
Before You Interact Fuuki often "speaks" in "third person", alongside "speaking like" how kanata speaks in "game dialogue"♪ Fuuki is "slow", but shi doesn't "require" any "tone tags"! Fuuki used to "struggle" with severe "social anxiety", but sea became "better", so apologies if Fuuki sounds "awkward" sometimes♪ "Tweets" are usually in "english" or "japanese"! Please treat me "nicely"! (﹡ˆ﹀ˆ﹡)♡
Do Not Interact Aside from the "basic dni", Fuuki does not have a "dni list"~♪ As long as they are "respectful", anyone is "free to interact" with fuuki♡

Pub: 29 Jun 2024 05:47 UTC
Edit: 07 Jul 2024 02:40 UTC
Views: 170