to see what Pokémon you wake up as! If you'd like to join in the RP, the Lore Archive gives a general summary of the setting and history so far!
The TL:DR is a bunch of humans from various worlds have been sent to the PMD world and have ended up at an abandoned town in the desert and have been rebuilding it as a new home together.

>PMDT Lore Archive: https://rentry.org/pmdt_lore
>PMDT Gallery: https://mega.nz/folder/oIYQAT6D#KH5yWG8eBVs6aclQbBhEkw
>PMDT Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/uuSwxMDKDL
>PMDT General resources: https://rentry.org/pmdt-resources
>How do I start?
Set yourself up with a pokemon
Describe Your Pokemon Poll: https://tally.so/r/meEN6J (Roll using the tool bellow or just pick your own)
Roll for New Body: https://randompokemon.com
Bellow are the results for the ones weve had so far
Poll Results: https://airtable.com/appIaP91BKPBAJrBB/shr5Ubx6uYuIRjyIL/tblYzuPD1GEXJo5Jc

Tell us about your pokemon and how they ended up at Oasis and come say hi, the Cafe is always open and a great place in town to meet other pokemon, where you go from there is up to you.
Grab a quest from the Job Board: https://rentry.org/2hinxv2w
Get to know the locals: https://rentry.org/pmdt-masterbin

Please avoid discussing drama from /vp/ or /pmdg/. /pmdt/ is it's own thing.
Lastly since anons are from various timezones and have different schedules there can sometimes be a while between RP responses. Please be patient and dont forget you can always post art while you wait!
Edit Report
Pub: 02 Jul 2024 12:26 UTC
Edit: 29 Dec 2024 14:05 UTC
Views: 636