——⠀ ⠀moroi⠀
he/it 15yo
gfluid(dpns on pfp)⠀bisexual
china malaysian

byf i try to be very friendly but i block sometimes, but i try not starting any drama. im VERY active, usually inactive in the mornings (malaysia times idk), besides that i'm free to hangout !!! i keep my CLOSEST friends in the loop on everything i do and everyone i talk to WITH screenshots ! i'm also defensive of all my interests, including special interests and hyperfixes. this also includes characters i love.. (i've also been a furry since 2017 ive had to add this here instead of just having it in my extra info because ive had some HATERS talk to me like pls DNI!!)

i'm a HUGE music fan of lots of varying and different genres ! heres my big three: jazz rap, soft rock & hyperpop/electronic sounds. i listen to these artists;; ariana grande, billie eilish, bjork, jay marie, audrey no, tierpark, faye wong, wanting, mac miller, yel & more (this is just what im currently listening to i love so much more

anyways dni time -13, basic dni criteria, zoophiles, diaperfurs, pedophiles, racists, trump supporters lmao, um i may block if youre just off to me or if we had drama

big fan of minecraft, yaoi, cookie run kingdom, forsaken, pj:eg & cool rentries these daysss.. (name hoard)

——⠀ ⠀extra info

Pub: 20 Jun 2023 22:59 UTC
Edit: 03 Mar 2025 02:37 UTC
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