Stalker, Shadow of Chernobun

Anon has spent his summer browsing a Hungarian Line-dancing BBS for a bit too long
As a result, he developed a fear of rabbits
They're so cute, so surely they must have ulterior motives
Good thing Anon isn't a furry or else he might be taken in by them!
So when his rabbit co-worker asks him out, he accepts
He might as well, since he'll just get disappeared if he refuses
A week later anon is preparing for his date
He's researched dozens of date-rape drugs and how to notice them
He's memorized the area around the restaurant they agreed to meet at
Most of all, he stalked her online to see what sort of places she frequented
She seems completely mundane, even kind of attractive...
But anon knows those are the most dangerous kind!
Finally he meets her at their date-spot
He picked a nice place so that the waiters would pay more attention to him in case something was up
He also ordered and handled the bill so that he could be 100% sure of what he's getting
The drinks she ordered all came up negative
So what sort of drug did she slip him?
His face was flushed, and his heart was racing
He barely drank anything but felt like his stomach was doing flips
She barely had to say anything to get him to come home with her
The night of sex was rough, and passionate
Whatever she had given him made him more animalistic
It unlocked a primal side of him that she was all too delighted to see
The next morning, they sheepishly said their goodbyes
But anon needed to know what she had done to him!
He set up a second date, this time at a pub he liked
She really enjoyed the atmosphere and he enjoyed dancing with her
So much so that he never noticed her spike his drink again
He was dragged off to the bathroom, where she spent a half hour digging her claws into his back while he did his best to hump her through the walls
When they were kicked out, the drugs made Anon's mouth suggest crashing at his place
His place where he was familiar with everything
His place where he at least had condoms
His place, where she straddled him on the couch and rode him through a whirlwind of orgasmic delight
Anon woke up the next day with his rabbit stalker hanging onto his chest
He knew it was the aphrodisiacs talking, but her sleeping face was adorable
Sadly for her, they had to go their separate ways again
Anon still got no progress on this new mystery drug! He had to go to her place and see it himself!
Anon asked her out again, this time for something more relaxed
He remembered that she had one of those streaming services, so maybe they could chill at her place
She agreed after a bit of adorable fluffling up
Her place was in the nicer part of town
Just the sort of cover that he'd expect such a skilled rapist to use!
He came with snacks, some movies, a few rubbers...
And a pocket kit to test for things, of course.
As they cuddled on the couch, Anon could feel her hands creep up his thigh
And undo his fly
And grip his half-hard member through his boxers
Oh shit!
This stuff must be some sort of cream that seeps in through the skin!
Anon's loins were on fire as she jacked him off under the blanket
All the while, her eyes were shining with mischief
Oh she's good! He didn't even notice her applying it
When she snuck under the blanket to take his twitching member into her mouth, he knew he had her
He'd literally give her a taste of her own medicine
An hour later anon pulled his spent member from his rabbit stalker's throat
She was a blissed out mess, fingers still buried in her rabbit hole as he sprayed the last of his latest load across her face
Whatever she was dosing him with, it made him cum buckets every time
And yet, he STILL had no idea what that something was!

A Year later
Anon still has no idea what she did to him
But the effects seem to be permanent now
Every time he looks at her, he feels a warmth
Every time she touches him, he gets a smile on his face
Their love-making is passionate and regular
And the child they created together will be getting a sibling soon
That drug, whatever it was, all but made him a slave to rabbit pussy
But he realizes he's too far gone
She's sunk her claws too deeply into him
All he can do now is keep being the loving husband she thinks he is
And pump as many rabbit kids into her as he needs to in order to satisfy his stalker's demands
It's a sacrifice, but one he has to make in order to assure this rabid rabbit never goes after another poor man
It's his duty and he'll see it through
Till death, if need be

Pub: 19 Jun 2022 14:46 UTC
Views: 891